I recently ran a Question of the Day on airguns. The general consensus: these are not the Red Ryder rifles you’re looking for. To wit: “An Orange Park man struck by a pellet fired from a pellet rifle has died,” jacksonville.com reports. “Charles Howey, 22, of Orange Park [above right] was injured Thursday in an incident that police said happened when two friends were playing with the rifle when it went off. Howey underwent emergency surgery when the pellet lodged in his heart and was listed in critical condition Thursday. But the Sheriff’s Office said Saturday that Howey ‘was taken off life support under the authorization of his parents and medical professionals.'” Once again, a member of the mainstream media refuses to write that someone shot someone, removing the critical element of personal responsibility from firearms safety. It may be the kinder approach, but it does the public no good. And, I might add, some bad.



  1. Blaming the tool is a highly effective subliminal propaganda tactic because someone will inevitably read it and think to themselves: “Hey, that thing’s dangerous and this wouldn’t have happened if it was banned! Something should be done!”

    It’s served the statists quite well for some time now and until people wise up it’ll continue to be used.

  2. I like the “by zombies” trick for identifying passive voice, for example:

    “An Orange Park man struck by a pellet fired from a pellet rifle [by zombies] has died, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said Saturday after he was taken off life support [by zombies].”

    • I was there when it happened at Cory Barnes house. It was an accident he was putting it back up when it went off. Shot him in the chest and pounced around in his heart after it hit his lung. He was a great guy always happy and he will be missed very much. Still is to this day and that baby in the picture is his son who will never really know his dad. So all of ya’ll need to quit making fun of someone who is now gone. How dare you. 22 is way to young to leave this earth and he never deserved to die. This tragedy has caused a lot of trauma between his friends. They all had to witness him dying.

  3. Treat any weapon airgun real gun and knife with care and respect. Watch out Obama may ban air guns now LOL (joke).

  4. “Once again, a member of the mainstream media refuses to write that someone shot someone, removing the critical element of personal responsibility from firearms safety. It may be the kinder approach, but it does the public no good. And, I might add, some bad.”

    Reducing “Gun Violence” is not about violence! If it was, then personal responsibility would be part of the program. It’s about guns. Hoplophobia and victim disarmament are at the heart of gun control.

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