magnum research BFR 500 linebaugh
courtesy mfr

Huh. We always thought Magnum Research’s wheel guns were named BFR for “big frame revolver.” But based on their site graphics, the company seems to have re-christened them as the Biggest Finest Revolvers.

MR currently offers their single action big bore guns in a range of calibers from .30/30 up through .50AE and .500S&W. Now they’re adding another chambering that starts with a 5 with a new .500 Linebaugh BFR model.

They’re offering four versions in two barrel lengths and two grip options. Here’s their press release:

Magnum Research Introduces .500 Linebaugh BFR

(Pillager, MN) – Magnum Research, Inc, maker of the world renowned Desert Eagle pistol and leader in innovative firearms design and manufacturing, is proud to introduce the .500 Linebaugh BFR.

Magnum Research is pleased to bring another quality option to big bore revolver fans. The .500 Linebaugh was created in 1986 by John Linebaugh and is the largest production handgun caliber. What better pairing for Magnum Research’s “Biggest Finest Revolver” than the biggest handgun caliber? While a few companies offer the .500 Linebaugh as a full custom piece, Magnum Research is the only one to offer this caliber in a production revolver. The .500 Linebaugh has a bullet diameter of .510″ as compared to only .500″ for other .50 caliber rounds, excluding the .50 BMG.

magnum research BFR 500 linebaugh
courtesy mfr

Magnum Research’s BFR (Biggest Finest Revolver) is truly the biggest, finest revolver on the market today. Entirely manufactured in the US and like the legendary Desert Eagle pistol it is designed as a magnum from the ground up. The BFR is all stainless and has a precision grade barrel that delivers unmatched accuracy with lead or jacketed bullets. The BFR is the most powerful production single action gun made.

Max Prasac, an outdoor writer, author and big-game handgun hunter, recently had the opportunity to test a prototype. “Up until now, the .500 Linebaugh was a custom proposition only, costing thousands of dollars and long wait times,” says Prasac. “Now you can have one at a fraction of the price of a high-end custom, that will scratch your .50 caliber itch. I had the pleasure of testing the first prototype, and as I have come to expect from Magnum Research, it failed to disappoint. Leave it to Magnum Research to give big-bore revolver lovers exactly what they want!”

The .500 Linebaugh BFR is available in four configurations. The standard model with a 7.5 inch barrel (BFR500LB7) or 5.5 inch barrel (BFR500LB5) has an MSRP of $1399, and the standard model featuring Bisley grips with a 7.5 inch barrel (BFR500LB7B) or a 5.5 inch barrel (BFR500LB5B) has an MSRP of $1482. Contact your local firearms dealer to purchase today.

For more information about Kahr Firearms Group products visit,, or For press inquires contact Monica Arnold at [email protected].

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About Kahr Firearms Group:
Kahr Firearms Group, formed in 2012, includes Kahr Arms, Auto-Ordnance and Magnum Research. KFG Headquarters reside in Greeley, Pennsylvania. Kahr Arms produces small concealable handguns in .380, 9mm, .40 and .45ACP. Auto-Ordnance is the maker of the famous “Tommy Gun”, M1 Carbine and WW2 GI Model 1911. Magnum Research Inc., designer and producer of the world renowned Desert Eagle Pistol, Baby Eagle, MLR .22LR and .22Mag Rifles and BFR Revolvers. All three companies are proudly located in the USA.


    • “Needs a bigger grip for that round.”

      And a rugged, heavy pistol scope to help ‘tame’ recoil and muzzle-flip.

      Ballistically, how does .500 Linebaugh compare to .500S&W?

      • Fairly similar. Although .500 S&W Mag tends to edge out the Linebaugh in power. The .500 Linebaugh features a bullet with a .51” diameter, whereas the S&W .500 Mag is .5” in diameter. Case length of the Linebaugh is 1.4”, for the S&W 1.62”. Overall cartridge length for a Linebaugh shell with a 410 grain bullet is 1.8”, for a S&W magnum 2.05.

        With similar loadings and barrel lengths the .500 S&W Mag will outperform the .500 Linebaugh by 250-300 fps due to its greater operating pressures and higher case capacity. The Linebaugh however, can be chamber in more practical sized revolvers and doesn’t require the special features of an X Frame revolver to make recoil “bearable”. Not to say that the Linebaugh isn’t a handful for many and intolerable to others.

        John Linebaugh has several excellent articles on his cartridge worth a read:

        • …and the Linebaugh is proprietary while I can go to almost any LGS in my area and pick up .500 S&W, that is an important distinction as well.

    • Firing my Super Redhawk in .44mag, I could actually feel the muzzle-blast traveling through my teeth, front to rear…

  1. Too painful to contemplate. In the extremely unlikely circumstance where I find myself in an area where this might come in handy, I’ll get a big bore rifle instead. A .45-70 with 450 gr hard cast bullets comes to mind.

  2. Put the Ruger bisley grip on these guns,bring back the old style hammer and rework the action too shorten the hammer fall, I’ve always hated the long hammer fall of singleaction guns.

  3. I like my .475 Linebaugh made for me by Hamilton Bowen, Master Gunsmith. With a full Python like underlug and Bowen’s proprietary muzzle brake inside the barrel shroud the handgun has wonderful balance and does not feel like you are wearing an artillery piece like the .460 and .500 S&W. It has the best balance of penetration, power, weight and portability in a normal holster instead of a chest rig with straps and crap. I’ve shot or owned or sold all of them except for this new BFR and look forward to doing so.

    The main reason I went with the more expensive handgun is that is built on the only Ruger Super Redhawk frame that does not have the thick and heavy area for the scope rings… this makes for the strongest unit without the extra weight. I don’t plan on scoping this last resort handgun. Also, and this is a biggie for me, it is a double action revolver, eliminating a split second from the process of drawing and shooting something. The double action pull is smooth as glass and light though I haven’t put a trigger gauge on it. The single action pull is far to light for most everyone except for shooters with practice and trigger/finger discipline.
    Check it out at bowenclassicarms I think it is or Google Hamilton Bowen. His company makes an almost unbelievable number of quality handguns, built however you want.

  4. Biggest, Finest Revolver was the original meaning of the BFR designation. Believe it comes down through a Brit term, possibly for certain shotguns.

  5. No expert here, but that revolver (in that caliber) looks like it would be incredibly unpleasant to shoot. I’m thinking bruised hands would be a given, and a dimple mark where the front site recoils into your forehead not uncommon.

    But again, not an expert.

    • … and a dimple mark where the front site recoils into your forehead …

      Now that was funny!

      And entirely appropriate to boot!

    • You and me both!

      I had no idea that prolific TTaG commenter Governor William J. Le Petomane has been using the acronym “BFR” meaning Biggest Finest Revolver all this time.

  6. I’ve never felt that the Magnum Research guns were even close to the quality of those from Freedom Arms. MR may offer more varied caliber choices but the machining and tolerances of Freedom Arms is amazing.

    And the F never stood for “finest”…

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