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Joe Biden Gets It Wrong Again: School Shootings Don’t Happen in Home Schools With Guns

Joe Biden Gun Pose

(AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

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Poor Joe Biden. Like a broken clock, he’s seldom right and even then it mostly a coincidence. He recently tweeted about the lack of school shootings in March. The apparent Democrat nominee for the 2020 presidential race credited the CCP coronavirus for putting a stop to school shootings.

“It shouldn’t take a global pandemic shutting down schools to end school shootings,” Biden’s handlers tweeted for him, likely while Joe napped.

Aides to the former Veep, presently in a persistent state of mental decline, failed to consider that most of America’s school children are continuing their studies at home. Tens of millions of those homes have guns. Homes where children don’t suffer from “school shootings.”

They’re safe there because they’re protected by guns in homes where armed families shoot back at bad boys and girls who come to do them harm. Cue up Arlington Heights, Illinois.

And Neptune Beach, Florida.

So no, Joe, COVID-19 doesn’t protect our children from lunatics trying to kill them in schools. Tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners protect them.

But Joe Biden and his handlers somehow missed that.

The mainstream media completely ignored Biden’s tweet. But gun rights supporters piled on Luke Skywalker who took time out of his busy schedule to make the same point.

As Loesch notes, it’s not the guns that kill. It’s people.

Once more, we’re reminded of an uncomfortable truth Wayne LaPierre made famous almost ten years ago: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is good guy with a gun.”

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