Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

When conversation turns to the subject of Gaston’s creations, it seems that most people fall into one of two categories. The first are those who think that Jesus Christ (or your personal religious deity of choice) himself/herself/itself came down from heaven/paradise/whatever and bestowed the Glock design upon Gaston himself the way Moses received the ten commandments at Mt. Sinai. It’s handgun perfection.

The best gun for every person in every situation and it’s disciples wonder why anyone would want anything else. The second category of people acknowledge that the Glock is a good gun, but won’t ever buy one because of all the assclowns in category one. I always fell firmly in the latter group . . .

All kidding aside, you Glock guys can take a joke, right? Right? Anyway, Glock has its share of pretty passionate fans and more than once I’ve had someone try to give me the hard sell like a Jehovah’s Witness who needs to make their conversion quota for the month. I’ve never seen that level of enthusiasm from any other brand loyalist, although I have to admit the 1911 crowd gives them a run for their money.

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review


Partially because of this, I have studiously avoided buying a Glock-brand Glock despite the fact that I have bought Glock-inspired designs such as the Springfield XDm and the Smith & Wesson M&P. I’d always been quite comfortable with my decision to steer clear of actual Glocks. That is, until I made another attempt to find concealed carry nirvana.

Now, we all know that the perfect concealed carry gun is high capacity, chambered in a man-stopping caliber, weighs only a few ounces, is small enough to tuck into your bellybutton, but still has a large enough grip to enable a firm hold. Oh, and it has to have no recoil. If anyone ever finds a gun that meets all of these criteria, please let me know. Until then, I guess we have to live in a world of compromises. And one of the compromises I decided to make was to reconsider my opinion on Glocks

 Screen Shot 2014-02-17 at 1.34.58 PM

Concealed carry guns are always a series of tradeoffs. Capacity is usually an issue which is why the majority of guns designed for concealed carry skew in the direction of smaller calibers such as 9mm and .380. Recoil’s another problem as these guns tend to be small and light, having less mass to soak up the force of the shot. Triggers are often the bane of many CCW designs.

It would seem that double action only (DAO) triggers with long pulls tend to rule the day. One particularly egregious example of this is the trigger found on my SIG SAUER P290.  From the start of the pull to the point where the hammer releases, the trigger has to move almost a full inch.  That may not sound like much, but when you compare it to, say, the trigger on my single action only (SAO) P938, which only needs to move ¼ of an inch, it feels like a football field.

While short and clean, the problem with the SAO trigger is that it requires an external safety in order for it to be safely carried “cocked and locked.”  Some folks eschew the idea of external safeties on carry guns as simply one more thing you have to remember to disengage if you are in a gunfight when milliseconds count.

The DAO trigger found on many small frame carry guns is arguably “safer” as the trigger needs to move a lot further to discharge the gun (and the pull weight is correspondingly higher), but there’s a reason that DAO guns are largely absent from IDPA and IPSC matches – it’s more difficult to shoot quickly and accurately with them than with other types of triggers.  The Glock Safe Action trigger splits the difference – it’s not as sensitive as a SAO trigger, but sensitive enough that accurate and fast shots can be made with it (which is one reason it is the most popular gun on the IDPA circuit)


Let’s face it, a Glock is the flea-bitten mongrel that shows up to the AKC National Championship – it’s uglier than most of the others, but in a fight, it can kick the pretty-boys’ asses. Glocks are built to work while not costing a lot. Unfortunately, they end up being fairly unattractive guns. Then again, do I really care if people think my Dewalt drill is nice looking or not?  No, the important thing is getting the job done. That said, there’s a certain elegance in the minimalist approach that Glock applies to their guns but I do wish they could do something about the boxy look.


Glock has had more than three decades to refine the ergonomics of their offerings and they have pretty much got it dialed in. If you’re used to shooting any of the bigger Glocks, you’re going to feel right at home with the Glock 26. The only nit I have to pick is that the short grip of the G26 leaves my pinkie twisting in the wind. For some people, this isn’t an issue. For others (like me), it feels unnatural. Fortunately, he problem has a simple and relatively low cost solution: Pearce grip extensions.

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

This $10 part replaces the stock baseplate on the magazine and gives you some extra real estate on which to rest your pinkie.  I just wish Glock included them as an optional baseplate in the box the way Ruger does with its SR-22. Hey – if Ruger can do it with a cheap .22, why can’t Glock?

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

Grip texture is fairly aggressive. The G26 benefits from the texturing improvements that’s a feature of all of the Gen 4 guns.  With the Gen 4 line, Glock has finally followed the example of other polymer gun manufacturers and acknowledged that not every hand is exactly the same. Included with my G26 were several alternative backstraps (with and without beavertail extensions) that let me tailor my Glock to to fit my hand.

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

The magazine release button has been enlarged on the Gen 4 G26 and is easily reversible for left-handed shooters. I found the button to be easy to hit, but not so easy that I was accidentally ejecting mags. It represents a pretty decent improvement over the magazine release in the Gen 3 and earlier models.

I would be remiss in an article about any Glock if I did not address the issue of grip angle. If you’ve spent much time talking to gun people or surfing message boards, you’ve probably seen grip angle mentioned as a negative when considering GLOCKs. I’ve heard the same thing. Recently though, I came across a great article that goes into this topic in detail, explains why there’s a difference between the Glock grip angle and those of other guns such as the 1911 and what to do about. It’s worth a read.

The 26’s trigger is just about right. As I noted above, one of the reasons I bought a Glock 26 for my carry gun was that I wanted that nice, clean trigger that GLOCKs are famous for. The 26 doesn’t disappoint. There’s a bit of take-up initially, but it’s very easy to feel exactly where the trigger is going to break. It’s not as clean a break as a SAO gun, but damn close. The reset is both audible and tactile and once you pass the reset point, you can press it again for another shot with no take-up.

I’m not wild about the stock black combat sights. I get that Glock likes the minimalist look and wants to keep their various pistol lines in sync with each other feature-wise. The 26 is intended to be a defensive handgun that you carry with you and might have a need to employ in all kinds of conditions. It seems to me that night sights would be a good option. I get that tritium adds to the cost, but given this gun’s primary mission, I’d argue that it would be worth it as standard equipment.  Procuring them yourself will set you back about $90 plus installation if you need a gunsmith to do the work for you. I went with a Trijicon HD Yellow Night Sight.

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

Finally, let’s get to size and weight. At 21.7 oz. unloaded and 28.1 oz. loaded, the G26 is plenty light. My S&W 642 clocks in at 15 oz. empty, but holds only half as many rounds as the G26 and is less pleasant to shoot, even with standard .38 rounds. On the other hand, the G26 is fairly chunky. This isn’t truly a pocket pistol unless you have the pockets of a clown or a hobo.

Sure, they make a pocket holster for it (I have one), but the pistol is a bit too large to be comfortably carried that way. This is a gun that’s going to mostly be worn in some sort of waistband holster, OWB or IWB. To give you an idea, here’s a comparison to the Sig Sauer P290 (a single stack rig).

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

Shooting the G26 is a pleasure. I originally considered getting it’s .40 brother, the G27, but several people (who are serious Glock lovers) warned me away from the gun. The G26 is a very soft shooter with 9mm. The G27 is decidedly not. The fact that the gun store had three used G27s in the case seems to attest to that. On the flip side, if you buy a G27, you can get a drop-in 9mm barrel and have a dual-purpose gun. Unfortunately, you can’t go the other way with the G26.


If you search the internet, claims about the G26’s accuracy are all over the map. Some people say they can shoot the G26 better than their bigger Glocks and suggest the shorter barrel means less error induced by barrel vibration. Others claim that the G26 is pretty accurate, but not in the same league as its bigger brothers. I fall into the latter camp. I can shoot the G26 accurately enough to get the job done, but I’ll not be taking this gun to any competitions. Following standard TTAG review practices, I give you the standard seven yard target with 10 rounds of cheap FMJ:

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

I also took the opportunity to try the gun at 60′. Normally, I’d shoot the more standard 25 yards, but the range I was shooting on this time was limited to 20 yards. Once again, ten rounds of cheap FMJ:

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review

I’m not proud of this one. Three rounds missed the target completely and I was only able to put six of the ten into a ten-inch circle. Now, I know that there are very few cases where a DGU at 60′ would be considered a clean (read: legal) shoot. That said, an active shooter situation comes to mind. Granted, the likelihood of finding myself in such a situation is statistically very very small. Then again, the likelihood of being in a DGU at all is incredibly small given where I live and the places I would likely find myself. If I can’t put ten rounds out of ten in a ten-inch circle at 25 yards, then I either need to practice more (duh) or find a gun that I can shoot more accurately. I can actually shoot better than this.  Just not with this gun it seems.

Field Stripping

The Glock does a lot of things right. That does not mean it’s without its share of warts. One of the most egregious blemishes is the method by which you field strip the pistol. In the interest of full disclosure, the first two semi-automatic pistols that I owned were a Beretta 92 and a Springfield Armory XD(M). In both cases, field stripping is brain-dead simple – lock the slide back, flip a lever, release the slide and take it right off.  Many of my SIG SAUER pistols work the same way and I love this method.

The Glock on the other hand is relatively simple, but has a key difference. To strip a Glock, you pull the slide back, then press on the release tabs as the slide moves forward. Finally, you pull the trigger and the slide comes off. Simple? Yes. Safe?  Not so much.

Over the years there have been a number of incidents in which someone accidentally discharged their Glock while field stripping it. Now, I’ll admit, there’s no excuse for this. If you follow proper cleaning procedures, you drop the magazine, rack the slide back, check clear, turn your head away, then turn back and check clear a second time. Follow this procedure and you’ll never have a problem. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, people clean their guns while watching TV, drinking, or just doing something else that distracts them from task at hand. Next thing you know, someone is leaking all over the carpet.

While some people might be quick to dismiss this issue, just check out the advertising of SIG SAUER’s new P320 pistol. One thing they make a great effort to say more than once is how the P320 doesn’t require the trigger to be pulled to strip the gun.  Since this gun is being heavily marketed to the LEO community, many of whom know a thing or two about guns, something tells me that there is some dissatisfaction out there concerning Glock’s manual of arms.

When the Glock pistol first hit the market back in 1982, there weren’t a lot of alternatives to compare it to. The market for polymer guns was pretty small. H&K had the VP70 (which actually takes the title of the world’s first polymer framed handgun, beating Gaston to the market by 12 years), but other than that, the Glock was it. Glock’s take down method, while maybe not the safest in the world, was fairly simple and it worked.

The problem is that much has changed in the 34 years since the G17 first appeared. It would seem to me that as part of one of the generational revisions, Glock could alter the take down procedure to remove the necessity of a trigger pull. If they don’t, sooner or later, they will lose a lawsuit. Some bright attorney will demonstrate the more “modern” ways for polymer handguns to be field stripped and Glock will get slammed for keeping the older “unsafe” method.

For those who doubt this, I submit that you look at the history of court action against cigarette manufacturers. While they were able to forestall a loss for many years, eventually, they lost a court case and then all hell broke loose.

That said, if you can manage to keep your head in the game, the Glock field strips very easily and quickly.

Glock 26 Gen 4 Review


The out the door price for a Gen 4 G26 is about $525, give or take. Add night sights (a necessity for a CCW, if you ask me) and you’re at about $600. Not an exceptionally low price, nor is it exceptionally high. You’re getting what you paid for, plain and simple. On the plus side, Glock ships the G26 with three magazines and a mag loader. This latter addition is pretty handy as the springs in Glock mags are very firm. So aside from a holster, you pretty much have everything you need. Glock also still offers the Gen 3 G26. You save $50, but give up the larger mag release, interchangeable back straps, the more aggressive grip texture and one magazine. Whether these things are worth it to you or not is a personal decision.


After the 1911, Glocks are probably the guns with the most aftermarket options. You can change or modify just about any part of the pistol to your heart’s content. One of the strengths of the Glock is the ease with which you can accomplish a nearly full disassembly. Unlike other handguns, you don’t have to sit through a two day armorer’s class to learn how to detail strip and rebuild your gun. If you want to get really ridiculous, pair the G26 with one of Glock’s 33-round mags or, even better, a 50-round drum.


I have to admit it, the G26 has grown on me. If not for the field strip issue, I’d consider one of its big brothers to be a perfect gun for new shooters. As it currently stands, I think I’d still steer people either to the Springfield Armory XD/XD(M) or the Smith & Wesson M&P. Glocks are the Ford (or Chevy, if you swing that way) of the gun world. Out-of-the-box they come with enough to get you up and running at a fair price, even if many users will want to add options that will increase the cost.

Specifications: Glock 26 Gen4

Caliber:                 9mm (also .40 auto and .357 Sig)
Action:                   Semi-auto
Overall length:      6.49 inches
Overall width:       1.18 inches
Overall height:      5 inches
Weight:                  21.7 oz. unloaded
Sights:                    Fixed front sight dot, rear sight channel
Finish:                    Black or FDE
Capacity:               10 rounds, up to 33 rounds with extended mags
Price:                     $500 via Brownells

Ratings (out of five stars):

Style: * * * 
It’s the story of the puppy so ugly, it’s almost cute. In 1989, Glock probably had a cutting-edge appearance. By 2014, it’s become rather drab, particularly when you compare it to some of the blinged out guns sold by some manufacturers. If you consider your gun to be a fashion statement, the G26 is probably not for you.

Ergonomics: * * *  (* * * * 1/2 with Pearce grip extension and replacement sights)
For someone like me with mid-to large-sized hands, the short grip on the 26 may be an issue. The addition of the grip extension changes the whole dynamic and makes this an easy gun to shoot. I just wish the extensions were included. The black combat sights scream for replacement on a gun intended for CCW use. The alternate backstraps make customizing the grip fairly simple.

Reliability: * * * * *
Not a single failure to fire, feed, or eject no matter what sort of crap ammo I fed it. It’s a Glock and like my black Lab, it will pretty much eat everything that you throw at it. I get the feeling that I could drive my F150 over the damn thing and it would barely scratch it.

Customize This: * * * * *
Again, it’s a Glock. What else needs to be said?

Overall: * * * 
Depending on your preferences, you will likely find the G26 to be a competent concealed carry pistol. Unfortunately, the market is full of competent concealed carry pistols that miss the mark in one or more areas. The G26’s capacity is nice, but I would be willing to trade some of that for a thinner profile. A G26 in a single stack with grip extensions, proper sights, and a better take down method would be damn close to the perfect CCW gun. Out of the box, it is about a four star gun, but I knocked one off because you have to pull the trigger to take the gun down. The fact that Glock seems to be the only major manufacturer that still has this design suggests that it may be time for a change.


      • Really, has anyone had to pull the trigger to dis-assemble a glock? Do some research and see you don’t have to,instead, just make clear and move the slide back about a quarter of an inch, depress the two side levers on it and move the slide off the frame.Simple and done!I have five different models and have never “pulled the trigger” to disassemble any of mine.

        • One should not disassemble a glock while the trigger is in the forward position. If it is, then, of course, one should retract the slide to inspect and make certain the chamber is empty, then, if the chamber is empty, actuate the slide release (pushing downward with thumb) allowing the slide into the forward position. Then, finally, PULL THE TRIGGER so that it is in the rearward position.

          Now, proper field stripping and/or disassembly can proceed.

          If you got any further questions on this, just ask.

        • I agree! No need to pull the trigger “during” the field strip.
          Your method works fine. Properly clear the gun, execute one dry fire, move the slide rearward a tad, pull down the levers and move the slide off the frame. About as simple as it can get.

          As far as size, The 26 is designed to be short in height and length. If the hand requires a longer grip, then bypass the 26 and get a 19. The pierce grip extension makes the grip about the same length as a 19 grip. So the only increase in size with the 19 would be 1/2″ bbl length.

          With the 26, I keep it as small as possible and fold my little finger against the palm of my hand and let the pistol sit on it. Then the 2 fingers hold it just fine.

          Sounds like the author wants a small gun to “feel” like a large gun, and that ain’t going to happen. Yet complains that the 26 is too thick. That thickness provides more grip to hang on to and helps the 26 to have less “felt” recoil.

          A few years ago an indoor GSSF match I attended, on a 25 yard course, was won with a 26.

          Yep, the 26 is ugly. But the shooter can’t see it during a shooting session. And it shoots very well.


    • I don’t mind mine loaded with 180 grain JHPs, with all sorts of 180 grain FMJs for practice. A grip extension made all the difference for me, plus adds capacity.

      • Good review, but I would always insist a person tries a gun before they buy that model. If the range you go to does have a model for you to rent, you are going to the wrong range.

        Also, I never fire my Glock to field strip it. I do clear it, and check it. Then I safely dry fire it. From there you only need to slightly pull the slide and hit the release.

  1. **sigh**

    I was working on a review of the G26 to submit as a direct comparison to the G19. Oh well. By the way, the Glock website lists an overall length at 6.41″ for the Gen4, not 6.49″ (with the variance being in which grip you are using) and an overall height of 4.17″ not 5.” I just measured mine to confirm and I found an overall length of 6.31″ with no grip attachment and an overall height of 4.19″ with a flush fitting magazine.

    • Submit it anyway. There are several overlapping reviews on this site, all worth a read. For example, the Sig 220 and the Glock 21 have their own reviews, and a comparison article. I think they did the same with the snubbies.

  2. I just bought a Gen 3 yesterday! Sticker price of $509.99 but out the door with taxes, background check and one Pearce Grip Extension I paid about $580. Hopefully will take it to the range one night this week.

  3. Thanks for the (as usual) great review. I have a P290, which is awesome in every respect except how well I can shoot it. The long trigger has a lot to do with it. I’ve been looking at the Galloway trigger spring upgrade as a possible remedy (If anyone can offer an opinion on this, I’d appreciate it!). Since I shoot a Glock competitively, I was considering a G26, so it’s great to see some comparisons.

    One note about the rear view — the G26 is almost an inch longer than the P290, so the backplate is that much closer to the camera. I was wondering at first why the G26 slide looks so much thicker than the P290, then realized it was the perspective. The P290 slide is 0.9″ wide and the G26 slide is 1.0″.

    • I love my P290, especially how accurate it is for such a compact piece. The ONLY thing bad about it is the field stripping. That’s a bear. Have you any advice or found any tricks to make it easier, short of having a friend assist?

      • I just bought a p290 and have no issues breaking it down, almost identical breakdown to my ruger p95dc. Haven’t taken the Sig to the range yet, but that ruger shoots like a dream!

  4. Some years ago, I had a Glock 17. It was accurate, dependable, rugged, simple and reasonably priced. The only virtue it lacked was pride of ownership. I did borrow, briefly, a Glock 21 equipped with Guncrafter Industries’ .50GI conversion kit. Now THAT was fun!

  5. That was just ridiculous mentioning the takedown procedure and how it’s going to get them sued. Really now……..

    • I never considered being able to field strip a loaded gun as a “feature”. Heck, I never even considered aiming a gun at someone while I field strip it to be “ok” regardless.

    • Agreed, I think that docking it for that is kind of odd. Unless Jim’s a trial lawyer he should stick to commenting on what he knows rather than speculating about potential lawsuits.

      Sutor, ne ultra crepidam.

      The only thing that sucks about the takedown procedure are the small stock tabs that Glocks come with. In fact, the first thing I do when I get one is replace it with a trapezoid takedown lever from Bass Stacker.

    • I don’t have a glock but my semi takes down the same way and I’m pretty sure no one is at fault for a ND except the operator who apparently read just enough of the manual to see how to take it down while ignoring the big warning beforehand to unload and unchamber the damn thing first.

  6. I think the Jehovah’s Witnesses no longer go door-to-door. I heard the Watchtower had an epiphany/revelation a few years back after some criminal incidents against them.

    A couple of the Saints stopped by Sunday evening though. I guess they still do missionary work. I’ve always had a soft spot for them after growing up around them. They’re, for the most part, nice people. And prepared. And armed.

    • We had JWs at our door last year… in South Carolina of all places. They’re lucky they weren’t tarred and feathered by an angry mob.

  7. I was asked to be a Jehovah’s Witness once.
    I told them that I couldn’t. Because I didn’t see the accident.

    Terrific review.
    I do like my glocks. However, I’ve owned 3 model 21’s. none of them shot well for me.
    Not sure why.

  8. Wow! A whole star because the gun needs a trigger pull to be taken down? That’s pretty steep.

    I consider the trigger pull a plus. It keeps stupid people from recommending Glocks (e.g., if you drink alcohol while cleaning your firearms, you need to be scared; if you don’t physically check the chamber before breaking down a firearm, you need to be scared . . . etc.).

    • I agree. We need to be stressing safe handling of firearms and the 3 rules of gun safety rather than trying to focus on making idiot-proof guns. This is the same method of reasoning the anti-gunners use when they try to require things like micro stamping and storage laws.

      Can we please stop buying into all of this garbage? Following the rules of gun safety is the only sure-fire way to prevent gun negligence.

      I feel bad for new potential gun owners who will read this and think that a gun is more or less safe because of extra hoops you have to jump through to take it apart. That said, thanks Jim for the good review.

      • A Glock is a Glock is a Glock.

        Everyone has their own tastes. I like the trigger, the simplicity, the track record over time, and I like how magazines are cheaper than most competitors.

        I hate the factory sights (so much so that I add the cost of replacements as part of the “base price” as I won’t own a Glock with factory sights). I find the angle off because all my other firearms are the more traditional angle. And I find them to be a bit fat for a comfortable carry gun.

        A gen3 G26 was my first ccw, and I still own it and carry it. But I am planning on turning it into one of my business’s sample guns for students to try and replace it full time with better (for me) carry options.

    • Have to agree. If folks need to take down their gun while “watching TV or drinking”, perhaps no amount of idiot-proofing will be enough. The Executive Officer on the submarine I served on had a plaque on his door that read, “The Stupid Shall Be Punished”.

      • I usually drink a beer while cleaning my guns, it’s kind of a ritual really. The weapons are always cleared first, naturally, and there is no ammo on my cleaning table. If a beer or two makes someone too stupid to safely clean a firearm, they have no business owning firearms, or drinking for that matter.

        • “If a beer or two makes someone too stupid to safely clean a firearm, they have no business owning firearms, or drinking for that matter.” You’re right. I was following up on: “Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, people clean their guns while watching TV, drinking, or just doing something else that distracts them from task at hand.”
          If people are so distracted, for whatever reason, that they can’t unload a gun and do a chamber check before pulling the trigger, then no amount of safety features will protect them. There will always be those who stick their hands under running lawnmowers, dry their pets in the microwave, and pull triggers without doing a chamber check. And they will blame the lawnmower, microwave and gun for the “unfortunate” results. All of which goes to Jim’s point. But I don’t think manufacturers can do enough to save them all–no matter how hard they try.

      • Ooh, which boat? That was often said on my 3 boats, but no plaque. However, I often thought their should have been.

  9. I love my 26g4

    Was about to harp on you for giving it 3 stars (jumped right to the end to see rating before reviewing the article), but overall I agree.

    I don’t think style should be in the “star ratings”. Guns aren’t supposed to be pretty, and those that are usually aren’t shot.

    I’m ok with pulling the trigger to field strip the gun. If there is nothing in the chamber, why not use that time as dry fire practice? Clear gun, put in holster. Practice draw in safe direction, practice trigger control. Strip gun, clean, assemble, function check. Done.

    It’s a non-issue made into and issue.

    Absolutely 0 people worldwide clean a gun successfully with a round in the chamber.

  10. I was going to buy a Glock & had the salesman break it down, I almost puked looking at the frame with the tiny molded in inserts. Yes, I’m old & old school. I know cops trust their lives to this piece of tupperware, its just nothing I would pay good money for. Hopefully old Gaston won’t sue me.

    • That’s unfortunate. Times change. Proper application of materials and good old fashioned engineering has turned stuff from “can’t be done” to “thank you” many times.

      • My honest opinion is that Glock needed to set up a mobil machine shop to rework 19,000 (NY cop guns) I believe. I have never heard of an all metal gun that needed this kind of help. Certainly not a 1911.

        • What’s wrong with the NY Glocks, besides the state mandated craptastic trigger? I think any DAO or striker fired gun would suffer with a trigger that heavy.

        • Glock had changed the bbl lug to satisfy some gripe the NYPD had. At the same approximate time they changed something else. Don’t recall what that was. BUT….. There was a serial number range that got out with the new bbl but not the other change. Result was HP ammo hanging on the bottom of the feed ramp. I had one!

          The fix was to replace the bbl with the older style bbl. . Sadly Glock stopped mfg them when the new bbls started production.
          Therefore most of us that had one were left with a very reliable gun, if fmj were used. Not so with HP.

          FWIW: I agree that the big deal about field stripping a Glock, made no sense to me. As someone else said, drop the mag, rack the slide twice, check the chamber, point in a safe direction and pull the trigger. Just as though putting away for storage.

          Then, pull the slide rearward a tad, pull down the levers and let the slide move forward. The whole thing takes just a few seconds.

  11. I’ve owned a glock 17 for 21 years now. It was pretty much state of the art when purchased in 1993. I shot the heck out of it. I rarely touch it now.
    Many very similar designs are now available which also correct that hideous grip angle. I think the M&P (with an aftermarket trigger) and the Walther are the best of the breed available now. The Caracal showed great promise, but didn’t quite pull it off.
    We all owe glock a great deal of gratitude for bringing the polymer striker fired handgun to the masses. The glock’s impact on handgun design will persist for decades. They have now been eclipsed.

    • The HK VP70Z would have done that years earlier except for the very heavy trigger pull and lack of a promotional campaign of the proportions that Glock unleashed on the USA.

  12. I’m not a hater; I’m a lover, a lover of all things excellent; Glock 30 for CC and Sig Sauer 1911 for OC; I have the best of both worlds; but John Moses Browning was the first to see the light; All Hail, JMB.

  13. My first centerfire pistol was a Glock 31, I used it to shoot in IDPA matches. My scores were fair, and I usually ended up in the bottom half of the score sheet. I wanted a second pistol so that I could shoot two times during the same match, and I bought a USPf chambered in .45acp. My scores were noticibly higher with the HK, and the Glock slowly fell by the wayside. I guess that 1911 grip angle fit me just right. I’ve since abandoned tupperware altogether, and now only own 1911’s. I will say however, that Glock was amazingly reliable. If I absolutely needed a firearm to work everytime I pulled the trigger, it would be hard not to take another look at a Glock.

  14. I consider the Glock sub-compact frame to be too small for my ham-fisted mitts to use, but my honey loves shooting her G-26 gen 3. I prefer the compact frames for carry (plus the added capacity they offer).

    Don’t think for a minute that I wouldn’t carry something different if it better fit my needs. I’d love to carry my PPK/S. – except that I can’t depend on it to feed reliably. So the blocky, stocky, ungainly looking ugly duckling gets carried because despite everything else, it runs when I need it to. Plus if I switch from G-23 to G-19 holster remains the same, carry position remains the same, in fact all the drills remain the same – so I can tote the G-32 if I feel like it without changing anything else.

    From time to time I think “boy that’s an ugly pistol” but I remind myself it’s not a beauty contest, that getting rounds downrange & on target is what matters.

  15. “Perfection” is a poor slogan for anything made by humans, but the G26 is very good. There are smaller 9 mm pistols, but to the best of my knowledge, none of them are as comfortable to shoot as the G26. Mine hasn’t experienced a failure of any sort. In the 9 mm category, I prefer an H&K P7 PSP for its single-action trigger and its unsurpassed safety features. However, when I need something smaller and lighter the G26 is my choice for concealed carry.

  16. You simply cant go wrong with a Glock 26 as an EDC. I have had a fair number of people ask me what I would recommend for a new CCW holder, I always recommend the Glock 26 first.

    However, I have recently converted my EDC from Glock 26 Gen3( and sometimes a 19) to M&P 9c. I had tried to replace the 26 for something “better” (thinner, lighter, more capacity, better shooting, better trigger, etc) for a long time. Most recently, with the sudden proliferation of the carry 9 I tried many possible replacements. Nano, Sig 938, Kahr PM9, XDS 45, Sig P290 and a few others. I always stuck with the Glock until I had a chance to put several hundred rounds through an M&P 9c. Once the decision was made I sold every Glock except for a 29 that I carry while hunting and my first ever Glock, a 26.

    I carried the 26 for years and I know that I can rely on it without reservation. That gun has thousands of rounds through it and it has never had a single failure. Not one. I just shoot the M&P better.

  17. I have my Ruger SR9c as my home defense gun and my carry gun….when I get the money for the G26, it will be my primary carry gun 🙂

  18. I bought my gram a G26. It’s light enough for her to hold and works. I clean it from time to time. I go with an MP9C for a gun in this size class. It is identical in size, has palm swell back strap interchangeability and gives you 12 even if you ditch the grip extension (which you get a mag with and without in the box). Then by design avoids the trigger pull disassemble issue (which bothers some more than others). It seems like you’d rate the MP9C higher in the same rigors.

    What really edged you over the MP9C to go G26, Jim? That’s what I really want to see addressed in this review.

  19. @Jim Barrett, thanks for a very thoughtful review. Especially for focusing on the primitive Glock takedown procedure, which I have been railing about for many years.

    Having to pull the trigger on a pistol in order to disconnect the sear is a design defect, period.

    Yes, Glock apologists, I know that if we were all as Perfect as Glock, there would never be any issues with anything and we would all smell like fruity unicorn farts. But we imperfect human beings will never be as magnificent as Glock, and Glock’s antique system will continue to enable human errors.

    I guess I am asking for perfect Perfection when I ask Glock to fix their problem, even though every other manufacturer has managed to do so readily, easily and effectively.

    • If GLOCK is so perfect, why are there so many models? Seems perfection would be one gun to rule them all….

    • Glocks are not perfection
      Chevys are not build like a rock, Budweiser is not the king of beers, Folger’s is not the best part of waking up,
      Cingular is not raising the bar,
      The best tires in the world do not have Goodyear written on them,
      Gillette is not the best a man can get, Nationwide is not on your side,
      And, tons of things run just like a damn Deere…

      Welcome to the world of corporate advertising.

    • “Glock’s antique system [of disassembly] will continue to enable human errors.”

      Sorry, Ralph, but every single mechanical device in existence will enable human errors. Nothing is foolproof.

  20. “Recently though, I came across a great article that goes into this topic in detail, explains why there’s a difference between the GLOCK grip angle and those of other guns such as the 1911 and what to do about. It’s worth a read.”

    I just read that article and it is a very good read, it explained a lot to me. I never understood the grip angle controversy until now. I’ve been trained to punch with just my first two knuckles, ideally only the index knuckle since I was a kid, so now I know why my G19 feels so comfortable to me.

  21. I never really liked the look of the Glock’s but finally broke down and bought a G27 eight years ago. It’s like my AE card, I never leave home without it and I have no doubts about it being able to do the job it was designed for. Different strokes for different folks.

  22. I absolutely hate ‘accuracy tests’ like this: Load some cheap, crap ammo, shoot offhand and lay claim to whether or not the gun is accurate.

    There are three things that must all be ‘tuned’ together for accurate shooting: the firearm (and its mechanical ability), the ammo and the shooter.

    Without testing how well these components are influencing the results, the results shown are absolutely meaningless.

    Here’s how I would like to see gun accuracy reviews done (or even one way for individuals test/determine accuracy for their own use). This is adapted from time-tested procedures every serious handloader (not reloader) practices:

    (1) Set an objective accuracy standard you wish to meet. It needs to be ‘realistic.’ For example, I think 4″ groups at 25 yards off a rest is do-able for any full size semi-auto.

    (2) Test at least 3 different types of ammo off a rest at the distance you set as your standard. Objectively measure the performance of the gun+ammo subsystems.

    Ideally, these should include different bullet weights (at the extremes of what is common for that cartridge, say 115 gr and 147 gr for 9 mm). This may not be necessary if you are getting “good” mechanical accuracy with any or all of the loads at one bullet weight.

    The importance of this is that you mostly eliminate all the ins and outs of “the shooter.” If you are training for SD and you claim this step is not important, I believe you are missing a VERY significant tool in your training – real input on what YOU are doing to widen the group vs what MIGHT be gun and / or ammo related.

    (3) Shoot off hand with good fundamentals at the same standard distance. Your accuracy will degrade, but now you will have an objective measure of what component of that accuracy is “you” vs “gun” vs “ammo.”

    We won’t all shoot the same gun the same way; not all guns will shoot the same ammo the same way.

    Please, please, PLEASE stop perpetuating this kind of poor “testing” of firearms with a single group of plinking ammo that makes precisely zero measure of the what is the shooter component (gun too light, grip too small, etc, etc) vs the firearm component.

    {Rant Off}

    • Clarification for what I mean by “shooter” part of the equation:

      I’m not talking about the shooter’s ability to shoot. I’m talking about the shooter-gun “interface.”

      Even really, really good shooters will have guns that they won’t shoot well. Even really, really good shooters will have ammo that shoots like crap out of guns they do shoot well.

      So, my point is not to say, “Hey that guy just can’t shoot,” but to say he can’t shoot THIS gun with THIS ammo, and that says NOTHING about the gun being “accurate” or not.

      My assumption is that it’s the ammo, not the guy’s ability.

      Hope that clarifies.

      • Amen to that!

        Last time I checked, they make match ammo for 9mm. There’s also expensive JHPs that can shoot pretty well, too.

  23. Note To Author:
    Despite what some LE agencies say, Guns do not shoot PPL, not even by ND; Someone’s BuggerHook was on the Bang Switch every time, so your complaint about pulling the trigger during disassembly is off the mark. That being said my G-17 and G-26 are a PITA to strip due to those tiny take down tabs. My response to them is to forego the field stripping and toss my gun in the dishwasher and follow that up with a cheap lube job.

    • I’m unsure that’s sarcasm or not. I put extended take downs on any Glock I plan on keeping because it is a PITA indubitably but…does a dishwasher actually get it done?

  24. Great review, and I’m surprised that people are upset about the reviewer calling out the trigger pull as a bad part of the takedown procedure. We all know it’s bad. If it’s such as essential part of a pistol, why do so many other modern pistols NOT have it?

    I’m sure Glock will change it at some point. Those of you who balk at the possibility of a lawsuit don’t know about lawyers in today’s United States… after all, we’re the country where somebody sued McDonald’s because their coffee was hot and they spilled on themselves.

  25. Glocks are nice herittage designs. The predecessor of the newer, better, more refined designs from modern manufactures.

    That said, as Glocks day passes, everybody should own a Glock as a represenative of its evolutionary stage in handgun design. I.e. polymer. Despite tbe hidious blocky design poor grip angle, inpercise spongy trigger, mediocre sights, and takedown procedure that requires exceptional attention to detail.

    Own a glock – like a High Power or a Smith model 10 – as a pivotal peice of firearms history

    But defend your self with with one of the many safer, refined, modern designs from more responsive manufacturers.

      • Was thinking the same thing!

        But in all fairness you can get a 1911, almost as reliable with HPs as Glock, if you have lots of money.

        I enjoy shooting 1911s, and they are beautiful, but they have entirely too many parts and pieces for my taste. And the never ending quest for reliable magazine flavor of the week is ridiculous. Then there is the weight.

        In local competitions sometimes a 1911 wins, and sometimes something else.

    • Wow the requirements you put on a working gun are pretty high. Glock’s design still has a lot going for it compared to what is in the market. No pistol design or manufacturer checks all the boxes, Glock checks enough to still be a viable option, but hell, revolvers still do for personal defense.

      I’d love to hear what designs you favor over a Glock.

    • 1911’s have safety issues, Glocks have safety issues, and stupid shooters have safety issues. Please immediately review the perfect, modern handgun you are referring to so I can go out and buy one.

  26. I own this firearm, in Gen 3, have so for years, and it’s one of the two handguns I carry on body every day. Overall, I can concur with the findings of the review.

    I would only note that with minimal practice, an experienced shooter (no, not a competitive shooter nor professional marksman) should be able to hit 90%+ on a standard proficiency test fairly easily with the G26. Other models with longer barrels and a greater sight radius would improve shot placement in competitions, but that’s really for a different application than what this tool was designed to do. Ultimately, the bullet will go where you place it with this firearm.

  27. My personal Glock curse aside, I hate having my lower fingers hanging off in space (call it the derringer effect). As the Japanese say regarding the katana, “the power is in the pinky”. The leverage to control pistol flip for me is in the lower fingers (visibly obvious when I shoot with a flush vs extended mag). And I don’t get how it becomes more concealable, unless it’s made to fit in a pocket. Half a brick in or on my belt is still a big fat brick–I can’t make ’em not print. (Maybe my lumps are just in the wrong places.) Now, a slimmer brick… (hence why I’ve had more luck concealing a 1911, unless it’s a pocket pistol). So give me thinner (assuming it’s not a foot long), not necessarily snubbier. (Hence why I was excited about the XDS until the triggers got swapped out for gravel crushers.)

    • Grip length is what prints most while carrying concealed in a 3-5 o clock position.
      Anyone who has carried a full size gun and a gun with a sub compact grip has experienced this. It is night and day

      • I tend to wear canted at 5 so the grip doesn’t stick out so much (also lets me reach it with my off-hand). But if the gun is double-stack wide, it looks like I’ve got a Quatto duct taped to my hip. (The curse of massive OFWG handles–if I carry at 3 or 4, the gun is in another zip code.) I used to carry at 6 (with the curve of my lower back, I could make a large frame magnum disappear) but there’s that pesky risk of falling on it. And shoulder holsters (remember those?) have become passé. I have a compact XDM and can’t wear it without a jacket, even IWB. Hence my hunt for a good smallish single-stack, 9mm or above, that I can still get more than 2 fingers on.

        • Try a Kahr. They make the slimmest designs I’ve yet to find and the simplest to operate since it uses the Glock manual of arms. It sounds like a TP9 or KT9 would fit you.

          The XDs has a trigger spring kit out for $20 that folks claim works a miracle also if these are more than you want to spend. I plan on giving the XDs .45 a try with the 4″ barrel for summer carry myself and try the trigger kit. As for some reason my .455 guns I keep are Springfields and I like the look and grip safety.

  28. Jim Barrett to quote you, you Sir are FLAME DELETED. Is Hickock45 a clown. Second I object to your unnecessary casual reference to Jesus Christ…. Why not Allah? Clearly your cavalier arrogant self-serving comments about religion show you worship yourself. Your post is whiny, whiny, whiny and way too long, making no original point. I personally could care less what you think, nor am I a fanatic about ANY BRAND of anything, much less guns. I do have a Glock 26 Gen 4. It’s JUST A GUN…. along with my pocket sized Kahr CM9, my conceal duties are covered. I also own S&W, Ruger and other brands. Rating “STYLE” is so unimportant to be almost irrelevant, or at least it should not be weighted as important catagory as much important categories, which far outweigh “style”. Give me a break. Averaging in to style to overall is like judging the aesthetics of a tool like a hammer. The GLOCK is a FANTASTIC HAMMER and slings as many or more bullets more accurately and easily and reliability than other pistols. It is indeed the BENCH mark and re-invented this style of weapon. That is not my opinion or rant, just fact. It widely copied. Take it or leave it, and save us your diatribe and personal emotional issues with Glocks and Glock owners. PS: Spewing garbage and then saying it’s a joke is not a free pass, it is disingenuous and transparent. Even you know what you wrote is wrong and not funny. Ha ha just kidding. Right?

  29. The G26 was the first firearm I ever purchased. I own both pistols and revolvers; Rugers, Smith and Wesson, Beretta. But day after day I keep coming back to the baby Glock as my daily carry pistol. I stay with the flush magazine, the grip does not bother my particular hands although I know that it can be an issue for some shooters. It has both combat accuracy close-up and surprisingly good longer distance accuracy. Thousands of rounds later I can remember one FTF on a PMC 115 range round.

    While I don’t think that Glock is the perfect handgun for every shooter, it has been extraordinarily good for me and I trust it. I carry it daily not because it has magical qualities of Glockiness, it’s just a great reliable accurate EDC pistol for me.

  30. If the takedown lever on XD’s were on the right side of the frame, I’d be more prone to agree with you on takedown. For me, the presence of the takedown lever makes the XD (and the M&P to a lesser extent) less comfortable to shoot with a competition/thumbs forward grip. The Glock’s already low bore axis plus a convenient little shelf you can deposit your weak hand thumb on to countertorque the frame leads to very little muzzle rise.

    Haven’t spent much time with the M&P FS, but my G19 shoots circles around my XD Service, partially because of trigger, but also because of muzzle rise. how much of that is bore axis, slide weight, vs. off hand grip technique I’ll never know, but I gotta believe it plays a part.

  31. I don’t have a Glock 26 but I do have a gen 3 G19 and a Glock 30s.

    Only problems I’ve ever had with them are:

    – Gen 3 G19’s extractor started throwing brass in my face about 3000 rounds in..

    I fixed it by replacing it with a gen 4 ejector, Apex failure-resistant extractor, and a non-loaded chamber indicator. This weekend I ran two hundred rounds through it and my casings were all tossed into a neat little pile.

    – Glock 30S (.45 ACP) bites my pinky depending on how I hold it.

    I’ve found that by adjusting my grip it doesn’t do this, but I was curious to see whether or not Jim got bitten by the G26 since it also has a short grip. No mention of it in the review, so I’m assuming not.

    I am not a Glock fanatic but I do enjoy the two that I own. They’re not pretty, but they are admirable in a spartan, no-frills kinda way. They just get the job done, have a decent trigger, and keep on trucking.

    I mentioned in a few comments above that I do add some stuff to my Glocks. Both of mine have the trapezoid takedown lever, maritime spring cups (because I do live in FL), and Glock factory extended slide releases. The G19 has a pair of SpeedSights on it (which I ordered after seeing a review on TTAG) and the G30S wears a pair of Hackathorns (similar but cheaper and a little better, IMO).

    These guns are easy to carry and offer a lot of bang for your buck. I own plenty of other handguns but these, aside from my LCR .357, are what I carry most.

    Glocks aren’t for everyone but they’re just fine for me.

  32. Although I feel you are free to knock off a star for the field strip (and I can see why you would do it), I hope they never, ever change it. Don’t mess with something that already works. Don’t add parts to a machine that is already efficient. The glock isn’t a range toy or something shiny to look at. It’s a tool, plain and simple. It should be rode hard and put away wet. It should be shot to absolute shit. It should be scratched and beaten and the finish worn off from presentations and dry fire practice. It should continue to be easy as all hell to take apart, blow out the dirt, lube up, and put back together to get back into the fight. Every thing you change, every part you add, is another failure point on a weapon that has very few.

    • I agree with everything you said EXCEPT…this gun IS a fun range toy, most glocks are…they do everything well for me!!

    • I find beauty in utility, practicality an simplicity. Aesthetics mean nothing if something is not useful outside of the realm of art. I think Glocks are attractive in a utilitarian sense. They are uncomplicated and easy to use, therein lies the beauty IMO.

      • I find glocks aesthetically pleasing. There is symmetry and simplicity in the design. They are not ugly. A high point is ugly. I find it amusing though that every glock reviewer has to mention under “style” how ugly they are. I used to think the square clean cut lines of the gun were cool when I saw it in movies before I knew anything about guns. Ugly it’s not. Pretty it isn’t either.

  33. My first gun was a Ruger P95. 3 trips back to the factory and Ruger insisted there was nothing wrong with it. Guess stovepipes every 3rd round is OK. Dumped that. Got a Glock 19. I can’t afford to pay extra for looks. Just want self defense. 3000+ uneventful rounds later, I know I can trust my life to it. There are many fine weapons available in many brands. I got one that works for me.

  34. If I cared what other people thought, I’d worry about if its ugly, or not-cool.
    But I dont care. Form follows function. And reliable is the highest priority.

    A balance between capacity and stopping power is second, so that means .40S&W.

    and Fit is third- and the g23 is the smallest that fits my big hands, and with practice I can overcome the flinch from the snappy recoil.

    The rest is practice and I have lots more to do, to be very good at using it, when I need it.
    In another 4 or five years, when I am at say….
    “orange” belt level in my pursuit of “gun-fu”,
    then I can add another tool to the toolbox.

    – grasshopper

  35. The only XD series that field strips w/o a trigger pull is the XDM. It has extra mechanics to accomplish this that can break.

    The M&P has that goofy little lever that is a pain in the butt.

    Because of the way the sear and striker interface on a striker pistol, you have to decock it to get the slide off. Right now that means pull the trigger or use some kind of a decocker mechanism.

    I have yet to see an elegant design for this – maybe the Walther 99 has one that is slick?

  36. I hated Glocks for the longest, cat 2 guy, I guess. Decided to shoot my friend’s G26, basically, “for me to poop on” and actually ended up liking it.

    So, I bought a Glock, just to say I did, and that ugly thing grew on me… Now, Glocks are my go-to primary carry and will likely remain that way.

    And, for what it’s worth, I like the M&Ps, but already have all the Glock guns and gear that I need. So, I don’t see the point in spending the money and time to make the switch.

    If I cannot protect my life or my family with a Glock, I probably didn’t lack a different pistol, I probably lacked a rifle.

  37. G26 is my EDC gun. Replacing a G19 which replaced a G17 from twenty years ago. I still have them all. Great guns. There are 2 or 3 Pearce grip extsns that go on the G26 mag. Each one changes the grip and feel of the gun. With the plus 3 grip extsn, I like the 26 better than the 19 for carry. As to the accuracy. I shot my G26 right out of the box for my CCW range practical with no practice. I dropped 3 points on the whole course of fire. Great guns.

  38. Trying to decide between a G26 and a P99 AS for a summer carry (Tucson weather) and I’m thinking this review moved me closer to the Glock

    • There is absolutely nothing “wrong” with Glocks, they certainly lack flair, they are more expensive than the Ruger SR series (which copies Glock hard) and the S&W M&P series (barely). They’re not magical, they’re not bad. You can do a lot worse.

      There are loads of “right” choices, it’s purely a matter of your preference.

  39. A big ol’ “YES” to the Pearce magazine extension. I’ve owned a 3rd Generation G26 for about 6 years and I put Pearce extensions on all 12 of the magazines I eventually bought. The little Glock is just too small in the handle for my hands.

    Now if Pearce would do the same for the SIG P290 it would make shooting that gun a whole lot better. That silly little magazine extension SIG makes for it is a joke and the 8-round magazines are too damn long even for my biggest pants pockets.

  40. Nice review, Jim.

    I have always liked the G26, and for some reason despite my large hands I can shoot it more accurately then the venerable G19.

    Who knows why?

  41. I have the G27 and thought it was going to be too much to shoot but got it anyway because I knew I could get a 357sig or 9mm barrel for it and if I got the G26 I couldnt go up. Shot a S&W Sigma in 40 (what junk it was) and it kicked like a mule. I got the gun used from a female that couldnt take the recoil at a bargain, one box of ammo through it and another box came with it. I got home and said what the heck let me shoot it before converting it. I see little, if any, difference in recoil with this and my Gen 2 G19. Just what I needed another caliber to load and carry ammo for. Actually turned out pretty good choice since for a while the only ammo you could find on the shelves was 40 S&W. It has now turned out to be my favorite Semi auto to carry. If it were a few ounces lighter It would live in my pocket but it is about 5 oz too heavy and 1/4 inch too thick, but does just fine anywhere else. Dont think it offers anything over the 9mm in power? Shoot some steel plates and watch them move with authority. I know the BG aren’t made out of steel, but it is a good seat of the pants indicator. Now all I have to worry about is the infamous kaboom you hear about on the internet. Of course this article was not about the G27 but the G26. Like I said, I was originally going to do a conversion to a G26, so as I see it, it would make a fine self defense gun. Who can’t love a gun this small that holds 11 rounds with a spare G17+2 mag as a backup.

    • I agree with your thinking. I Have a Gen 4 G23 with all three barrels. I actually like the 357 SIG the best, but the ammo is more expensive and harder to find. I like having three options, and that came in handy when ammo was in short supply. I could always find one of the three. I just bought a Gen 4 G27 for the same reasons. I personally picked the G27, over the G26 because it also has that same option to just get the extra barrels which runabout $125 each. So it is like getting two more guns for $250. I rented an number of other guns and tried them at the range. I choose Glock because of it’s reputation of reliability. It was also the most recommended gun from family and friends who are in LE, the Military, and some that shoot them in competition. I will pick up my new G27 on Friday, and already ordered a Comp-Tac MTAC KYDEX shell to change out my holster. I have done a few KYDEX projects like credit card wallets, and will plan to make a hybird and all KYDEX holster for it when I have time. I already have a press and KYDEX and a dedicated oven, now I just need the time to make them. What’s not to love!

  42. I love mine. Very accurate. Makes putting center shots in profile targets at 7-10 yards a snap. Concealable with 10 round mag, and I carry a 15 round backup mag. Ugly, but very functional. I like the Gen 4 MUCH better than the Gen 3.

  43. Personal opinions aside. The review is not correct concerning the field stripping process. You do not pull back the slide then push down the tabs and then pull the trigger. You were out of order. The process is extremely safe. You must actually read the manual or have a knowledgeable person demonstrate. Like every firearm. You release the mag. You pull back the slide to clear any possible chambered round. You point the gun in a safe direction and pull the trigger. You then slightly pull back the slide a fraction then press the tabs and move the slide forward and off. It is extremely safe. Following the process properly ensures your safety and to others.

  44. I love the reliability of Glocks.I can remember when concealed carry handguns almost always meant revolver.The reason being is that almost all of the candidates in the semi auto family (Walther PP,PPK,Browning Hi Power,and Colt 1911 etc). would be very picky about feeding hollowpoints without gunsmithing skills performed on them.I am very happy with the 3 Glocks (30,19,and 26) that I own and carry.Mine will feed, fire, and eject any factory loads I’ve put through them.I also like my PPK owned 4 but 2 wouldn’t even feed factory ball.Like the author I still keep an S&W 638 revolver around as well.Anyone who can’t keep from chambering a round before taking down their gun should take a lesson or 2 on gun safety.I would give the 26 at least ****.

  45. I have worked with the glock for approximately 7 years…. every day. I am a Glock armorer. I have crawled with it (Glock 23), carried in a back pack, concealed holster and regular holster. It goes with me every day. i also carry a S&W model 60 .38 and a Sig P230 .380. I switch back and forth and practice with all of them. The .38 or my Ruger SP101 .357 are with me when camping or going into the woods. The 357 and 38 are stainless steel. I was in a situation wher a guy pulled a shotgun on me. I had my Sig 380 on me and remember thinking, I wish I had my 40 cal glock (condensed to: “I wish I had my glock, I wish I had my Glock.”) I could and can shoot the 380 very well. I love each handgun. I’m in love with the Glock. I am looking to carry a sub compact. Buy what you are going to carry. The sub compact has room for only 2 fingers. The 9mm is easily controlled, compared to the 40. To split the difference between firepopwer, control and number of rounds, the 40 cal Glock 27 or the 9mm Glock 26 is my choice. I taught my wife to shoot (well) an H&R .22 cal 9 shot stainless steel revolver. She doesn’t like to shoot but she llikes to shoot this. She is very good with it after practice. I taught her to shoot naturally. Treat it as you point your finger. Her shooting a .22 9 shot is better than shooting nothing. You need to see what works for you and know your firearm. When it comes down to it: I want my Glock. It has proven itself. It isn’t the prettiest but it has never misfired. It has never jammed. I shoot the hell out of it: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. It has been 100 degrees F and it has been -20 degrees F. It just does what it is supposed to do. Every model gun is eventually going to have one that has a problem. I could be a manugfacturer defect. Other than going into the woods, my Glock is aways with me. When I’m in bed; it’s close, it’s very close, but not soo close as to lose the moment……. but almost.

  46. I have several Glocks of different sizes, I love them all. I also have other brand guns many of these are also very good. Bottom line a Glock will shoot every time, I trust my life with these guns, Glock is my conceal carry weapon.

  47. I am a fairly experienced Glock shooter (200,000 rounds through 2 G34’s, a G35 and a G21). I recently purchased a G26 for my carry gun and decided to throw it in the deep end right to begin with: Unfired untested and very little dry fire I took it to our local IDPA match. Normally out of 50 or so shooters I place between first and third shooting a G34 and Fobus holster. Using the 26 and IWB holster I finished sixth out of 52 and would have been third if I could have avoided the non threat that jumped in my way. All in all I was very impressed with this gun straight out of the box with no practice.

  48. Make mine a model G27. It has only one less round than model G26 with a lot more whallop! 40 cal. in 180 grain hits like a .45ACP but, even better than the .45ACP the .40 cal. maintains energy and accuracy at extended distance. And even more appealing is the ability to drop in the awesome .357Sig barrel to really rock and roll. This awesome round can penetrate media such as auto body panels and what have you. It’s like a 9mm on steroids. And for the frosting on the cake: I can easily drop in a whussie-boy 9mm bbl in my G27 if I’m feeling sissified, which hasn’t happened yet (lol!).

  49. Glock 26 Gen 4 şirin etraftakileri rahatsız etmeyecek haliyle taşınabilir ve o bir glock güven verdiği bir gerçek…

  50. Why the hell would you put a mag extension on a sub-compact gun? If you’re going to do that why not just carry a Glock 19?

  51. I have the G3 27. Recoil is more intense than the G26, but not obnoxious or painful. It’s certainly controllable, if you’re not recoil sensitive. Life is full of compromises, and I chose a more powerful caliber knowing that the trade off would be heavier recoil. However, you can convert it to SIG .357 by dropping in a barrel and can convert it to a 9 mm with a barrel and other minor modifications. (I think you also need to change the ejector/extractor for reliable operation.) I love those new beavertail extensions on the grip inserts.

  52. After reading your reviews I’m not convinced that you realy know anything about guns. You give the impression that you sit behind a desk and write your reviews based on the first time you hold a weapon
    Maybe you should leave the reviews up to people who know a thing or two

  53. I am a Glock owner and I don’t get into the Brand loyality internet BS. What actually made me buy my first glo k was I actually shot a gen 4 19 before I bought… I did the same with the g26. I would recomend this to everyone instead of listening to re iews which are really nothing but opinions.

  54. “This isn’t truly a pocket pistol unless you have the pockets of a clown or a hobo.”

    I’ve been pocket carrying a Glock 26 (Generation 3) for several months now. I’m 6′ tall and weigh about 200 lbs. It’s a little big for some of my clothes, but fits in the right front pocket of almost everything I wear. Propper shorts (on Amazon), in particular, are excellent.

    So far no one has noticed. Very comfortable way to carry, great concealment, and if the pocket is right it’s easy to draw.

  55. If ya absolutely, positively, have to have a grip extension for the 26, there are better products than the Pierce “Pinky” extension. It is an OEM “Glock” +2 magazine. Sold under the “Glock” banner in one of their boxes. Generally found hanging or stacked with the other Glock mags.

    Realizing that there are some after market +2 extensions on the market, but there is a flaw with them. The OEM spring is designed for the internal length of the OEM mag it is in, from Glock. Adding the extra length inside the mag often results in misfeeds as the mag gets close to empty because the spring is too short.

    If you want to get real serious, there is a sleeve that fits the G19 mag. It has a setscrew for perfect fit. When wearing one of those, the G19 mag fits beautifully in the G26. And looks like it belongs there. To me it feels better in hand than my Gen3 Model 19. Plus it has the 15 rd capacity. I use this mag for a spare when traveling.

    For CCW, my 26 remains in it’s flat floor plate, 10 round configuration. It’s smallish size was the reason for purchasing it. If the extra grip length is absolutely necessary, the G19 is a better choice, for me!

    Regarding caliber, it’s better to have the one we will practice with and can better afford to shoot. Shot placement accuracy and follow up is paramount in a self defense situation.
    As someone stated above, a 22 is better than no gun at all. Yes it is, and would ruin most bad guy’s day.

    FWIW: One of the guys at our range, soaked 3 Atlanta phone books over night. Those books are 2.5 – 3 inches thick. He had wrapped them with packing tape, so they wouldn’t curl or change shape when water logged. He hug them in the range while still dripping.
    Each book was marked with the caliber.
    At 20 or so feet he shot each book with a different caliber. All 3 went completely through the books. All hollow point ammo was quality Self Defense type, like he carries. .

    The 9mm 115gr +P Hollow point and 40 cal 180gr Hollow point made an entry hole so close to the same size to be hard to tell which was which. The exit hole of the 9mm was noticeably larger than the 40. That is not a Type-O. The 9mm was larger. by a healthy margin. That isn’t to say that the 9 is a better round. To me it just states that there isn’t enough difference to make a real difference. Maybe 2 more shots would have different results. Or different bullet weights or configuration.

    The last book was shot with a 45ACP round nose 230 gr and a HP 230 gr.
    The round nose exit was considerably smaller than the 9 HP or 40 HP exit.
    The Hollow Point made a real mess on exit. Definitely the most potent round fired in the test.


  56. Wife was in hospital giving birth to our second child. I walked outside for a smoke but had to leave hospital property to do so. Was leaning against the property fence when two kids walked up and the bigger one asked to bum a smoke. As i reached in my coat for my cigarettes, he drew a knife and said he’d just take everything i had. I happily obliged by pulling my GLOCK 27 out and leveling it at his chest. I knew the triggers breaking point and had already applied enough pressure to hold just shy of turning one loose. The other kid practically screamed “That’s a f*ckin’ GLOCK!” And they both took a couple big steps back. The bigger kid put both hands up in the air and kept back pedaling til they both finally turned around and took off running. Call it what you like, it was easily recognizable that night and i think they both knew it was going to go bang if i decided to pull the trigger.

  57. I love my G26. I went over the top with modifications, well, because I could, not because I needed to. I put Trijicon adjustable rear and front sites on it. Replaced the plastic guide rod with a tungsten guide rod. Put a Storm Lake match grade barrel in it. Installed 2+ grip extensions that didn’t wiggle and bite. Put a magazine well cap in. It was fairly accurate before all this unnecessary stuff, but now I can shoot it more accurately than my Smith m19, Ruger GP100 and Beretta 92A1. Maybe it’s the placebo affect, but I don’t care. I know there are folks out there who will say that for $1000 I could have bought 2 G26s (one for each hand) and taken care of any accuracy issues, or that I could have bought a Kimber, on and on, but I was brought up this way. You should see my dad’s 1911’s. Anyway, I highly recommend the G26 Gen4 for CCW.

  58. Do not understand your problem with having to pull the trigger to disassemble a glock. First lesson I was taught was how to clear a gun. I was not allowed to shoot until I had done that over and over and over…

    If you can not safely clear a weapon take up golf.

  59. It is what I want – Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal Detector

    It can be a real pain to lose your watch or jewelry, especially when you are at the beach. Digging through the sand has never been very ideal, especially if what you are looking for is something small. This is even a bigger pain if you are searching at nighttime. You don’t have to get too frustrated and immediately mourn your loss anymore with this Bounty Hunter metal detector! This model is very easy to use and can handle more extreme ground conditions, and even wet surfaces.

    Bounty Hunter metal detectors like this one come with three different tracking modes that can make life easier for you. The first is the Motion All-Metal mode, which will detect all metals, except for those that are minerals in the ground. The machine has a preset ground balance feature to avoid detecting minerals. The next mode is Discrimination mode and it can automatically remove unwanted metals from its detection. The last mode is the two-tone mode, which will make different tones to determine if the nearby object is valuable or not.

    Not only will these different modes help you in your treasure hunting or tracking of lost items, but also the 8-inch open coil design. Because of this design, it can search much deeper and further than any previous models of Bounty Hunter metal detectors. It can search 8 inches for small objects and 3 feet for larger ones. The coil is even waterproof, so you can also use it for damp or wet surfaces.

    Given all of this so far, it is good to note that there are some other pros to using this particular metal detector. That includes how it is not prone to electromagnetic interference, that you can attach headphones to it so that no one else can hear the beeping, and the adjustable height, so even kids can use this. Besides these good things, there are also a few cons to buying this model. One of these is that it can be difficult to maneuver since it requires you to keep moving it around. Another is that it doesn’t always search as deep as you would want, as not all objects are simply 6-8 inches below the ground. If you are more advanced and need something with better detection, then a Garrett Pro Pointer may be the better tool for you, since it has a wider radius and better detection ability.

    Overall, this is a great tool for beginners who need to do their treasure hunting or search for lost items in more complex ground conditions. It has a bit of a limitation with ground depth, but if you are not doing some avid searching, then this tool will do fine for you. Since it is very lightweight and the height is adjustable, it is very handy to carry around and you won’t get tired easily. The different modes will definitely help you out in your search if you need to look for particular kinds of metal. If you need something more advanced and that can search a wider depth and radius, perhaps a Garrett Pro Pointer will serve you better. The Garret Pro Pointer has many advanced settings, like being able to identify the size and shape of a target, which may come in handy for serious treasure hunters.

  60. I’ve had Glocks for 25 years and have had all of the 9mm, 40, and 45 calibers at some point. I’ve had several 26 and 27 models over the years. My most current purchase is a gen 4 26 Flat Dark Earth with Firefly night sights and Pierce plus 3 extentions. I have and have had all of the high end and most popular had to have guns but I keep coming back to my Glocks. BTW. I’m 6 feet 2 inches 250 pounds and have no issues controlling and concealing any of my Glocks. I use either a belly band or a M tac Minitauer IWB holster. One other thing I’d like to mention is that for my Glock 22 and 23 both gen 4 highly customized I bought Loan Wolf 40 to 9mm threaded conversion barrels and have the best of both a 40 and 9. It cost me about $130 each and it’s way cheaper than buying extra guns.

  61. I decided on the G26 as I have determined I can have 2 handguns (G26 and G19) at a relatively cheap price$.
    I bought the Glock 26 $549. then I also purchased the G19 Mag (15 rounds 9mm) and a xgrip adapter – $40. Then I got a G19 barrel. $80.(which can be used with a G26 slide) The barrel sticks out of the slide about a 1/2 inch.
    Total of $661. (for two guns)

    Just a thought…
    The Glock 27 (.40cal) can be swapped with a g26 9mm barrel. and 9mm rounds can go in a .40 cal mag.
    Can a g19 9mm barrel be used on a Glock 27?
    I believe It can!
    I could have had 3…

    Gotta love Glock!

  62. Why cant you just give a review without the religious comparisons in the beginning. Its a turnoff and a insult to your knowledge. Not funny at all. Try something better.

  63. Merry Christmas to me!!! Just got a Gen4 Glock 26 from Santa took it out to shoot a few mags today and not pleased with ejecting towards my face and jammed twice!!! Could it be the grain I’m shooting?? Ol’ raggedy ass ammo??

  64. This was a better than average review for TTAG but that’s like being the healthiest guy in the ICU.

    Springfield XD/XDM ?


    Now I know the author has a mullet and is 80 pounds overweight.

  65. G43 has a few less bullets, but is much thinner, lighter, and concealable. Comes down to this: what is your personal assessment you’re going to need more than 7 shots to stop a bad situation, and are you more likely to take a smaller, lighter gun with you EVERY time you leave the house vs a heavier, bulkier one? A gun you leave at home cuz it’s too much of a pain to carry isn’t gonna help in a bad situation, no matter how awesome it is. G43.

    • At only 4oz more and 0.2 inches thicker, the G26 gets you nearly twice the round count, compatibility with all the larger 9mm Glock mags, and the same familiar feel of the larger Glocks. It is only .2in less concealable than the new G43. I wouldn’t trade my G26 in on a G43 (especially since I could get a much more compact single stack, suitable for true deep carry/front pocket carry, in 3-4 great micro 9’s..PM9, PF9, etc) , but I would certainly suggest them for consideration for new CCW civilians who have no current investment in standard capacity Glock 9mm’s. Cheers!

  66. Glocks are definitely the “Chevy’s” of the Gun world; BLAND ON THE INSIDE AND OUT, but the best “motors” of any truck (I drive a Ford, and carry and XD for duty, so that is high praise coming from me!). When I carry IWB, need low profile, and want significant round count, I pick the G26 every time.
    I disagree with your dis-assembly analysis on principle. Mistakes happen because people stop paying attention; that’s on them, not on the maker of the knife they just cut their finger with. I’ve disassembled my Glock’s 19 & 26 probably 500+ times since 1993/99… no A.D. for me! Strict Liability should never be assigned to firearms; otherwise, we get mandatory Micro-stamping and smart-ID scanning handguns that weigh an extra 8oz and take 2 seconds to take off safe… no thanks! That’s where the progressive-statist tyrants are always heading in all their liberal cities and states, and I’ll have none of the snake oil they are forcing us to buy.

  67. The whole trigger pull costing a star is silly. I don’t mind pulling the trigger first. A mag extension makes all the difference on these compacts.

    One thing most people don’t know about Glocks (one of the few to do this well) is “indexing the trigger”). The Glock is not really DAO — it is striker fired (in fact ATF had trouble classifying it). When a round is chamber it is already 80% cocked. You have a long pull that first round, most of it wasted, until you pick up that last 20% and fully cock it and release the striker.

    With practice (easier to do with ear protection that lets you hear between rounds) you can release the trigger until just that 20% point (the “index”). It will make a small click and you can feel it. Both subtle. With practice it is automatic. This means followup shots are WAY faster than almost anything out there (and why they are popular in competition). I never fully release the trigger until I am done firing — I always index it. You have to get used to it because when you find that spot minor pressure for a tiny distance will discharge the weapon as it is no longer taking up even that 20%

    I started with a Glock 20 (10mm) which now has over 20,000 full power loads (and about 500 of the insane Double Tap rounds). It has never malfunctioned, never been repaired, I just clean it and use it. Had it for decades (it is Gen II which is first year of 10mm). I have lots of Glock — all totally reliable, all allow indexing of the trigger (other striker fired weapons do too … but I don’t think most are 80% cocked, they are 60% or so, and the technique is not as effective,

    If you want to try a tiny 9mm +P with a barrel the same length as the Glock and 7+1 try a Boberg XR9-S (Shorty now owned by Bond Arms). This is a bullpup and and allows a truly tiny weapon to have a juge (rotating) barrel (3,35 inches). Nice trigger, shoots nice for a mouse gun (it is a LOT smaller than the Glock), a little fussy — keep it clean and use good ammo.

  68. I never have to pull the trigger, in order to take down field strip my Glock 26 Gen 4.. You might be sliding yours back to far..

  69. this is a great review! it really helped me make a decision on which Glock I wanted to get. I think that the small size of this one really intrigued me because it makes it very easy to conceal. Another place that helped me out with this was this article that i came upon as i was doing my research Check it out and please tell me what you think.

  70. Great review, but I cannot believe you mention the fact you have to pull the trigger to break the gun down as a draw back. That’s like writing a review for a gas station and giving it one less star because “you might be able to put diesel fuel instead of gasoline into your vehicle” – yes, if you’re a complete moron. If people are dumb enough to shoot the gun when CLEANING IT, that’s the fault of the individual, and is not a fault of the manufacturer, and definitely not a flaw of the gun.

  71. I guess it Will have more recoil than the Glock 17 due to the shorter Barrel.How Much recoil does it have compared to Glock 17 and 19?5% more?Thank You for your reply.

  72. There is coming the day when you draw your last breath of the your puny miserable little life that GOD allows you to breath, you will bow your knee to Jesus Christ. You are a fool. Show me his bones and I will become a fool like you. Can’t wait to see it.

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  74. I believe what you published made a ton of sense.
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    two to grab people interested about everything’ve written. In my opinion, it would bring your posts a little bit more interesting.

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