
Rimfire AR-15 rifles are nothing new, but they all use a blowback based operating system. This puts tons of stress on the cases, and for some of the more powerful rimfire cartridges it can rupture the cases as they’re being extracted from the gun. Franklin Armory wanted to make a semi-automatic rifle in .17 Winchester Super Magnum, and so they completely redesigned the internal components of an AR-15 to function with the cartridge. Now cases extract under lower pressure, the gun cycles reliably, and you can use all standard AR-15 components for stocks and triggers. Naturally, we’ll test one out and get back to you.


Oh, and its pretty. MSRP is gunna run about $1,799, but for serious varmint hunters accept no substitute.



  1. Cool? Is there a reason to run .17 WSuperM over .223, though?

    Edit: oh yeah, there are areas that legally restrict some hunting (either always, during certain times of the year, or during night time) to rimfire only. And laws that require less than .22 caliber. So it definitely has a niche for the right person.

    • In theory, it would be cheaper per box if it catches on. It would be WSuperCool if they could fit 50 rounds of .17 WSuperM in a standard sized magazine.


      • Ooh that’s true. Although rimmed cartridges are difficult to make function reliably in a double stack magazine config. End up with the rim of one cartridge behind the rim of the next cartridge and it probably won’t feed…

        • awww… the rims. I’d be excited about any kind of 50 round rimfire rifle which doesn’t involve physically large magazines.


        • Yeah, the PMR-30 feeds pretty darn reliably. I actually did the TTAG review on it not too terribly long ago. It’s an exception, though. In general double stacked rimmed cartridges are avoided. The PMR-30 magazines actually have some unique features that get around this issue — they were thought out very well. You know what? It might deserve its own post. Double stacked rimmed cartridges are rare and the two things that Kel-Tec did to make it work are simple yet smart enough that it might be worth putting up some photos and describing it. …I’ll write something up…

        • maybe you could ask them to make more of them, while you’re at it. I’d love one…nice substitute for the FN FiveSeven I sold and it shares caliber with my Biathlon Basic 7-2KO.

    • Under CT’s law, it might be legal, since the updated 1-feature test AW ban only applies to center-fire cartridges. So rimfires are still subject to the old two-feature test.

      • I was thinking the same thing here in CA. Rimfire so I won’t have to use a stupid bullet button. I will be keeping an eye on this.

      • I’ve read many comments about the forward assist being disliked, but I’ve found a great use for it. The second we arrive in the parking area where we will walk in to hunt, we can make all kinds of noise for animals to get spooked. This includes loading the first round in an AR15 using the slingshot method, or hitting the mag release. So if you want to load a round in the chamber of your AR quietly, you strip the first round off the mag slowly by not letting go of the charging handle as you would normally. This will leave your bolt out of battery, so you use your forward assist to quietly push the bolt into full battery without any metal impact noises. This technique could also be used in a self defense scenario in which you don’t want your enemy knowing your exact location when you load the first round.

  2. I’d love to read about this, but being constantly spammed by ads for and redirected to mal-ware every time I try on my phone is a touch annoying. I get it, ad revenue is a necessary evil. I don’t think it needs to be so pervasive that I have to click no 20 times just to get an ad to go away though.

    I’ve seen this mentioned multiple times and it’s clear it’s beginning to push some of us away. I say us because I’ll only be checking in once in a blue moon to see if you guys have bothered to fix such a glaring issue.

    Kind of a bummer because the content is usually pretty good.

    • What are you talking about? I browse this site almost exclusively on my phone and I’ve never once had to click through ads like you’re describing.

      What type of phone are you using? It may be that you’ve click on one-too-many of those caption contest links or RF’s supermodels…

      • EVO 4g. This is the only site I’ve ever had an issue with and it’s become a fairly regular one. I’m not the only one that’s had issues with it either so I doubt I’ve picked up something from the few sites I visit and PDFs from sketchy sources like the DOTD or my job…

    • If you’re browsing the desktop site from a mobile device, you’ll get this ALL THE TIME. However, if you get the mobile version it stops. Unfortunately, I can’t find a way to force Chrome on the iPhone to retrieve the mobile only site.

      TL;DR I feel your pain.

      • There is definitely a problem here with the desktop version of the site on a mobile device. It appears likely that some of TTAG’s sponsors have been hit with malware. The ads are trying to propogate the bug.

  3. unless you have a “less than .22” restriction, no.
    223 is cheaper, easier to find, and more powerful.
    5.45 even more so.

  4. Does this stuff burn a lot cleaner than .22 LR? I’d certainly hate to maintain a gas system in a .22 LR gun. I have no experience with the fancy rimfire calibers — just .22 LR, short, etc and .22 WMR — so have no clue if it’s still really dirty stuff or is more like a nice centerfire round.

  5. So for only 1000 more than a base ar, you get a less powerful rifle with no real advantages.
    Or you can put the 1000 towards ammo. Just sayin’.

  6. Couldn’t you just get an ar15 chambered in .17 Remington fireball and gain 1,000 fps and the ability to reload?

    • nobody says: Couldn’t you just get an AR15 chambered in .17 fireball, get 1000 ft. more per second, and also the ability to reload?

      Yep, if you want to chase those itty bitty cases in tall grass!!!!
      I didn’t!

  7. Well this just replaced Olympic Arms’ .17hmr as my most wanted rimfire. I love .17 rimfire just something cool that is that small travelling that fast and depending on bullet type can basically turn to tiny fragments.

  8. I have the Savage bolt in 17wsm. It is a junk stock and I’m hitting prairy dogs at 300 yards. I can only imagine a quality rifle with a free floating bull barrel is going to be a tack driver. No restrictions here but just going to be a great rifle.

  9. Just picked up my HB Savage today.
    Now to get a scope on it and get to sighting it in.

    My new Franklin F.17L should be here late next week or early the week after.
    Gonna be busy!

    Already laid in a pretty good stash of ammo, just lately.
    I think maybe they finally started loading some again.

  10. Still isn’t here!
    Getting anxious!

    But have sighted in the B-mag HB and am impressed, with the cartridge, not so much the gun. Seems to be quite accurate, but factory liquorice stock is junk!

    Boyd replacement stock coming up.

  11. More ammo in the stash today. Two cases, matter of fact!
    And I hear Hornaday is gonna start loading them around the first of the year!

  12. Two more batches of seven boxes each, $14.77 and $15.99 added.
    Coming in faster than being used right at the moment.
    Really impressed with the cartridge, the bolt action Savage, HB, “B-mag”, not so much.
    A Boyd’s replacement stock did wonders for it, though.

    Sure wish the F.17-L would get here!

  13. Finally, it’s here!
    And I am impressed!
    Shorter time to sight in, and first glance seems much more accurate than the HB Savage B Mag heavy barrel. But then, there is that major difference as well.
    From the fired cases, the chamber appears to be much more precisely bored. No smoke leakage, and better case/neck transition.

    Now, shells are not going to last near as long in this thing, got to get back to the hunt for more ammo! It just begs to be shot!

    Had to go to extra high rings to get the 3 X 9 by 50mm scope to work.
    High ones would clear the barrel, but not let me get my face down on the stock far enough to get a full scope picture. When you have a round scope and get a misshapen view, something like a distorted old Burris Wide View image, something is wrong!

  14. Great gun, needless to say, I have been impressed, and absolutely no blips in functioning.
    They got their stuff together before shipping.

    Impressed numerous other folks last Tue as well.

  15. i purchased a new ar-15 from them . After 5 shots it jammed . Called them to fix it they made me buy a new bolt carrier rather than send me a new one. bad costumer service . 2 day old gun 2/24/2015

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