An article from a couple weeks ago in Mother Jones raised the alarm about the dangers of conservative Christians with weapons, complete with the usual specter of fascism being raised. But, anyone capable of just a little bit of critical thinking and armed even with cursory historical knowledge will see pretty quickly that there’s a serious flaw in the thinking.

Before I get started, I do want to point out that I’m not The Truth About Guns’ most staunch defender of traditional conservative values. Long-time readers will recall that I’m the odd one out defending the gun rights of LGBT people (including the supposedly oh-so-dangerous T), and that I’ve been critical of some of the MAGA crowd’s favorite politicians. I myself am a lesbian who drives an electric car. In other words, I’m the worst conservative ever, right?

So, if you’re not a regular reader and you’re thinking I’m some right-wing nut making spurious arguments with the aim of defending my own faith’s secret efforts to bring about The Fourth Reich, you might want to rethink that. If I’m guilty of anything, it’s that I want to give everyone a fair shake, and this time it’s conservative Christians’ turn to get that same fair shake I think everyone deserves.

While you can certainly find fringe figures who use Christianity as a cover for messages of hatred and authoritarian theocracy, the writer didn’t do a great job of making the case for the T.Rex Arms channel being one of those. Mother Jones could have certainly cherry-picked some much better examples from the YouTube channel to build the case of dangerous Christian extremism, but instead chose to criticize the idea that tyranny should be resisted first. I’ll come back to that in a minute.

After that, the article gets into beliefs that most Americans (including most conservative Christians I know and am friends with) would find to be a little extreme. But, as a country with religious freedom and freedom of speech, the Botkin family has a right to both hold such beliefs and to espouse them online. What we haven’t seen is any kind of call for armed revolution to institute a government that forces everyone to do things like keep adult daughters living at home until they’re married off. All they could come up with to criticize is that T.Rex Arms was instrumental in getting an ammunition tax repealed (the horrors!).

But, let’s ignore all of that and assume for the sake of argument that mainstream conservative Christians are arming themselves and preparing to install a fascist, theocratic dictatorship that will force women to be treated like breeding livestock, LGBT people to be thrown from rooftops and non-Christians to be converted by force. Wouldn’t that be exactly the kind of situation where you’d want to have guns and resist tyranny?

Mother Jones‘ writers can’t have it both ways. You can’t in good faith say in one breath that fascist doom is coming and then in the next breath rail against the alleged fascists for opposing gun control. I mean, if anything, people planning on installing fascism by force would want to collect up everyone’s guns to keep people from fighting back, right?

In the end, the authoritarian anti-gun left is making a confession when they throw these kinds of accusations around. They’re the ones who don’t want people like the Botkins to have religious liberty and freedom of speech because it gets in the way of taking guns away. They probably aren’t fascists, but authoritarianism is a lot like poop. It doesn’t matter what flavor the poop is, nobody wants to dine on it.


  1. “But, let’s ignore all of that and assume for the sake of argument that mainstream conservative Christians are arming themselves and preparing to install a fascist, theocratic dictatorship that will force women to be treated like breeding livestock, LGBT people to be thrown from rooftops and non-Christians to be converted by force”

    Take that statement and replace Christian with Islamist, and you have what has actually gone on in other countries, Iran being at the top of the list. Given time, I’m sure it’s what they would want to do in the U.S. as well, along with their sharia law.
    Funny, it is, that the left never has any concern about that.

    • Had a drag queen story hour at my local library shut down when I identified 2/3 of the reader/performers as convicted sex offenders. At this point I really just don’t care about the rainbow types especially if they put that identity before American.

      • It’s all about grooming the younglings to be open to alternative secks* stuff. They’re hiding under the guise of “inclusion and acceptance.” Modern Dem followers have to be the most ignorant group of people that ever existed. This wouldn’t have been allowed as little as a generation ago. IQ has been declining recently for the first time since they began recording it.

        • Yeah don’t have time to watch so summarize or have a preemptive fuckoff with your typical trope.

      • “Had a drag queen story hour at my local library shut down when I identified 2/3 of the reader/performers as convicted sex offenders“

        Very interesting, and what town/library was that?

        • Do a quick Google search in the Albany to Saratoga region it was one of the 4 times mentioned.

          • I did a Google search for ‘Albany to Saratoga registered offender drag queen story hour’ and found nothing to suggest an offender had been found at a drag queen story hour.

            Really, can’t you just say what library in New York State found offenders reading to kids at a story hour?

            Otherwise, one would think your claim was bullshit.

        • These days…Pick a random town. Why is it suddenly imperative to have grown men, who are into overt alternative secks stuff, be around children as often as possible?

    • Ironically, Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran has announced that he is offering free college tuition to all college students suspended or expelled for their Pro Hamas support on U.S. college campuses. Let’s see how many will be willing put their support for Islamic ideology to the test and accept his offer.

      • Let those people go!!! The queers for palestine will be killed on sight, the rag headed (women)(??) will be told to put this black burka on and shut up !!
        I know that the comments are comming, I just express my own opinions

    • “Funny, it is, that the left never has any concern about that.”

      They’re using them, just like they use everyone for power. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They’re harnessing anti-Western sentiment to help overthrow traditional American culture. They’re hoping to ride that resentment all the way into permanent power. One of the ways they’re doing that is with a major and permanent demographic shift. It’s a dangerous game. Those at the top figure they’ll always be protected.

      • Amazing, none of my posts pointing out that Christian leaders have called for the death of same-sex people in America have managed to make it onto the forum.

        Christian censorship is amazingly successful at blocking opposing views that point out reality as opposed to their propaganda.

        And that’s one of the very real dangers of Christian nationalism.

        As Christians have said throughout the centuries, if the book agrees with the Bible it’s redundant, if it differs from the Bible is blasphemy, either way burn it.

        • See also Islam Judaism Naziism and Communism. Almost like centralized power in anyone’s hands is a bad idea and yet only one often maligned group ever made a relevant effort to distribute power to reduce such abuses.

    • Gipper’s Ghost,

      I came to post virtually the exact same response, although I was going to word my rebuttal in a slightly different way:

      “Wait I am confused–are we talking about Christianity or Islam?”

  2. As a conservative evangelical Christian I strongly oppose Jennifer’s lesbian lifestyle (and I am sure she opposes me opposing it 😄). At least we can have friendly agreement that all people have a basic fundamental right to own arms to protect themselves from criminals and tyrants.

    I don’t oppose her driving an electric car though I do oppose those who try to force EVs on everyone.

    Jen mentioned that conservatives might think her a “bad conservative” because of EV and LGBT, but it’s probably more the liberals that think her a “bad liberal” because she supports firearms and personal responsibility.

    • The below politically inept bigoted pos using the word “Sweetheart” has about as much class as an anthony weiner photo.

      • You’re just angry what awaits you in your marriage bed every night is a lot smaller than what Anthony sports in that photo, sweetheart. 😉

      • From your constant replies labeling posters here I’m betting you’re in what used to be called a “mixed relationship” ain’t cha? If so have you ever seen the domestic violence stats on those?

  3. It all depends on how you vote, sweetheart. Is it for your identity group, i.e. you vote Democrat and therefore against gun rights?? Or you vote otherwise, and for gun rights. One can take a libertarian live and let live perspective, as long as there is no authoritarian nonsense going on. And remember, the alphabet mafia and its fellow travelers can be as authoritarian as any conservative. Just ask any parent protesting for sanity in the Louden County school district.

    • johnnyboy…Your head is filled with centuries of bigoty handed down from the party that owns the legacy of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, the kkk, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race and attribute based atrocities.

      Ironic not only is demoRat Party bigotry stuck in your head demoRat stupidity is also stuck in the heads of the inner city youth that you habitually point fingers at. The big difference is you should know better than to be the bigoted white trash pos you are as opposed to uneducated Blacks stuck in a crime ridden inner city dog eat dog hellhole and used by democRats to sell Gun Control.

      • I’ll talk to yer massa and we’ll see if we can get him to loosen the shackles around your neck. You’re talking gibberish again.

        • Sadly, for many, that is correct. Are you, personally, going to give them a hand up?

          Just what I thought, it’s someone else’s problem, isn’t it?

      • Uneducated by their own choice. Cultural peer pressure to not succeed in school with the ones who resist being ostracized. All the other problems they face are the result.

    • As pro-2A, and BOR in general as she is, I can’t imagine that she will vote Dem, but who knows?

          • my bad…I completely misread your post, johnnyboy usually receives support…again, my bad.

            TRUMP 2024.

            • johnnyboy knows a lot about shackles, sheets, pointed hats, nooses, cross burnings…he has a way of showing it, after all his democRat Party ancestors willed it all to him. johnnyboy here’s a little secret…you are to the 2A what a drunk farting gasbag is to fine dining.

      • Coyote in a trap snapping at everything that gets close even if your trying to help it.

        • The coyotes down here dine on house cats that live outdoors. The owners find only scraps of fur the next day…

          *Burp* 😉

          • A guy here had a Bobcat jump on his lawn chair and look in the window at his cat.
            I’d wondered what was happening to a lot of these stray cats around here.

    • That’s fine if you’re a single-issue voter, as I’ve been for decades. But what if your supposed pro-gun candidate is so totally bereft of moral values and proposes such egregious policies in other areas that you just can’t stomach the notion of voting him? What if all the candidates suck on multiple levels, and gun rights is just one of them?

      • @Defens
        That’s super easy. You vote for the peace and prosperity candidate. There’s a clear winner there.

  4. Their favorite; disarm them all then use starvation en masse via famine by design.

  5. They always have it both ways. As many ways as they have to have it to wind up with the result they want. Nothing they argue or claim to believe is in good faith.

  6. Why do you keep bringing up the “I am gay” issue? What should matter is how you write your columns. If you write well …well!

    We have used several ranges around NM and there are more gay shooters now than ever…good for them – protect yourselves as you feel necessary and are entitled to under the constitution. We have never run into a anti gay sentiment ever and many of the range people are on the conservative side.

    Are there intolerant conservatives…sure, and I have met a few in my life but no where near the number of intolerant anti gun owner liberals I run across in New Mexico, especially ex-Cali folks.

    So, be yourself and why make a big issue of who you are?

    Now – on that electric vehicle S#1T – really!!!!

    • I wonder if she constantly brings it up because because she is desperate for our approval of a lifestyle she knows to be contrary to nature.

      Maybe it is a persecution complex. I don’t think anybody is persecuting you Jen. 🤔

      • People who can’t stop bringing up some personal fact about themselves aren’t seeking your approval so much as they’re seeking their own approval.

      • “Gays” suffer from pathological narcissism. Everyone must not only acknowledge them and their orientation, but subordinate their own interests to those of the alphabet mafia.

        • johnnyboy…you are a pathological bigoted pos and probably as queer as a $3 bill…admit it.

          • The outdated farm equipment speaks. Must have an IQ a smidgen higher than the normal for her particularly species.

      • “I wonder if she constantly brings it up because because she is desperate for our approval of a lifestyle she knows to be contrary to nature.”

        I’ve seen male dogs try to hump other male dogs.

        So much for “contrary to nature.”… 🙂

        • They also hump peoples legs. It is a means to assert dominance nothing more. Dolphin mothers have been known copulate with their juvenile male offspring to practice for when they mate as adults. Equating animal behavior to humans is not a valid comparison.

  7. The usual leftist tactic of accusing the other side of doing what they themselves are actually doing.

    • Bingo. Fascist billionaires bought out the left and then quietly murdered it.

      biden, miner49er, dacian, newsom all support fascism now.

  8. I consider Mother Jones to be the illegitimate bastard child of Mother Goose and Mother Earth News, so really Jennifer – find some other windmill to tilt at…we don’t hear you complain when it’s keeping the dikes from flooding.

      • The concept is called “Know the enemy”, genius.

        I read the ‘Washington Post’, the ‘New York Times’, the ‘New York Post’, and the “Wall Street Journal’, as well as others…

    • hey unicorn, you’re spell correct must be turned on I think itchanged one of the words in the las t sentence

  9. Well said.

    Just FYI, they seem to be confusing fundamentalist Christians with fundamentalist Muslims who DO throw LGQRT people off of roof tops.

    • You beat me to it. Yep, they’re intentionally “confusing” them. They have to be allied with Muslims because they’re anti-Western, just like Democrats.

    • “confusing fundamentalist Christians with fundamentalist Muslims who DO throw LGQRT people off of roof tops“

      Yes, there are no Christians advocating that same-sex folks be executed…. Oh, wait…

      “Texas pastor says gay people should be ‘shot in the back of the head’ in shocking sermon
      Pastor Dillon Awes of Stedfast Baptist Church in Watauga said gay people “are dangerous to society” and “all homosexuals are pedophiles.”
      June 9, 2022, 1:45 PM EDT
      By Minyvonne Burke“

      “Ahead of Pride Month, Idaho pastor says LGBTQ people deserve death penalty

      Published at 1:56 pm, June 10, 2022
      Updated at 1:58 pm, June 10, 2022
      Idaho Statesman logo
      Ryan Suppe, Idaho Statesman“

      “Florida pastor under fire for comment on anti-gay law with death penalty

      Kaycee Sloan
      A day after Cruz shared his opinion on the law, Pastor Tom Ascol of the Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral responded to the tweet, saying, “Tell it to God, Ted.” Then he cited Leviticus 20:13, an Old Testament bible quote that says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

    • There are plenty of Christians in religious leadership positions advocating for the termination of same-sex folks in America, to claim otherwise is sheer deception.

      I’ve posted details on three different Christian pastors who have advocated for the termination of same-sex folks in America, if it makes it out of moderation perhaps some will find it enlightening.

      • Almost sounds like criminal activity I am sure it was reported and investigated as hate speech if it was legitimate.

      • Sometimes if you post more than one link at a time, it goes to moderation. Try posting one link per comment. Also, killing people that sin isn’t Christian.

        • Nope, not one link in my post, nothing but text headlines from three different articles about three different Christian pastors calling for termination of same-sex folks in America.

          I’m not surprised, considering most book burnings are conducted by Christians

          • For future reference, secks, gae, tranz, and related words go to moderation. I’ve noticed that a comment won’t even go to moderation if there are a lot of trigger words. The page just refreshes after you try to post it. It may not even be in moderation.

            Are you saying WordPress is a Christian organization focused on preventing gae comments?

      • MajorLiar,

        “There are plenty of Christians in religious leadership positions advocating for the termination of same-sex folks in America, to claim otherwise is sheer deception.” REALLY???? Name 10, and specifically footnote for each when that “religious leader” said something advocating for “termination of same-sex folks in America” – and give quotes. I DARE you.

        Your bigoted hatred of Christians and Christianity (FAR more bigoted than anything Christians say about Leftist liars like you) is becoming a pathology. Perhaps it is of a piece with your equally bigoted hatred of freedom and personal responsibility, because you OBVIOUSLY are completely ignorant of both. But, then, ignorance and bigotry and unreasoning hatred are your stock in trade, aren’t they?

        • “Name 10, and specifically footnote for each when that “religious leader” said something advocating for “termination of same-sex folks in America” – and give quotes. I DARE you“

          Already tried, I’ll try again just one very simple:

          “Prior to that event, Pastor Joe Jones of Shield of Faith Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho called for the executions of all gay people.

          In a sermon that has since gone viral nationally, Jones told his congregation that “God told the nation that he ruled: Put them to death. Put all queers to death.”

          • I looked into this one. Jones has a “congregation, which has about 50 people.” He said he wished the government would make it illegal and punishable by death. Everyone knows that would never happen. No halfway decent Christian Church pastor would say that. You can find anything you want to find if you look hard enough. He also said:

            Jones tells CBS2 he does not want anyone from his congregation to harm anyone.

            “That’s unlawful in this country. We don’t condone [hate crimes]. You wouldn’t be able to attend this church if you were out doing stuff like that,” Jones told CBS2.

            A pastor with a congregation of about 50 people isn’t exactly indicative of Christianity in a country with over 200 million Christians. Any average third grader could comprehend that.

            • “A pastor with a congregation of about 50 people isn’t exactly indicative of Christianity… “

              “The no true Scotsman fallacy is the attempt to defend a generalization by denying the validity of any counterexamples given. By changing the definition of who or what belongs to a group or category, the speaker can conveniently dismiss any example that proves the generalization doesn’t hold“

              I’m surprised that a Christian would be willing to pass judgment on another Christian, interesting.

              And in any case, here’s more:

              “A pastor at the Stedfast Baptist Church in Tarrant County told his congregation that gay people should be lined up and shot.
              Author: Rebecca Lopez
              Published: 6:40 PM CDT June 10, 2022
              Updated: 6:40 PM CDT June 10, 2022
              WATAUGA, Texas — A North Texas pastor is under fire for saying gay people should be executed.
              The pastors at Stedfast Baptist Church, now based in Watauga, have a history of anti-gay rhetoric.”

            • I have more examples currently under moderation, perhaps the conservative commissars will permit their publication.

              But you know, those who follow the holy Bible, the Word of God, typically hold fast to the mosaic law. Jesus said: “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.

              And the law Jesus was speaking about is still in affect because heaven and earth has not passed away…

              LEVITICUS 20:13
              “‘If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them”

              Are you suggesting God’s law does not apply any longer?

              • I’ve previously explained to you how the law was fulfilled. You never learn anything because you don’t want to learn. You love being ignorant so you can pretend like Christians are some murderous cult out to kill all the gaes. Your ignorance of Christianity is similar to the ignorance of the racists throughout history.

                Every single time we delve into your hatred/phobia of Christianity, I discover that it’s based on ignorance. I often take the time to talk to you like an adult, only to later see you repeat the exact same falsehoods.

                Why is that? Are you incapable of learning, or do you not want to learn? Would you rather wallow in ignorance?

                What that pastor did was completely antithetical to Christianity. He’s leading his tiny flock of 50 (on their best day) astray. That’s the serious sin he needs to be concerned about. The Bible makes a point to give examples of Jesus talking to people that others believe should be shunned. There’s a reason for that.

              • Interesting, my comments containing actual Bible verses from the KJV moderated into oblivion.

                Fascinating, is WordPress censoring Christianity?

                Or is the goal of the censorship to prevent publication of actual facts regarding religion?

              • “my comments containing actual Bible verses”

                Was this another one of your famous, “I’m a Christian-hating atheist here to tell Christians that they’re doing Christianity wrong because I can look up Bible verses?”

                If you haven’t figured out how to work around the moderation system by now, then you’ll never figure it out. I give up on trying to help people navigate it.

              • Lol taking scripture lessons from a militant atheist is like taking bbq advice from a vegan.

  10. “I’m the worst conservative ever, right”

    Nope. Not even close. I’d say that most people don’t care that you’re gae*. Most elected and appointed Republicans are the worst conservatives. Just enough of them are always available to help the D’s advance their agenda.

    It’s funny how Dems have to pretend like Christians are really Muslims to make them sound scary. Dems usually can’t bring themselves to fake condemn anti-Jewish rhetoric without complaining about “Islamophobia.” When does anyone bring up the most persecuted religion in the world? How often do you hear the word Christophobia? Never.

    How often do you hear Christian Nationalist these days (in a fearmongering way)? I’ve been hearing a new one lately: Christofascist. The leaders and propagandists obviously don’t believe any of these lies. Their followers believe every word of it, which is the point. Go read some comments on Brian Tyler Cohen’s channel.

    • “Most elected and appointed Republicans are the worst conservatives.”

      Like the Democrats, the Republicans reflect their most ardent base. For the Dems that’s the Left flank. For the Right it’s the squishbox center.

      “I’ve been hearing a new one lately: Christofascist.”

      It’s not new, just going through another surge of popularity. I first encountered this term over a decade ago. The people using it know that most of their adversaries don’t pay close attention so they constantly cycle insults to extend their usefulness.

      “Their followers believe every word of it, which is the point.”

      That’s debatable. Interacting with such people pretty regularly, I don’t think most of them believe it at all. But they DO believe that it’s an effective thing to say because trolling works, and in that regard, they’re not entirely wrong since this hits on several fronts at once.

      Alinsky’s Rules:

      Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” As said by others referencing this rule: “There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.”

      Rule 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” No need for a whip if your people already enjoy it.

      Rule 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Hence the recycling.

      Rules 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Speaks for itself.

      Remember the key to Alinsky, which isn’t a “rule” per se: Your real action is your enemy’s reaction.

      It’s all about nudging the Zeitgeist towards a culture that benefits them more and more. The fact that they’re as good at this as they are is mostly a function of the fact that they get zero resistance from the Right. [Which, by the by, is why I have nearly no respect for the Right even though I agree with them on a lot of things, maybe even the majority. I can respect a coward. I cannot respect people who openly brag about being lazy, which is exactly what the Right is.]

      • I think they’re cranking up the anti-Christian rhetoric now because Dems are furious about Roe v Wade being overturned. Acceptance and inclusion (as long as you support Dems). We must sacrifice our children so we can drive a nicer car, and focus on me, me, me.

        Wait until they really push it, and it comes down to the definition of life in the SC. We’d have to outlaw it entirely. Most of them now understand it’s taking a life. They’re okay with that.

        • You intertwine three issues in a most interesting manner.

          On religion, I suspect that you’re partly correct.

          It’s also true that the country is majority Christian and the Left has always had a bone to pick with organized religion (as cults often do). One of the things that kinda freaks out Lefty organizers is that GenZ would seem to be on the cusp of reversing the decades-long trend of decreasing church attendance.

          Now, we’ll see if that ends up happening or being a good thing but, for now, it kinda freaks them out.

          It’s also true that the majority portion means that Christianity fits into the oppressor/oppressed model pretty well in modern America.

          And if one is willing to bend history a bit, it also fits into the Colonizer narrative that they push.

          Every bad thing in the modern worlds is due to inequity which is the result of an old European (white) colonial mindset which is also Christian, therefore Christianity = White = Colonialism = Oppression = Evil = Genocide = Oppression. So, let’s play word games in a Marxist dialectic style and… well, this is what you get. A shift from word to word to word as benefits them with every word being code for the others as well as many other *related* topics, carefully curated of course.

          Interestingly, you can also substitute “Jew” for “Christian” at this point. But you can swap out other words too. Oppression can become Apartheid, Christianity can become Capitalism etc. It’s quite a flexible scaffold, really.

          As for abortion itself, well, quite clearly the Right would have to push to ban the practice entirely. First, they’d have to define it though and that’s not something they’re really keen to do in most cases because that is throwing down a marker, politically. Personally, I think that Seamus Coughlin has articulated the way to thread that needle rather adroitly. But then, how many people know who he is?

          But yeah, the idea that abortion is murder yet states can choose to allow it is… well, there’s that lack of philosophical base I talk about. A poor attempt to mimic the Left’s ruthless political gamesmanship.

          Finally, with your car example… that, right there is an interesting political topic. Very interesting. One might even say “fraught”.

          On the one hand your analysis is spot on. People have, for 60 years been trained on consumerism and self-centeredness. Measuring their relative worth in society by material possessions. Clearly this isn’t healthy, at least not when taken to the extreme that we’ve gone to. But it could go farther. Much farther.

          Yet there’s a practical side to it on the economic and psychological fronts.

          Economically our overarching set of policy preferences since the 1970’s has hollowed out most of the US economy and driven us to be an entirely service/sales based economy with very little production of tangible items to back that. That’s a brittle system. It was also a conscious choice made in the 1960’s or early 1970’s, and one that both parties bought into. This is, probably, the birth of the Uniparty. One might pin-point it at Nixon’s trip to China in 1972 but clearly there was a plan before he went. When exactly, I haven’t bothered to chase down for semi-practical reasons.

          It would seem to be part of what people call the “rules based international order”. The idea being to export *capitalism*, raise all boats and this will contribute to a more stable and peaceful world in the post-War era because nukes. Numerous papers defend this particular point of view. And, it does make some sense. If goods don’t cross borders armies do actually have a tendency to cross them. But that seems, to me at least, to be a general guideline, not a rule. If interpreted as a rule it becomes easily gameable, which seems to be what happened.

          This also has many pages worth of other dovetails with US fiscal, military, geopolitical and monetary policy, which we clearly abuse, as well as the US having the World’s Reserve Currency to which all of that is tied. This is simultaneously a locus of power and also a major weakness because we clearly don’t know how to use it in a manner that makes sense. This is a major driver a lot of our current domestic problems economic, political and social thanks to the Cantillon Effect.

          But there’s that psyche side to it as well. Giving people huge numbers of consumer choices provides an illusion of control over life for many of the plebs. This facet of human behavior has been known for a long time. People who feel their life is out of control seize on small things they can control to reestablish a sense of balance in their existence. Done enough, they start to ignore the things they can’t control. Over time this allows for control mechanisms to which the public is blind/doesn’t care about because they are free to make all these choices about widgets and gizmos and candy and shit. Just choosing between two different flavors of gum produces notable changes in the brain for a person who’s life is out of control due to a major shock.

          These two things combined are why GW Bush told everyone to go out shopping after 9/11. It keeps the economy going and allows people who’ve been badly shaken to feel a reassertion of control over their life whether that feeling jives with reality or not is immaterial because feelings don’t care about facts.

          This is, in many ways, a wisdom passed down to us by the Serenity Prayer but weaponized and abused by public policy makers. It is, in some ways, amusing to me how we acknowledge the reality of how people function in the way we commonly speak yet we then act as though that language is not a reflection of our own functionality.

          • “the Left has always had a bone to pick with organized religion (as cults often do)”

            Hilarious, you seem oblivious to the fact that organized religions are, by definition, cults. Based on mythology, their worship of individuals with an arcane dogma structure, and punishments for those who do not hew to the cult doctrine are the hallmarks of a ‘cult’.

            Those who believe in talking snakes are by definition, delusional.

            • The words cult and religion are literally NOT the same by definition. That’s why we have different words to describe different things. At this point, you’re just flaunting your ignorance and phobia of religion.

    • Yeah I don’t care at all. I’ve known some old happy male couple’s who were quite conservative & didn’t “recruit”. I don’t care Jennifer…

  11. “ preparing to install a fascist, theocratic dictatorship that will force women to be treated like breeding livestock, LGBT people to be thrown from rooftops and non-Christians to be converted by force. ”

    That is basically the current platform of Nick Fuentes and his Groyper Army. His following is not insignificant, despite all the efforts to deplatform him.

      • Not sure how you made that comically-wrong leap of association, but you’ve just flagged yourself as low-IQ. Thanks for the heads up.

    • Me:

      “Deplatform” Nick Fuentes? Are you advocating censorship? If anything we need more “Nick Fuentes-types”.

    • “theocratic dictatorship that will force women to be treated like breeding livestock“

      No way, that would never happen! Oh, wait…

      “Missouri health director tracked menstrual periods of Planned Parenthood patients
      The spreadsheet containing the menstrual period information was found during the course of legal discovery and was scrutinized by Planned Parenthood attorneys.
      Dr. Randall Williams testified in front of the state’s administrative hearing commission that he directed the state’s main investigator to compile a list of patients using accessible medical records that included dates of their last menstrual periods, according to the Kansas City Star. In reviewing the data, the investigation was able to identify patients who had had “failed medical abortions.”

      “Trump says states might monitor pregnancies to track abortions
      When asked by TIME Magazine if states should monitor women’s pregnancies to track abortions, former President Donald Trump said: “I think they might do that. Again, you’ll have to speak to the individual states. Look, Roe v. Wade was all about bringing it back to the states.”

      • Sounds like a state level civil rights lawsuit that should be filed. Better get on that if you value freedom.

        • The Left has already openly stated that there is no expectation of privacy in the area of “personal health” when it is deemed that personal health intersects with public policy.

          Further, in this case, it is, quite clearly, of benefit to the State to know such things in terms of properly managing population, retirement plans, tax policy etc.

          Ergo, the persons on this spreadsheet should be thankful, actually. The Left has no argument either.

          What Missouri should be doing is and using this as a targeting list and offering incentives/punishments via the tax code and other bennies the State can legally provide.

          Lefties wanted it, so shove it down their throats the way they do to you. When they complain, do it harder.

          Oh, right, we’re discussing Conservatives. They don’t have the stones to actually exercise power in any way that doesn’t solely fuck their own base while assisting the “other side”.

          Don’t forget Cons, when the trains arrive, follow your instinct and form an orderly line.

          • “personal health intersects with public policy“

            When it comes to virulent contagious diseases, you bet your ass it does.

            So, how are the grandkids doing?

            “February 28, 2024
            Measles Cases Are Spreading in the US—Here’s What to Know
            Melissa Suran, PhD, MSJ
            JAMA. 2024;331(11):901-902. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.1949
            JAMA Medical News

            Despite its elimination in the US in 2000, measles cases are being reported across the country. As of February 22, 35 cases have been reported this year in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York City, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

            “Measles can be serious. Children younger than 5 years of age and adults older than 20 years of age are more likely to suffer from complications. Common complications are ear infections and diarrhea. Serious complications include pneumonia and encephalitis.“

              • “but you already know that.”

                Don’t count on it. He knows now, but he won’t care. He doesn’t care about being informed. He still can’t admit that we have an open border despite the Puppet removing safeguards on day one. All he cares about is his “team.”

            • “Despite its elimination in the US in 2000, measles cases are being reported across the country.”

              The culprit: importing millions of unvaxxed people. Duh! It’s almost like we should have a safe, orderly, and lawful process of inviting people into our country. In other words: no open borders.

              P.S. You owe me 20 bucks for that bet you lost. Edit: (directed to Miner)

              Edit: Safe’s comment just appeared after I made my original comment. As usual, Miner is clueless.

              • To add to this insanity, let’s not forget that they opened the border during a global pandemic. They didn’t require entrants to be vaxxed against Covid despite firing or threatening to fire unvaxxed employees. Let’s not forget their campaign to then blame the pandemic on the unvaxxed.

              • “APRIL 17, 2020 9:50AM
                There Is No Connection Between Measles Infections and Immigrants in the United States
                By Alex Nowrasteh and Andrew C. Forrester”

                “They are all statistically insignificant except a 1 percent increase in the share of a state’s illegal immigrant population is correlated with 0.06 fewer cases of disease per 100,000 state residents at the 5 percent level. Although significant, that’s a very small magnitude. There is no relationship between the share of a state’s population that is foreign‐​born and the rate of measles per 100,000 residents. There is also no relationship between the legal immigrant share of a state’s population and the rate of disease per 100,000 residents.“

              • I like how you quote pro-open border/pro-immigration/Koch brothers founded “think tank” (aka talking point outlet) CATO Institute from the year 2020! Highly relevant to our discussion, Miner (not). You just search the net to find anything that remotely fits your narrative. Your other post is from Europe.

                When there is a change in anything, and you want to find the cause, the first thing to ask is…what is different now compared to before this happened, like say a few years ago?

                I can use search engines too! I can even find something from less than two months ago, instead of from four years ago!

                Migrant Measles Cases Spark Fears of Wider Outbreak
                Martin went on: “Measles is already here in the United States, but the migrant population on the whole is under-vaccinated compared to the traditional Chicago population and is therefore at higher risk of infection.”

                Because migrants are less likely to be vaccinated, Martin said, CDPH is coordinating with health care partners to provide MMR vaccinations to shelter residents. The city provides vaccines at various clinics to uninsured individuals at no cost.

                Hey Miner, is the no dot, one dot, or two dots after your name used to denote which troll from the farm is using the Miner handle? Is that why you keep forgetting the conversations we’ve already had?

              • It seems you’re having some difficulty reading the very articles you cite:

                “the migrant population on the whole is under-vaccinated compared to the traditional Chicago population and is therefore at higher risk of infection.”

                That statement says that migrants are at a higher risk because they are not vaccinated, not that migrants are bringing in the measles.

                The fact is, the anti-VAX conservative position is contributing to an increased rate of measles in all populations of the United States.

                I actually posted a peer reviewed article, against your mass media reporters’ claims.

                Wow, your Freudian slip is showing, indicating to all who can read your true goal:

                “people who want all migrants deported now“

                Sorry, but that would include all your white ancestors as well, you are the child of migrants.

              • Miner says:
                “the migrant population on the whole is under-vaccinated…and is therefore at higher risk of infection”
                “That statement says that migrants are at a higher risk because they are not vaccinated, not that migrants are bringing in the measles.”

                Keep telling us that you don’t understand how outbreaks work. It happens when there is a vulnerable population present, who then can help to spread it to other susceptible people. The more people that have it, the more likely it is to spread (duh). You just quoted them saying migrants are at higher risk of infection, yet you’re still claiming that wouldn’t contribute to an outbreak…among migrants! I often try to give you the benefit of doubt. The truth is, you aren’t very bright.

                “you are the child of migrants”

                Nope. My parents were native born Americans, just like their parents. Life on Earth began somewhere on the other side of the planet. Using your logic, everyone is a “child of migrants.” Indians/Native Americans traveled here from East Asia before the sea levels rose high enough to cut off the various population areas. Do you hate dictionaries and history, or are you really that ignorant?

            • “Measles Resurgence in Europe: Migrants and Travellers are not the Main Drivers”
              Wei-Yee Leong1,* and Annika Beate Wilder-Smith2

              “Our results showed that number of migrants and international tourist arrivals into any of the European countries were not the drivers for increased measles cases. Countries with high vaccine coverage rates regardless of economic status did not experience a resurgence of measles, even if the number of migrants or incoming travellers was high. The statistically significant sole driver was vaccine coverage rates.“

              • LOL
                LMAO even.

                Brought to you by the pushers of safe and effective. Yeah bud “experts” may make such politically correct claims but they also claimed that Monkeypox is not effectively a STI that is also a telltale sign of child abuse. How quickly did that get buried and renamed because it’s racist or something now? Nobody with pattern recognition is fooled by this anymore and even NY has a slim majority of people who want all migrants deported now.

              • “experts” may make such politically correct claims but they also claimed that Monkeypox is not effectively a STI that is also a telltale sign of child abuse“

                I’m sorry, but the research indicates an increasing rate of sexual transmission regarding monkeypox:

                “Sex Transm Dis. 2023 Feb; 50(2): 63–65. Published online 2022 Oct 28. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001705
                PMCID: PMC9855745PMID: 36098576
                Current Evidence Demonstrates That Monkeypox Is a Sexually Transmitted Infection
                Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, MD∗ and Jeffrey D. Klausner, MD, MPH†”

                It seems the most common method of transmission of monkeypox has changed in recent years:

                “Historically, outbreaks of monkeypox have been short-lived, mostly limited to already endemic tropical rainforest regions, with infections transmitted through predominantly animal-to-human contact, as well as human-to-human transmission via close contact with an infected individual.2 Over the past several months, however, the current outbreak of monkeypox has spread more rapidly and pervasively than any previous outbreak1 and with mounting evidence that sexual contact is the most common mode of transmission.”

                But why are you talking about monkeypox, got a nasty case they can’t seem to get resolved?

                Really, you should stay away from those monkeys and you should be ashamed of yourself for what you’re doing with those poor animals.

              • In other words, it would be very troubling if a child contracted monkeypox. SAFE has some more laughing to do. Wow Miner you understand nothing.

              • Miner …… do I even need to get into how the faulty gene therapies masquerading as actual vaccines for US funded Chinese bioweapon failures are increasingly being acknowledged as harmful or are you and potentially your supervisor going to see the diminishing returns on your shilling here?

  12. The RKBA is a god-given right. You have it even if you don’t believe in invisible friends.


  13. So I walk into this bar. It’s a little crowded, I park my myself next to a decent looking woman with short hair and a plaid flannel shirt on. We are both eying this hot blond gal at the end of the bar.
    All of a sudden the woman sitting next to me starts describing the things she’d like to do to the gal, I’m like getting,,,so I put my hand on her leg and she removes it and says ” I’m a lesbian” I look at the woman we were both looking at and I say’s ” I must be a lesbian too.”

    • Possum, I have friend who thought he was a cowboy until he had a conversation with a lesbian in a bar one night.

  14. “Long-time readers will recall that I’m the odd one out defending the gun rights of LGBT people (including the supposedly oh-so-dangerous T)…”

    Who among us has stated that homosexuals and other so-called “gender dysphorics”don’t have 2nd Amendment rights simply because of their orientation? False premise.

    • I thought it was about “mental illness”, homosexuality was considered a “mental illness” until the Wokesters took control of the American Psychiatric Association and rewrote the guidelines.

    • I thought it was about “mental illness”, being G-h-e-y was considered a “mental illness” until the Wokesters took control of the American Psychiatric Association and rewrote the guidelines.

  15. Christian’s versus Mayans.
    Send in the priests.
    Jesus wants your gold.
    Coronado you’ drug us killing those non believers all the way way to Kansas and wtf, buffalo sht. We’re going home.

    • Sometimes I wish I was only 9 inches tall, Possum…

  16. Thanks for the article Jennifer. I read that piece of Mother Jones stupid when it came out.

  17. Part of the problem is these people think anyone who attends church is some radical Christian fundy who wants to strip women of all rights, meanwhile they strip women’s rights by allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports.
    Got no thing against the T in LGBT, but men in womens locker rooms, competing in womens sports is just plain wrong.

    • Epsteindidnotkillhimself,

      Got no thing against the T in LGBT, but men in womens locker rooms, competing in womens sports is just plain wrong.

      Well now you have gone and done it: you said something critical of the alphabet mafia and failed to fawn all over them and embrace their every whim and precept. Expect their wrath at any moment.

    • Nearly none of them actually believe that. It’s mostly a narrative.

      The people on the Left who really do believe that are so neurotic that they barely function.

      The actual hard-Left doesn’t believe it for a second. They’re in the streets looking for a fight. They don’t just think, they know Christians ain’t ready for a rumble.

      The well educated ones know that it’s the Left itself which assisted in the neutering of Christians. They not only know it happened, they openly laugh about it.

    • Sports should not be segregated by gender, but rather by height/weight.

      No, Epstein did not kill himself, Donald Trump’s Department of Justice tidied up that loose sand so he wouldn’t have that burden during his 2020 campaign.

      • Yet it’s mostly Trump critics on the various logs and far more often……odd that.

  18. Don’t get too hung up on this particular facet of their strategy.

    They’re currently looking for the best attack vector against MAGA. They’ve already focus-group-tested a bunch of shit and now they’re rolling it out as trial balloons to see what sticks.

    Hence the attack on Christians at the same time as poor whites at the same time as rural whites etc etc.

    They’re trying to find a good counterpunch for Rich Men North of Richmond in terms of going after suburban women, minorities etc.

    “Mother Jones‘ writers can’t have it both ways. You can’t in good faith say in one breath that fascist doom is coming and then in the next breath rail against the alleged fascists for opposing gun control.”

    Yes, they can. Their argument is pretty simple:

    There exists in MAGA and MAGA-adjacent circles a large pool of violent Brown-Shirts-in-waiting. These people are simply waiting for Orange Hitler to give the command and they’ll going full Holocaust on everyone the Mango Mussolini wants to target.

    These people are armed to the teeth with “military grade firepower” so that they can out-gun the police during the American Kristallnacht and Night of the Long Knives (against the Deep State).

    These people are a threat to “our Democracy” and their amassed armaments mean that we need gun control to get the weapons away from these crazies.

    ^^This is a mix of red meat for the base and trial-ballooning messaging for wine-moms in the ‘burbs, blacks, *alternative sexualities*, young women etc.

    You have to keep in mind that Mother Jones is not a widely read publication outside the Left. Therefore it serves as both a testing ground and an incubator for those functional narratives that will go wide later on. It also serves to keep the base agitated and anxious.

    • “They’re trying to find a good counterpunch for Rich Men North of Richmond”

      Sorry, ‘Rich Men’ is our punch, and the Right hasn’t been unable to counter the truth in his lyrics.

      “Oliver Anthony Bashes Right-Wing Media for Co-Opting Viral Hit
      “It’s aggravating seeing people on conservative news try to identify with me like I’m one of them,” says the “Rich Men North of Richmond” singer
      AUGUST 25, 2023

      “Anthony, who previously said he was down the middle politically, laughed at how “Rich Men North of Richmond” was used in the first question of Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate (which Donald Trump, arrested for the fourth time on Thursday, skipped for an interview with Tucker Carlson). “I wrote that song about those people. So for [the candidates] to have to sit there and listen to that, that cracks me up,” he says. “That song has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It’s a lot bigger than Joe Biden. That song was written about the people on that stage — and a lot more, not just them, but definitely them.”

    • “simply waiting for Orange Hitler to give the command and they’ll going full Holocaust on everyone“

      Yep, it worked for Trump on January 6, of course he’ll try it again.

      “Proud Boys celebrate Trump’s ‘stand by’ remark about them at the debate.
      By Sheera Frenkel and Annie Karni
      Published Sept. 29, 2020
      Updated Jan. 20, 2021
      Members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group that has endorsed violence, celebrated on Tuesday night after President Trump mentioned them during the first presidential debate.

      Asked whether he condemned white supremacists and military groups, Mr. Trump demurred and then said, “Proud Boys — stand back and stand by.”
      Within minutes, members of the group were posting in private social media channels, calling the president’s comments “historic.” In one channel dedicated to the Proud Boys on Telegram, a private messaging app, group members called the president’s comment a tacit endorsement of their violent tactics.“

        • Jade Helm is REAL!

          The ironic twist is, it’s part of Trump’s 2025 plan to “terminate the Constitution” and install his ‘benevolent’ dictatorship in the first day.

          • Once Trump is reelected and completes his second term in office we are going to give you what you’ve been begging for, what you deserve, and what this nation requires to keep it on track ie. a Fransisco Franco-type Nationalist, someone who loves the USA and is willing and prepared to take on “the Left” and see to it’s utter annihilation.

        • I’d ask him what his point is with his replies but, honestly, what’s the point?

          Whether he’s trying to muddy the waters with tangentially related yet intentionally off target bullshit or he’s just so stupid that it’s almost cute doesn’t much matter. He’s a waste of time to respond to either way.

          • Dagnabit, I had a really pithy response for you and it disappeared into right wing forum cloud-cuckoo-land.

            It seems you will stay just short of enlightenment for another day…

            • Oh don’t worry still here for you and your manufactured “facts” do regale us on how Trump had more connection with Epstein than literally everyone else in his little black book or how Christian Nationalism is going to take over the country from a position of almost existing.

          • S9, you claimed the left is looking for a counter punch to Oliver Anthony’s lyrical indictment, and you are wrong because Oliver Anthony is laughing at you conservative Republicans.

            In the interview he stated clearly his song was about the Republican presidential candidates, and had nothing to do with Joe Biden or the Democrats:

            “I wrote that song about those people. So for [the candidates] to have to sit there and listen to that, that cracks me up,” he says. “That song has nothing to do with Joe Biden. It’s a lot bigger than Joe Biden. That song was written about the people on that stage — and a lot more, not just them, but definitely them.”

            It is unfortunate for the conservatives that young folks can see clearly their deception attempts, Oliver Anthony is just the latest talented singer/songwriter to use music to point out the hypocrisy and lies of the so-called ‘conservatives’.

            • It doesn’t matter who or what any particular songwriter says he was writing about. People can still identify with the song based on their own interpretation. Most people saw it as a rebuke against the elite…Because it was! Republicans are included in that group. Most rural people no longer identify with the America/West-hating Democrats.

              • “People can still identify with the song based on their own interpretation“

                While that may be the case, it can lead to people not receiving the message correctly.

                I mean, look how well that interpretation thing has worked out for the organized religions, it seems it has led directly to millions dead over religious doctrine differences.

                German Catholic Hitler killing millions of Hebrews, the Lord’s resistance Army in Africa killing hundreds of thousands, the troubles in Northern Ireland as the BRITs continue their thousand year Church of England occupation of Catholic Ireland, there’s Raleys bombing farmers and taking their land for settlements because ‘God gave them the promised land’.

                And Oliver Anthony is still laughing at the republican presidential candidates who think he is their ‘common Man’ champion.

                I guess if Donald Trump can convince the “poorly educated” that he stands for the common man, the ‘conservatives’ will believe anything.

              • And here you are putting down the poorly educated and Christianity. Again. Like I said, rural people no longer identify with Democrats. Democrats, just like you, tend to look down on them. Message received loud and clear.

              • Miner the problem with your premise with this song is twofold. 1 nobody cares as in the song took on a life of it’s own beyond the artist. 2 it doesn’t matter as it already is in everyone’s mind in ways neither you nor anyone else can control. The truly scary part is for every one like you I encounter I am running into 3 that took the song more like this version.
                And mind you this is in NY good luck with the rest of the country.

              • “Most people saw it as a rebuke against the elite…”

                Clearly the only “rich men north of Richmond” are GOPers. The Democrats are oppressed FFS!

                And clearly I’m a huge fan of the GOP because I talk shit about them constantly.

                GOPers being tone deaf about music ain’t new. Many of them have used Born in the USA in public.

                A shot-across the bow to TPTB is going to scare the people… currently in power. If that’s not obvious to Miner, well, he should throttle back his booze and paint chip consumption.

  19. I clicked on the links and read through the Mutha Jonz hit piece to find the videos in question. Thanks for cluing me in on so I could subscribe to a new video channel.

    Sic Semper Tyrannis.

  20. “If I’m guilty of anything, it’s that I want to give everyone a fair shake, and this time it’s conservative Christians’ turn to get that same fair shake I think everyone deserves.”

    Which nicely illustrates the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist. The former can disagree with Conservatives but otherwise get along swimmingly with them; the latter finds the very existence of Conservatives to be a problem in need of correction by any means necessary.

    • Oh, we’re fine with true conservatives like McCain, Cheney and Kinzinger.

      Disagree with most of their policies, but can’t question their patriotism.

      Because they have not engaged in a far ranging conspiracy to subvert the electoral college in order to unlawfully install their cult leader.

      The evidence is in, the documents and testimony of cooperating co-conspirators before the grand jury has resulted in multiple indictments for the seditious and even traitorous behavior by the self-named “fake electors”.

      These co-conspirators, right up to their leader Donald Trump, are the very definition of ‘domestic enemies’ and you folks who give them ‘aid and comfort’ are just as guilty of treason as they are.

      That’s why the jurisprudence systems of the United States of America are engaged in what some here would call Nuremberg 2.0, with much success already and even more convictions dead ahead.

      Stay tuned, same bat channel, same bat time!

      • Did you try to pass off a bunch of neocon statists as conservative? LOL even more so at the patriots part but you would like fascists.

        • I think it’s even more interesting that the cochair of the Republican national committee has filed a lawsuit to disenfranchise and prevent the votes of American’s military serving overseas from being counted.

          “Lara Trump is being blasted on social media for bragging about a Republican lawsuit that could disenfranchise huge numbers of voters.

          “You cannot have ballots counted, Maria, after elections are over,” Trump, who is the daughter-in-law of Donald Trump and co-chair of the Republican National Committee, told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “And right now, that is one of the many lawsuits we have out across this country to ensure that just that happens, that we have a free, fair and transparent election.”

          The lawsuit filed by the RNC in Nevada doesn’t seek to stop counting ballots after Election Day, but rather seeks to prohibit counting any mail-in ballots received after that date, even if they were postmarked in time.“

          • Deflect defect reflection for one that hates religion you sure argue like a priest.

            • I don’t hate religion, I do detest the effect organized delusion and manipulation has upon my fellow humans.

              From Mahomet’s hebephilia to Jehovah’s genocide, and all points in between.

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