krav maga gun disarm courtesy of

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea — when it’s the only one you have. French philosopher Émile Auguste Chartier was a pacifist. But his advice applies to self-defense. Here’s an example . . .

During a trip to the mall with your family, you accidentally bump into another shopper. They mistake your bump for a shove. The stranger becomes immediately aggressive. Belligerent. You apologize and try to de-escalate the situation. You try to walk away. It’s not happening. He blocks your path. He’s spoiling for a fight. In fact, the fight’s already begun . . .

Your everyday carry gun is safely holstered, out-of-sight. The real problem? It’s your only mode of self-defense. You don’t have the knowledge or experience to go “hands-on.”

This situation will end badly, no matter what. You will either get your ass kicked or you will “stop” the person by shooting them. If so, you face the prospect of arrest, prosecution and jail time for using deadly force against an unarmed opponent. Whether or not you’re vindicated, it’s going to be hell. And it’s most likely unnecessary.

There are many forms of hands-on self-defense that can end a physical altercation quickly and efficiently: karate, taekwondo, jiu-jitsu and literally hundreds of others. I don’t not recommend any of them. I do recommend Krav Maga.

I believe Krav Maga is the best self-defense system for someone, anyone who carries a gun. An armed self-defender trained in Krav Maga can use his or her skills to create enough distance to flee from danger, get to their gun or inflict enough damage not to need to draw their gun at all. Here’s wikipedia’s description.

Krav Maga is a military self-defence and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces (Shin Bet and Mossad) that derived from a combination of techniques sourced from Boxing, Wrestling, Aikido, Judo, Karate along with realistic fight training.

Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency.

It was derived from the street-fighting experience of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld, who made use of his training as a boxer and wrestler as a means of defending the Jewish quarter against fascist groups in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, in the mid-to-late 1930s. In the late 1940s, following his migration to Israel, he began to provide lessons on combat training to what was to become the IDF.

From the outset, the original concept of Krav Maga was to take the most simple and practical techniques of other fighting styles (originally European boxing, wrestling and street fighting) and to make them rapidly teachable to military conscripts. Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing aggression and simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers.

Do you know how to kick someone in the balls? It’s a simple and [hopefully] devastating “long range” self-defense technique that can be learned (if not completely mastered) in a single Krav Maga training session.

Krav students can quickly add a range of other simple, basic and extremely powerful combatives to their self-defense repertoire. Skills that combine well with armed self-defense, exponentially increasing an armed defender’s abilities and options. Remember that . . .

Most attacks are ambush attacks, depending on speed, surprise and violence of action. The chances are high your attacker or attackers will “get the jump on you.” Simply put, you may not be able to draw your gun, or draw your gun fast enough to end the attack.

Even if you do manage to get a shot or shots off, there’s no guarantee that ballistic perforation will end your attacker’s ability to retaliate. Brutally. Perhaps fatally.

Using Krav Maga, an armed defender can incapacitate an attacker enough so that the defender can get to their gun, use their gun effectively or, as stated above, not need to use it at all.

Another important point: even the best firearms malfunction, sometimes these malfunctions are caused by external factors, like your garment, a wall, or someone’s hand on the slide or ejection port of you gun. 

In close quarter environments you won’t have enough time to address your stoppage. You will have to first fight to create distance, to give yourself time to fix a stoppage and re-engage your threat.

Krav Maga instructors also teach gun disarms and knife defense. But the basics are the thing.

If you’re carrying a gun daily for self-protection or simply keep one at home, Krav Maga is a necessity. It will help you prevent the use of deadly force, fight to your firearm, retain your firearm, or create distance to get your firearm back in the game.

But don’t take my word for it. At most Krav studios, the first class is free. And useful.

About the author: 

Ron Grobman is an ex-IDF special forces sniper and professional Krav Maga and firearms instructor. He currently provides Combat classes combining Krav Maga and shooting with his company Tactical Fitness



  1. Do I have to carry condition three or drop into the pooping horse stance if I need to shoot?

    Just kidding – it looks good and to your point plenty of gun people do not think about unarmed self-defense, skills that are important when you are carrying a gun as well

  2. The best martial art is the one you will practice. I guess for some people that is Krav. I don’t have anything against Krav, but I also haven’t seen it do anything particularly different than what we do at my Kenpo school. A competent instructor is far more important in hand to hand training than the style you learn. Just my 2 cents as a guy who has been doing this for over a decade.

    • Practice is key. Except most people don’t practice.

      Krav is excellent for people who want to quickly learn something effective and NOT practice. I know: that’s wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. But it’s also the world we live in.

        • Presumably they’re drawn from the same pool of bad guys who run around with broken guns, unloaded guns, guns incorrectly loaded, guns loaded with the wrong type of ammunition, and so forth.

          Anything can happen any time, any place, and I’m certainly not looking for trouble. Still, given the bad guys’ collective armed skills, I expect to be unimpressed by their unarmed skills, as a group.

        • Well, it doesn’t take much skill for some huge guy who spent a lot of time pumping iron in prison to knock you down and kick the crap out of you. Think about how many of these guys come out built like NFL lineman who look like they could stand on your toes and rip your head right off your body. Unless you are built like they are, your mad skilz will do no good, only hot lead will suffice.

        • Mark N.,

          Your point is solid.

          Given the following:
          (1) You can only use deadly force when you have a reasonable fear of imminent great bodily harm or death.
          (2) Many jurisdictions operate on the idea that an unarmed male aggressor does NOT present a reasonable fear of imminent great bodily harm or death to another man (whether or not the male defender has a firearm).

          Number (2) above may make sense if both men are average height/build and of similar age. I believe number (2) above is WRONG when the male aggressor looks like a youthful NFL linebacker and the male defender is average height and build, especially so if the aggressor is 20 something years old and the defender is 50+ years old.

          What are your observations about this?

    • Ditto. I’ve not seen much different from my Kenpo training in Krav. Ed Parker used to say that the only thing a Kenpo person wouldn’t do is “kick below the soles of the feet, or kick a woman in the testicles.” Krav is just as street-oriented, just as concerned with making it count without high, pretty kicks, without theatrical flourishes, etc.

      The key issue of any fighting style is training your mind to get out of the “crouch, run, hide” mentality and into the “react, hit, and make it hurt” mentality. They way they did that to me was to back me into a corner and start throwing punches and kicks at me until I responded. Do that every other day for two months and after awhile, you get tired of being hit and you start hitting back – because it causes less pain than getting hit.

      • Nice. For me it really clicked when I started training hard with one of the Black Belts who was faster, stronger and better skilled than I was, and he also had almost three inches of reach on me. Five days a week for 6 months we would work through all of our prescribed material, circuit train for half an hour, work the heavy bags for half an hour, full contact sparring for 15-20 minutes without a break then 15-20 minutes of grappling without a break. Nothing will make you get better faster than being a punching bag for someone who is better than you in every way.

    • Most martial arts are good. The best I have seen, combine hard styles (kicking/punching/striking) with softer styles. (Grabbing/joint manipulation/throwing) Jujitsu, Hapkido, etc. Especially an older person like myself, attacked by much younger and stronger and faster thugs, I better be able to do something effective, if taken by surprise, until I can draw my firearm, if necessary. You need to learn how to defend, when in close physical contact, punching distance, and kicking distance. All three levels of fighting too. Standing, kneeling and on the ground prone also.

  3. Riiiight. God made man; Sam Colt made them equal. One of the most disgusting aspects of the disarmists is their lack of comprehension of that basic fact, that if guns could be vanished by Harry Potter’s wand, we would be back to might makes right.

    “All Gun Owners Should Learn Krav Maga” should be reformulated as “All Gun Owners Should Learn To Not Walk Like a Victim And Should Have A Steely Stare And Muscles Like Superman And Work Out 10 Hours A Day And Wear Body Armor 24×7 Just In Case.”

  4. Concealed carriers should also learn to shoot if they are going to carry, but we all know that doesn’t happen either.

    Do what you can.

  5. Does that include 80 year old guys who need a walker to get around? They can’t fight anymore but they can still shoot.

    • You’re exactly right. I ain’t 80, but at 65 in good shape, I still do not relish the thought of going mano to mano with a 20 year old. I note that the article states that Krav Maga was designed for military conscripts. Not too many of them are my age.

      • I’ve never been athletic. It’s good that I wasn’t drafted because I doubt I would have survived boot camp.

      • It is not about going full 12 rounds with younger, stronger and more agile attacker. It is about knowing a few basic techniques to create distance (maybe distract him) so you can even get to your gun, if you need to.

  6. I’ve honestly thought about taking Krav or perhaps even Systema. But at the same time I did survived major bran surgery a few years ago, and my neurologist specially told me to avoid martial arts. :/

    • I feel your … oh, right, the brain doesn’t itself feel pain. (Stroke for me. Missed the pressure-relief surgery by hours, perhaps minutes as the medical interventions took hold. Skippy, the 12-year-old neurosurgeon was visibly disappointed when he had to call off the team. Already sharpened his Dremels, I’m sure.)

      Getting a straight answer on what you can do from the docs is the devil’s own problem. If you’re not acute enough to require inpatient and machines that go “ping” they’re kinda uninterested.

      There are some very empirical and very effective people scattered within the ‘natural healing” moonbat flock (Moonbats flock, right?) A good teacher of any art will calibrate your training that way, too.

      Personally, I’m a fan of the Krav Maga syllabus and mindset. There are strong similarities in the way it, and the current Marine combatives system developed.

    • “Bran” surgery? 🙂

      I had a major brain surgery myself 10 years ago. Almost died of a MRSA infection afterward… The brain problem was less dangerous than my hospital stay, as it turned out. But in the end, I came out okay.

      At my 12-month checkup, they told me I could go play football if I wanted. Still, I’m not going to test how strong the parts of my head they put back together really are if I can help it.

  7. I’m old and broken now, Bad back, Bad hip, Bad knees. Right arm pretty screwed up from a badly broken elbow. Fortunately I’m left handed. At 6’4″ and 280 pds, there is some intimidation in sheer size but only some. These days there’s very little in the tank for hand to hand.

    I did notice that all the pictures here seem to be healthy, youngish folks in their prime. That’s nice. What have you got for us busted up old farts?

      • Blammo, God forbid I ever have to draw on anyone . . . but if I do, I expect their testimony to come from the coroner. Or through a seance.

        • Winterborne,

          “I expect their testimony to come from … a seance.”

          That there was funny!

      • What’s the old adage? Something like “a young man will whip your ass, but an old man will kill you”

        • “I’m too old to fight, but too young to die.”- Anon
          (I read that here on TTAG a long time ago.)

          KM, like many other systems, is most succinctly a frame of mind.
          The outcome of any altercation may be based upon the will and intellect of the combatants.
          I have seen this. I have experienced it myself.
          “If you find yourself in a dog fight, you must fight like a dog.”- my sensi

        • Young men have strength, speed, and stamina; old men know how to cheat. Never ever grant your opponent a fair fight; it will get you killed.

        • I was at my grandsons’s Brazilian Jiujitsu classes one evening, and one was challenging my old, crippled ass to spar with him. I asked his sensei to explain to him about what happens when you fight old guys, and he’d told my grandson: “Old guys fight dirty. They gouge your fuckin’ eyeballs out, grab your balls and try to rip them off, do their damndest to bite an ear, or two, off, and break as many bones as possible. Capisce?
          He hasn’t challenged me since.

    • If you are seriously asking, I would recommend Hapkido, specifically their cane fighting techniques. They have developed a sound fighting style based around a walking stick or cane specifically for the elderly or those with mobility problems. I haven’t ever tried it myself, but the responses I’ve heard were positive.

    • Winter
      Carry weapon of your choice. Preferably one you practice with regularly. Any exercise you can manage maybe tai chi or similar.

      I did judo and karate from teens well into my 40’s but injuries catch up with you. I still do kata as a flexibility thing more than fighting practice.

      I try a lot more to avoid stupid people and places but not always possible.

      • I shoot IDPA and Steel challenge when I can. Usually run about 500 month through either my 45, my GP100, and such.

        I’m slow, but accurate. So regular practice is a thing with me.

        DrewR: I’ve never heard of Hapkido, but I’ll check it out. Thanks.

    • Yours is a serious question worthy of a serious answer:
      Something occasionally addressed here at TTAG, what sort of non-lethal weapon do you carry? Sometimes a gun is NOT the right answer and we should strive to avoid being the man holding a hammer – every problem looks like a nail.
      Three non-lethal toys you may find on me at almost all times:
      1. MACE Pepper Gel. Not a spray or stream, it has better range than liquids, less likely to blow back into one’s face and it’s sticky!
      2. Cold Steel Irish Walking Stick. Say it with me, “it’s not a club, it’s a cane!” Cold Steel makes several nice canes, pick one that suits you and stay away from gimmicky sword canes or hidden knives. Funny thing, some businesses I frequent have learned to recognize me from my distinctive cane I always have with me. Strangers love asking about it.
      3. The DeSantis City Slicker. Say it with me, “it’s not a blackjack, it’s a coin purse!” I can prove it too, all of my cash and coins are kept in it – with a number of large pesos in the mix to add mass.

      • +1 on the cane

        I have a brass knob capped walking stick that’s essentially a manufactured shillelelagh. Conveniently, whenever I feel like I should have a not-a-club in my hand: “Dude, I had a stroke. It just helps me walk, sometimes.”

        There’s even some technique for Irish “stick fighting.” Net, your walking stick, forward in the non-dominant hand parries and can hit as a club, while “something else” is in your dominant hand, held in close guard. Or, whatever best fits in the moment, of course.

      • Your best weapons are Awareness, Avoidance, and De-escalation. Become proficient in those and you’ve just spared yourself from 99.999% of violent encounters.

        • Excellent advice, Jonathan! I would add a few things I teach to all my self defense classes.

          Criminals generally want easy, helpless, frightened victims. The less you look like “food,” the less likely you will be eaten – or even chewed on. Smile at everyone and be polite, but don’t let anyone intimidate you.

          Have plans, goals, even if very simple. If you walk, drive, ride, whatever, looking confident, in control of your life, and aware of your surroundings, you are very unlikely to be attacked.

          But if you are attacked anyway, be prepared (ahead of time) to do absolutely whatever needs to be done to survive. Attitude needs practice too, so think about it.

          Some of us crippled up old folks are limited, of course. My only problem with carrying a cane is that I then only have one hand to do everything else!!! But if I had to walk in an area crowded with strangers I’d have one. And I do know how to use it. 🙂

          We also practice something called “key drop,” training to be able to overcome the ingrained instinct to HANG ONTO whatever is in the hands. Whatever you are carrying, especially grocery bags containing raw eggs… you will normally hesitate to drop them, even in order to defend yourself. Work to overcome that impulse in a simulated emergency. We actually did use raw eggs in this exercise once at my shooting clinic. The drop and draw times were significantly slower, and not just for the newcomers.

    • If you can justify the shooting on the grounds that you are in fear for your life and are too washed up to defend yourself, you probably can get away with it. That and have a lawyer on speed dial.

    • Thee school where I take Krav Maga works within your limitations to a large degree. I used to think of Krav as a martial but after two years I realize it is not a martial art. It is survival skills. It works for young adults, teens, and old folks alike. In my original starting class there are several over 40, two over 50 and two of us are pushing hard on 60. We are all still there and were brought along at our own pace. I studied Kempo a long time ago and was only OK at it. I did not have the heart in it. I do think Krav is better for street survival than a lot of the others. People used to ask me what I would recommend them to study for self defense and I would tell them Akido. Now I tell them Krav hands down. Extreme ballistic attack(Retzef) and then evacuate to a safer place. I still have trouble with the evacuation part.

    • That’s my favorite “fighting” style too, but sometimes it’s just not adequate.

      I once had to stop some drunk-ass jerkwad from tackling my 12-year-old son at a concert, and in that case, the traditional Scottish martial art of fekyu served me well (it mostly consists of suckerpunches and surprise knees to the head or groin).

      • Yeah, someone needs to develop a martial art centered around fighting “dirty”. Though I personally don’t believe in the concept, if you’re on the defensive in a violent encounter ANYTHING goes. Gouge their eyes out, bite fingers off, rip their nutsack off, it’s all good in the neighborhood.

        • There is one. It’s not a martial art though. It’s called Krav Maga. No rules of engagement. No limiting targets. No fair fights. Eyes, ears, throat, groin, spine, temples, All are great targets.

        • If it teaches fighting techniques, then it’s a martial art. And if Krav Maga is about fighting “dirty,” then it’s definitely the art for me. You only fight fair if you don’t want to win.

  8. I agree with the main theme of the article but I prefer Dieter’s CQD –

    20+ years training SEALs and three-letter agency guys while we have been at war – and built around having a pistol and/or M4! I trained in 2004 been back for a refresher every year since.

    • CQD is a joke. The only good thing about it is the hooded box. Teaching you to stand completely off balance in a non athletic stance. If you have any serious combative experience (actual real fighting) you will know it’s BS in less than ten minutes. What did it for me was instructors telling be you can sit up into an assailant after striking. Sorry doing a sit up into someone is not going to work (that is 101 day 1 grappling, and it does not work). It is a business of selling BS.

  9. I’m a Krav guy. Been practicing for almost six years, have a first degree Black Belt through the school I go to and am on my way to my second degree. Here’s what I’ve noticed: It’s all about mindset. Not many people who’ve passed through the place I go to really get the “fighting to survive” mentality. If a bad situation happens to me, there is no dirty move I won’t do to survive. My mindset is: fight like a cornered animal, fight to win, cheat, and if you start to lose, do things out of spite just so the police can identify the bastard (gouge eyes, rip off ears, bite, etc.). If you have that mentality, you could, in theory, apply any art you choose and be effective. To quote Ras al Gul from Batman Begins: “The training is nothing! Will is everything!”

    My two cents

    • I agree completely. Like I said earlier, our techniques are very similar style to style, and mindset is the critical factor.

      • My wife jokes about in a serious way, fight like you are the third monkey on the ramp to the Ark and the rain just started. She is also a Krav student.

  10. Let’s face it: We’re Americans. We’re fat, sedentary and lazy. We love our riding lawnmowers and self-propelled snowblowers. We could just as well push the mower and shovel the snow, but we don’t.

    A few of us might take a Krav Maga class. Fewer still will practice those skills enough to bring them to bear when it really matters. That would require turning off the TV and putting down the smartphone. Not gonna happen.

    We all need to admit something to ourselves: As much as we preach the importance of the Second Amendment, as much as we promote the importance of being armed for our own protection, if shooting wasn’t fun, we wouldn’t have guns. But since it is fun, we actually practice with them, get good at hitting our target, and because of that we might have a chance at using one to stop an attack.

    I’m going to stick with what I know, roll the dice, and stay the hell out of shopping malls.

  11. Eh. I still use my military hand to hand training. Lil BJJ, lil boxing, lil wrestling, and I’m competent enough to be dangerous with it. Still Krav sounds good and well we all wanna do what the Special Friends guys do.

  12. Lucky enough to go through FT Benning’s combative program a few years ago. Any training is better than none. RF is certainly fond of the Israeli methods and training. Best advice I ever heard was paraphrasing Mike Tyson about getting punched in the nose with a plan. In my limited fight experience, fundamentals trump flashy theatrics, one tends to forget everything else.

  13. Had some training in self defense several years ago. The most important thing I was taught is to not screw around when SHTF. Go for the kill blow hard fast and without remorse. Get the fight over fast and ugly. Leave a lasting impression on the perp. When it’s you or them. Be damn sure you are the one who comes out alive. Eyes,throat,groin and knees are the best places to attack. If you have the ability make your first punch a kick as it is the least anticipated blow. Just like using a firearm for defense. You must be decisive in your plan and not hold back in it’s execution. Be the one who walks away. Not the one carried away.

  14. Hmmm…I worked out for 45years competing in weightlifting and bodybuilding. Until a few years ago I never cared about martial arts as I could usually throw or grab most anyone and overpower them. Now I’m old and it still doesn’t interest me. Gun,knife and pepper gel is usually on me. And a nifty axe in the car. Most punk criminals aren’t wrestling-they’re shooting or stabbing…

  15. Yeah, anything can happen, and being more prepared is better. However, I am calling BS on the “If you’re carrying a gun daily for self-protection or simply keep one at home, Krav Maga is a necessity”. That is just nonsense. Everybody does not have to operate operationally to own a firearm. Wonder what percentage of people in the US who have used a gun defensively know Krav. What percentage have even heard of it? What did they do before Krav?

  16. These are some good points but I’d add getting into and staying in good physical condition. I know it’s hard and time consuming. I really know. I’ve gained and lost weight, gone in and out of shape so many times it’s probably been detrimental to my health. But hand to hand fighting is hard work, and the biggest killer of all is heart disease.

  17. Rob makes a good point and that is self defense is not only about guns. It’s a combination of skills and factors.

  18. Krav Maga instructor says: “All Gun Owners Should Learn Krav Maga.”

    Attorney says: “All Gun Owners Should Come Take a Course from Me About the Law of Self-Defense.”

      • When I was a kid, I was fascinated with Rat man & Bobbin. I made a cape and wore it often. I had a hard time keeping it out of the way while I was peeing though. Should have made the cape shorter.

    • I’ll wear the cape, because I do look dashing in a cape and it has been good cape weather lately in Houston, but I draw the line at keeping an old man and a teenage boy in tights in a cave.

  19. Don’t know about the rest of it, but my wife taught me the “kick to the balls” very effectively. I still remember how it was done.

  20. Just a few facts. I take krav and it’s not a pit fighting bloodsport some make it out to be. I’ve taken it for almost 4 years and I’m fully confident I wouldn’t loose a fight with anyone, at least they would limp away with an eye ball hanging. We emphasis 3 things, eyes, throat, groin. The three places no amount of muscle can protect. If you gouge your thumb in your attackers eye, they will let go you. It’s a brutal but simple system, and that’s why it’s popular. I’ve seen people in the classes from 13 at least 60 that I know of. Their is no ranking, belt, system but their is a grade or level. It’s a lot of fun, it’s also a great weight loss class too. I went to the doc one time for something unrelated and after about 7 months I had lost 15lbs. I was surprised since I wasn’t trying. It all started because was assaulted about 10 years ago, a guy grabbed me by collar and scared me to death. Within the first 3 classes I leaned how to stop that from ever happening again. It’s great fun, I’ve made a few friends, you won’t regret it.

  21. For myself, I am going to react to the specific situation at hand. If I feel that someone is seriously looking to harm me and won’t listen to reason, I am going for a double tap, then one to the head to ensure they never threaten anyone ever again. I’ll worry about other things afterwords, but at least I’ll be alive to worry about things. That’s why I pay a yearly fee to be a member of the USCCA.

  22. I’m wary of anyone claiming to have “the solution” with a particular style.

    That said the article touches on a few drums that I tend to beat.

    1) No matter your age being in better shape is good for a ton of reasons, includingbwarding off diseases and injuries as you age.

    2) A gun isn’t a magic talisman. There can be times where you physically or legally can’t get it into the fight right off the bat. Unless you’re a cop there are a lot of situations where you can’t legally justify drawing until you can’t physically draw.

    3) I’m certain that some people here have serious, debilitating injuries but I’m also certain that a lot of this is excuse making. My BJJ school has a number of students with blue and purple belts who are 65 or even 70+. Just today I dropped in on another school and did 2.5 hours and I have two cracked ribs.

    Look, real long term debilitating injuries are real. They’re also rare compared to claims of having one. This is where school and art selection make a huge impact.

    4) When selecting a school a free class is bullshit. Most legit schools are between a free week and a free month of attending as many classes (that you qualify for) as you like.

  23. The bad news is the majority of Krav Maga schools are mcdojo dumpster fires. There is a constantly rotating group of bullshit organizations of questionable bona fides that hand out instructor certifications to anyone with cash. Shifty gym owners send some of their folks to these shake and bake week long seminars, and hey presto, they’re a Krav school.

    If you want to do Krav, do your research. Check out the organization your prospective school is associated with, it will be pretty apparent which ones are LARPing bullshit. Check out the instructors. Are they soccer mom cardio kick boxing coaches who went to a weekend seminar? The closer you get Israel, the better. If they were instructors, civilian or military, for an extended period in Isreal, you’re probably good to go. If they learned got their training from one of those people, you’re also probably good to go. It also doesn’t hurt if the instructors have a background in other legit (boxing, muay thai, BJJ, etc.) martial arts.

  24. I 100% agree with the idea that any art you practice will suffice for self-defense. However, I would like to add you cannot learn to fight without actually fighting. Too many schools are so liability conscious that they never allow students to actually strike one another. Training should never be a bloodbath, but controlled sparring is essential to acclimating yourself to fighting. You will learn more about yourself and how to apply your techniques under pressure in one aggressive sparring match than you will in months of “drills” against passive partners.

  25. I’m an old guy whose street fighting days are over. Anyone who starts shit with me is going to get shot.

  26. Ditto, was there and krav in there, seems they like their drones over actual content on that video. Kidding aside learn some krav and may your aim be true.

    • David Keith: I’m an old guy whose street fighting days are over. Anyone who starts shit with me is going to get shot.
      And David, I’ll buy you lunch any day of the week my friend. When we leave, you cover right, I’ll cover left!

      adverse5: 99.9% of us couldn’t fight our way out of a wet paper sack, training or no.
      And that’s why I carry a gun. Even though I’m a former LEO, the cancer has taken whatever (slight) advantage I might have had, right off the table. Now, my ONLY option is lethal force, and I’ll be happy to explain that to your dead carcass if you’re stupid enough to think my cash would look better in your pocket. I might be old, and near death, but Molon Labe baby!

  27. What’s this “Krav Maga”
    Hell, I can’t even pronounce it! Is it something like “Grave Magic”?

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