Sen. Chuck Schumer frequently coffin surfs.
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I recently came across something pretty funny on Twitter that I think merits some more sharing. In the past, I’ve called the people who take advantage of tragedy to push an anti-gun agenda things like “blood dancers” or “vultures”. But, this new one sounds pretty good:

Obviously, dancing in blood or eating the dead is bad, and that’s exactly what these people do (metaphorically speaking, of course). But, in today’s social media environment, those old terms sometimes just don’t cut it. People chasing after likes, shares, and a following aren’t your normal, garden-variety vultures trying to benefit from tragedy. They want everyone to think they’re really cool while doing it.

So, the idea that they’re surfing and trying to show off to friends and followers while riding on a wave of tragedy is darned good imagery. The shoe fits, so we might as well make them wear it!

 Of course, there’s plenty of room for more creativity on this one.

Do you have any more fun names for the anti-gun people who try to feed on tragedy? Be sure to share them all in the comments.

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  1. “Obviously, dancing in blood or eating the dead is bad, and that’s exactly what these people do (metaphorically speaking, of course)”

    not always “metaphorically”. there were a case where a woman who became an ‘avowed’ anti-gun person and later a ‘member’ of Everytown, after she was offered enough money, entered a crime scene with a couple of bodies still there and actually did a little dance like stomping in the blood for political theater hoping the media would catch it. she was quickly removed and hustled away. that woman’s name, well, we all know who she was…Watts.

    • “there were a case where a woman who became an ‘avowed’ anti-gun person and later a ‘member’ of Everytown, after she was offered enough money, entered a crime scene with a couple of bodies still there and actually did a little dance like stomping in the blood“

      Another claim with no substantiation or evidence.

      You’ve made the claim, the burden of proof is upon you, or else it’s just empty speech.

      • learn what context means Miner49er and stop cherry picking to intentionally leave out the whole thing.

        you’re not entitled to anything so shove your ‘burden of proof’ BS.

        • So you don’t have a citation, it’s all bullshit.

          How surprising.

          “that woman’s name, well, we all know who she was…Watts“

          Publicly defaming a person by name, without offering any evidence…

          That has cost Fox News about $787 million, and your hero Donald Trump about $83 million and counting…

        • Oh, I have a citation, I just don’t have one for you. Learn what context and research means and you too can find it via Google.

        • If I supplied links to everything the anti-gun orgs would try to have it removed, they read here too. They have already had some stuff removed, that I posted links to a while back, from google searches in the U.S. region.

          For example, some stuff doesn’t appear in a google search any more if you use a google search that’s in the U.S. region with English, but if you use a Google search in English that’s another region outside the U.S. with the proper terms and context you can find what the anti-gun had google remove from U.S. region search.

          But for that you need to know what ‘context’ means Miner49er, so it looks like you are out of luck moron.

        • “If I supplied links to everything the anti-gun orgs would try to have it removed”

          Bullshit, you got nothing, you make claims that you can’t back up.

          Just like ‘true the vote’ and the 2000 mules bullshit, it’s all lies in an attempt to further your unlawful takeover of America.

          You’ll make a bunch of bullshit claims in your propaganda press, but when push comes to shove in an actual court of law… “Oh it’s not true it’s just more bullshit”

          “SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A conservative group has told a Georgia judge that it doesn’t have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the the 2020 general election and a runoff two months later.

          Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained “a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta” during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.“

          You are working against America, you are the very definition of a domestic enemy and all those who give you ‘Aid and Comfort’ are indeed committing treason against the United States of America.

        • Miner49er, I can smell your moronic angst from here. Poor wittle baby Miner49er, someone did not do as you demanded now baby Miner49er all upset and throwing temper tantrum like a typical left wing marxist seeking to do away with constitutional rights. And now Miner49er it involves one of your favorite masturbation fantasies, namely dancing in the blood of innocents, so you get even more ‘defensive attacky’ and throw more of a temper tantrum with BS that’s even more out of context with the subject matter you want to attack.

        • “your moronic angst“

          Yep, right on schedule, childish ad hominem attacks because you cannot substantiate your claims.

          And I’m not throwing any temper tantrums, I’m just stating the facts with citations to support my assertions.

          It’s your post that is full of profanity and personal attacks because you don’t have any substantial content to post to support your claims.

          These days, the Republican party is the laughingstock of the entire planet.
          And your leader is hustling his golden sneakers trying to raise cash, do you have your pair of AirFelons yet?

        • “you don’t have any substantial content to post to support your claims.”

          So what? Prove him wrong — or shut up, asshole.

        • “MINOR49er. Excuse me but what about this?“

          As trumps hand-picked Attorney General would say, just more “bullshit”.

          Check the details, it was just an analysis no actual investigation or collection of evidence/testimony.

          The claims, like the rest, were investigated by both the GBI and the FBI and found to have no merit.
          Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger has debunked these allegations.

          Here’s a good breakdown of the situation, including an interview with Davis:

          “Prove him wrong — or shut up, asshole“

          That’s not how it works, he made the claim, the burden of proof is on him.
          If he can’t back up his statement with actual evidence, it’s just empty speech from a blow-hard.

          “The burden of proof is always on the person making an assertion or proposition. Shifting the burden of proof, a special case of argumentum ad ignorantium, is the fallacy of putting the burden of proof on the person who denies or questions the assertion being made.“


        • “That’s not how it works, he made the claim, the burden of proof is on him.”

          This is not a court of law. You’re claiming that he’s making “another claim with no substantiation or evidence.”

          So prove your claim. If you have proof that he’s wrong, post it. Otherwise …

          “What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

          Then shut up about it, asshole.

  2. The h 0m0 sexu@ls who wanna take my guns away are “Butthole Surfers”. Oh, wait, that name was already taken by a punk rock group in the late 1970s.

    • Haha, I have, I think, almost all their albums and have seen them live. Interesting stuff. I wouldn’t classify them as “punk”, though. Maybe they are a category unto themselves.

  3. Yesterday the news was full of coffin surfing over those cops and EMT killed yesterday. Overnight they went silent. I wonder why?

    • Why? I heard the story on the morning news. No identifying info on the shooter except to say it’s “sad that seven children will grow up without a father.”

      Say … seven children, no identifying information … the guy was black, wasn’t he?

      • Only bigots trip over themselves to be the first to inject race where it does not belong. A colossal example on this forum happened when blatant bigots jumped the gun to blame the murders of two grandparents and their grandson that occurred at a shooting range the grandparents owned. The knee jerk evidence the perp was sure fired Black was the proximity of the range to Alanta. After the dust settled the perp turned out to be lily white just like the bigots…Bigotry inherently needs to vent and often it gets ahead of its sick self.

        • bob…never seen that name here before. If you wish to be the forum’s resident spokesman for bigots just cut the crap and say so.

        • He was a “prohibited person.”

          “The man who fatally shot two Burnsville police officers and a firefighter had a history of domestic violence and a lifetime ban on possessing firearms, according to a court record. …

          “Law enforcement sources said Monday the man was Shannon Cortez Gooden, 38. …Gooden pleaded guilty in 2008 to assault with a dangerous weapon and he petitioned the court in 2020 to have his right restored to possess firearms, saying he’d only had traffic offenses since then and wanted to be able to protect himself and his family.

          “But the Dakota County attorney’s office wrote at the time that “the interest of public safety outweighs any private interest” Gooden may have.”

          Hmmm… I guess I’m a bigot.

        • Probably one of his five different baby-mommas straw-purchased it for him, to protect his “fambly”.

        • RE: “He was a “prohibited person.”

          Hmmm…Cut the chase. Any gun talking sack of sht who runs to bigotry like democRats run to Gun Control has a mental problem.

        • uniturd…When I say bigot I am referring to a jackazz who does not have to balls to walk up and talk trash to someone’s Black Face…Ring a Bell?

        • Debs, I have a few Black former co-workers and a Very long-time Black hunting buddy, and they ALL equally despise ” black trash nogs ” –
          one of their terms, not mine. When you go take your next respite, pull that rock back over the hole so no reality can get in. If you get cell service down there, do some of your own research, if you are willing and/or able.

        • Okay, that right there is creepy as I’ve alway invisioned debby as a woodchuck like sort of creature. If debby and the now missing and presumed squarshed possem had a son, it would look like uhh – just please dont have a son.

      • “his complexion was his protection“

        There wasn’t much protection, he’s dead:

        But racism in America lives on:

        “NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A group of Nazis seen marching in downtown Nashville over the weekend came amid a rise in antisemitism seen nationwide, according to a new report.

        “This is really a terrible situation, where white supremacist group hate groups, Neo Nazis feel empowered to spread their message in communities across the United States,” said American Jewish Committee Southeast Regional Director Dov Wilker.“

        Anyone who thinks America isn’t racist must have only 3/5 of a brain.

        • “There wasn’t much protection, he’s dead”

          He killed himself. Take the hint.

          “Anyone who thinks America isn’t racist must have only 3/5 of a brain.”

          Anyone who thinks that America is racist has NO brain.

        • Miner…Those lazy bastards only spent one weekend in Nashville, and didnt even destroy shit and burn anything down? C’mon man, step up your game like BLM
          ” peace activists ” did in The Summer of Love, leave nothing behind except smoking ruins.

        • “leave nothing behind except smoking ruins“

          Yeah, I’ve seen that claim for four years, “BLM burned our cities!”

          Problem is, it’s not true, no one’s ever been able to provide pictures of the so-called “smoking ruins” of America cities.

          Just like true the vote and 2000 mules, it’s all bullshit claims that aren’t true… Right up until the rubber meets the road in an actual court of law and they got nuthin’:

          “The conspiracy theory-promoting group True the Vote says it has no evidence to back up its claims about widespread, systemic voter fraud during the 2020 elections.
          The group, which was heavily featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s viral documentary “2000 Mules,” claimed that ballot “mules” worked with a network of left-wing organizations to steal the election for Joe Biden. The film and its claims made a huge splash, and Donald Trump praised True the Vote for supposedly exposing “great election fraud.”
          But in responding to a subpoena for any evidence supporting those claims, the group came up empty-handed.
          In a court filing in Georgia, True the Vote said it did not have any records of the supposed network of non-governmental organizations it alleged facilitated the massive ballot trafficking scheme. True the Vote also said it had no contact information for sources who had ostensibly provided the group with a detailed account of the alleged ballot scheme, nor for any of the unnamed researchers or investigators it relied on for its allegations.“

          Here’s their actual response wherein true the vote says it was all bullshit, y’all was snookered:

        • Miner, go fuck yourself. So now the burned down buildings along University Ave. or the Precinct Cop Shop in Mpls. were just Hollywood CGI ? You are a FUCKING MORON !!! Where’s the pics of the entire population of Nashville ordered to shelter in place ?

        • Nope, consistent claim has been that the rides left the cities in a “smoking ruin”.

          Sure, there were some buildings here and there, and a police station burned down, but no cities were destroyed or left in a “smoking ruin”.

          And attempting to compare retail establishments or a local cop shop being burnt with the United States Capitol attack during a joint session of Congress certifying the presidential election under the mandate of the United States Constitution, it’s just total bullshit false equivalence.

          Face it, police violence really pisses people off, and they will act out when the authorities don’t bring the bad cops to Justice.

          That is a whole different matter from a massive conspiracy to subvert the electoral vote, block the peaceful transition of power and overthrow the United States government.

          Another nice victory recently, the Supreme Court has declined to block the sanctions against crazy Kraken attorney Sidney Powell and other members of trumps incompetent attorney team.

          I must admit, I am not tired of winning.

          “$150 Million And Counting: How Much Trump’s Attorneys Have Paid For Trying To Overturn The 2020 Election—As Sidney Powell Sanctions Take Effect
          Alison Durkee
          Forbes Staff
          Feb 20, 2024,12:44pm EST
          More than $150,000 in sanctions against far-right attorney Sidney Powell and her co-counsel for trying to overturn Michigan’s election results will take effect as the U.S. Supreme Court opted Tuesday not to take up their case, as attorneys allied with former President Donald Trump have faced mounting penalties and legal costs in the years since they aided his failed effort to overturn the 2020 election.

      • And the above is an example of Miner’s M.O. – if he can’t directly respond to the statement presented in a truthful manner, he’ll take his BS snowball in a new direction. He’s really not worth getting worked up over. Or worth anything else, for that matter.

        • And notice how he did it again with NOT responding to the Nashville story that HE brought up… what a maroon.

  4. The h 0m0 sexu @ls who wanna take my guns away are “But t hole Surfers”. Oh, wait, that name was already taken by a punk rock group in the late 1970s.

    Now In moderation for some reason???

  5. “Do you have any more … names for the anti-gun people who try to feed on tragedy?”

    dacian and Miner49er, its a trolling punch line to them.

  6. “Do you have any more fun names for the anti-gun people who try to feed on tragedy”

    ‘tragedy vampires’ – they deceptively make up a reason to suck everything out of it they can to maintain and justify their evil existence.

  7. Schumer is the Devil. An evil,vindictive bitter man who hates our Republic. Term out and crawl back into He!!

  8. The deceased perp is a murderer. Doesn’t matter skin color, race or religion. He took 3 innocent lives and came damn close to ending a 4th. The DA was right; he had no business possessing firearms. Scumbags like him endanger the Second Amendment rights for the rest of us.

    • Yep, he was a murderer.

      But he didn’t kill the first responders because they were white and he was black.

      He killed him because he was an adult male who could not handle rejection by his domestic partner.

      Just more toxic masculinity, the cause of most murders, adult males unable to handle their own feelings.

      • “He killed him because he was an adult male who could not handle rejection by his domestic partner.

        Just more toxic masculinity, the cause of most murders, adult males unable to handle their own feelings.”

        Another logical fallacy and false put forth by you Miner49er.

        The cause of most murders is…

        Overall, 63% of murders and almost 80% of (overall, all) crimes in the country are committed by ‘members’ of a (collectively) non-white demographic that is only 6% of the U.S. population, with 58% of that 63% of murders committed by black gang members for gang-crime related and collectively, ~78% to ~90% (varies with time of year in that range) of the criminal-gang violence in the country happens in democrat controlled cities. So it seems the common thread for the majority of murders AND crime AND violence is democrat controlled cities and not ‘toxic masculinity’.

        If it were true its “toxic masculinity” there would be thousands of murders every week, but in reality what morons like you want to call “toxic masculinity” is just mostly a normal human reaction everyone has, male and female, of simply frustration in a moment and it passes and there are no murders as a result of it.

        And besides, if all it took was “toxic masculinity, the cause of most murders, adult males unable to handle their own feelings” your ‘romantic partner’ boyfriend would have already murdered you.

  9. “Do you have any more fun names for the anti-gun people who try to feed on tragedy?”
    – Virtue signaling vulture signalers (or vulture signaling virtue signalers?)
    – Democrats (100% of Dem politicians, although not quite 100% of Dem voters)
    – Mainstream media (100% of the mainstream media is anti-gun. Even Fox News uses fake “mass shooting” statistics from the Violence Policy Center founded by Josh Sugarmann!)

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