
Walking down the shotgun line today’s Media Day, I couldn’t help but notice a big damn gun. And stuck to the end of said big damn gun was a big damn silencer. That wouldn’t actually be an anomaly, but said big damn gun and big damn silencer were shooting big damn twelve gauge shells. My interest was, shall we say, piqued. The gun, UTAS’ UTS-15 Tactical . . .


I’ve been told this isn’t a new gun per se, but it was new to me, so I’m willing to look past that small detail. The UTS-15 is a twelve gauge pump action shotgun capable of feeding either 2-3/4″ or 3″ shells in your choice of loading. Fill up the right side with seven, flip it over, then fill up the left side with seven more, load one in the chamber, another in a tube, and you’re ready to rain fire with fifteen rounds of twelve gauge fury.


If you fancy running fifteen rounds of the same ammo, flip the lever above to the middle position, and get to shooting. If you want to run two different types, flip the lever to the side you want to run, and get to stroking. Speaking of stroking, the pumping action is spring assisted on the move forward to help ensure reliable feeding and lockup.


As this is a proper bullpup, I expected a mushy, craptastic trigger, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a predictable, crisp trigger that allowed me lay waste to flying clays. Naturally, the Eotech mounted to the full length Picatinny rail, didn’t hurt. It certainly doesn’t swing like a field shotgun, but then again, I don’t think it is supposed to. This gun has tactical in the name, and is much more suited to defending the homestead from enemies both foreign and domestic.


Most exciting of course, was the silencer fitted to the snout of the gun. It did double duty taming the recoil as well as cutting down on the noise and blast. Given that the rest of the line was running non silenced guns, I didn’t bother removing my hearing protection to see how it sounded to my naked ear, but through a set of headphones, I was pleasantly surprised. The guy from UTAS indicates that they’re getting about 140 dB from their can, and expect to have it released this year with a MSRP somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000.


While the UTS-15 isn’t exactly my cup of tea, at a MSRP of $1250 and a street price of <$900, I have a hard time doubting the appeal to a certain type of buyer. It represents a viable alternative to something like the KSG, and the forthcoming silencer opens up a world of target and self defense opportunities. We’ve asked nicely for a T&E sample. Watch this space.


  1. Check out fpsrussias video on it. It is quite possibly the most functional and ornate boat anchor in production.

  2. They are a very very nice (FROM) Turkey gun. If you don’t short stroke them, you will run out of shells waaay too fast.

  3. Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s first thought was this thing looks like a Nerf Gun.

    • nothing wrong with nerf, IMO.

      This is just the adult version! Remember, lots of us in the 35 and under crowd love this stuff, and we vote for the things we love. win/win

      • Yeah, didn’t mean it as a negative at all. Just the resemblance is uncanny, you have the massive muzzle end because of the suppressor, and the gigantic pump action and the large blocky frame/stock. The other thing that comes to mind are the potato cannons I built in college. Those things were a riot.

        I would love to show up the local trap and skeet club with one of these to see how many clays I got through before I got run out of there. They have really strict FUDD’y rules like no barrels under 24″ long, no sights other than traditional bead and top rail, no semi autos with >2+1 capacity, and you can only load one shell per clay.

  4. 1: That’s massive.
    2: Can’t get excited about a Turkish import.
    3: 140 isn’t what I would call hearing-safe, and the Salvo12 comes in at 136.

  5. Couple notes after speaking with staff at UTAS when I bought mine:
    1) Parts are manufactured in Des Planes, IL.
    2) They don’t have generations per say but there are updated parts since this is leading/bleeding edge development. Anyone with a lemon or defects can ship to UTAS for free upgrades.
    And from personal experience:
    1) It looks big but its very light at 6 pounds. The short overall length makes for quick and easy swings. Having the barrel so low in the gun leaves some big HOB but seems to eliminate any muzzle rise.
    2) Recoil is light between the stock and pistol grip though this would be the case with any shotgun having the same combo (and not as light as a semi with said combo). Combined with number 1, its been a hit for new shooters especially women.
    3) Negative personal experiences are limited and I’m personally very happy with the purchase. People do love to hate it though and none of them have even held the damn thing much less shot it. That said, if you want a 50 year proven track record, get a 50 year old gun. I hear the latest round 870’s are nothing short of perfect… Oh wait!
    4) UTAS support is great (typical for the industry granted) almost nullifying any risk. They updated some parts for me and sighted in my EOTech.
    5) Haven’t had any issues. Eats ammo fine, ejects fine. Performs well in both Skeet and Sporting Clays. Its easy to short-shuck the first couple rounds if you’re used to a longer pump though.

    So yeah.

  6. I’ve had one for several years and will be going after my third turkey with it in April. I use the 7″ barrel extension and a turkey choke with the EoTech sight.

    I have had it back to UTAS twice, once for repairs and once for upgrades to Gen 2 components. Customer service had been great.

    Beware of any derogatory videos that are a couple of years old. There were some teething problems, and mine only functions consistently with US manufactured ammo – Federal, Winchester, or Remington.

  7. I have had mine now for a couple months and have shot well over 500 rounds with no hiccups ( 2.75″ & 3″ slugs) (low brass, high brass, low recoil and regular) Even the KSG still has issues so no gun is perfect, how do I know this you ask? because I had one and gave it up for the UTS15.

    Most if not all negative comments come from “hater / trolls” that have never even shot this gun. They are just riding the bandwagon on the first Gen issues “some” people experienced ( either they didn’t know how to handle the gun or just to lazy to use it properly) and there videos are still up without even re reviewing the gun ever again…”nutnfancy” come to mind, when all he does is bash this gun years ago but never takes another look at it again. But then a review from “hickok45” didn’t have any issues at all…

    I now have the “Gen3” model and love it. Other people at the range ask me to shoot it and seem to have a load of fun…


    • I agree with your comments on the poor reputation engendered by some initial problems with the Gen 1 models (which I bought) and some very negative videos by “gun experts” on these teething issues. I have had my UTS15 upgraded to at least Gen 2, when I returned it for repairs after a brutal tactical shotgun course. I have used it to hunt turkeys for the last two years, and with the magazine limiter and EoTech sight it is excellent in the field.

      I also have had your experience at the range – lots of curious shooters.

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