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Women Gun Rights Activists are the ‘Anti-Watts’

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Courtesy DC Project

Moms Demand Action is good at a few things. They’re good at selling their brand and getting lots of media attention (just check out how they first gained momentum). They’re also good at lobbying in state capitals, like their upcoming Virginia lobby day on 1/8/20. Those red-shirted women make for good photo ops and MDA makes sure they’re very media friendly.

This is the Facebook post that started it all off for them (obviously it’s under their new name now, not their original moniker, One Million Moms For Gun Control):

Funny, it didn’t seem to get much traffic based on the “likes” and “shares”.

The original Facebook group Shannon Watts created is long gone, but she didn’t need it anymore (or she got tired of having to block/remove posts).

We can go on and on about how Shannon is anything but your average “stay at home mom,” but this isn’t about her or the creation myth pushed by the media.

This is about REAL “accidental activists,” as Shannon likes to say.

In almost every state across the country, the Bloomberg owned and operated Moms Demand Action and their (mostly) Democrat political allies are working overtime to make sure Daddy Bloombucks’ gun control laws get on the ballot and are enacted.

Now, because of the consistent onslaught on Americans’ rights, other women are getting fed up and pushing back. These women are the anti-Watts grassroots activists we need. And they’re joining forces to become an even stronger force.

One example is Mom-At-Arms, a group that uncovered the information involving FOID/Concealed & Carry fees that was featured here recently. They’ve now joined forces with the established One Million Moms Against Gun Control (1MMAGC).

As stated, 1MMAGC also has board members that are involved with the DC Project, which was in the national spotlight during the House Judiciary Committee gun control hearings in September.

Watch the latest video at

The now famous words (at the 4:00 mark above) from DC Project founder Dianna Muller — “I will not comply” —  made national news. Dianna’s statement wasn’t scripted, unlike Charlottesville Police Chief RaShall Brackney’s (if you don’t remember, see here).

The chief got plenty of praise from her buddies (FOIA is your friend):

Source of FOIA images: Mom-At-Arms

Pro-liberty women are a powerful ally in the fight against those that wish to disarm us. Some have their personal stories on why they fight (here’s one from Mom-At-Arms and one from 1MMAGC), Others are “household names” in the Second amendment community, such as the DC Project’s Rhonda Ezell, who took the City of Chicago to court and defeated their unconstitutional ban on shooting ranges within city limits.

Our rights are under assault from people who think “safety” is giving the edge to criminals in emergency situations. Moms Demand Action recently lobbied against the Texas law/clarification that helped bring the West Freeway Church shooting to a quick end.

I for one am glad we have women who are willing to put themselves out there to benefit us all and contribute in the fight for our Second Amendment rights. It sure as hell beats those who sell out to Mike Bloomberg a year after they start their grassroots AstroTurf operations.

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