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Pro-Trump Yard Sign Leads To Harassment And Shots Fired In Las Vegas

Darwin Nercesian - comments 114 comments

A pair of deranged anti-Trump lunatics, who have repeatedly harassed homeowners in the northwest valley of Las Vegas, recently escalated tensions by using their Tesla to run over a man’s foot while blaring a song entitled “[Expletive] Donald Trump.” The incident ultimately led one victim to install at least seven new ventilation holes in the carbon-conscious vehicle, free of charge.  

Jennifer Lund, 38; and Timothy Parks, 45, are facing charges of assault, battery and stalking, according to court documents. Parks was driving his Tesla with Lund in the passenger seat on October 13, likely returning from picking up some fresh kale at Whole Foods Market, when they decided to signal some of that infamous leftist tolerance. Blasting the expletive-laden music demonstrating their distaste for the former president and apparent decency in a neighborhood where families reside and children play, Parks decided to stop in front of a home with a pro-Trump sign, said police.

“Parks parked his Tesla in front of the residence with Lund in the passenger seat…[playing] the song ‘[Expletive] Donald Trump,’” according to documents. Moments later, three men approached the vehicle, one of whom later told police Lund was screaming at him from the passenger seat as the car pulled up to the house. 

Detectives obtained surveillance video of the altercation, showing at some point one of the men punching Parks who then drove off only to throw the environmentally friendly battering ram into reverse, in an apparent attempt to run down the men. Reports go on to say that one of the men drew a firearm and pointed it at the car as Parks successfully ran over another man’s foot.

That’s when shots were fired, with at least seven bullets impacting the car, according to police. The man who fired the gun told authorities that he felt his life was threatened at that moment, causing him to discharge his weapon in self-defense. As of Thursday, no charges have been filed against him

According to police, Lund has harassed the homeowners several times prior to this incident. 

“Lund stated since [the people] put the Trump sign in their yard, she feels like she has every right to tell them how she feels about it…Lund advised this was not the first time she went to that house to play the ‘[Expletive] Donald Trump’ song. Lund states she hates Donald Trump and hates every person who represents or votes for him,” police stated in court documents.

Las Vegas Justice Court Judge Rebecca Saxe also had an opinion on the matter, setting bail for Lund and Parks at $20,000 each. As of Thursday, both defendants remained in custody, where I’m guessing they requested vegan meals. I wonder if they serve couscous in jail. 

114 thoughts on “Pro-Trump Yard Sign Leads To Harassment And Shots Fired In Las Vegas”

      • There is no question that property destruction is a crime and certainly should be punished, but I think we should await the results of the investigation in order to have a better picture of the situation.

        After all, you can understand why normal folks might be outraged by Donald Trump‘s public statements, especially when he talks admiringly about other men’s junk:

        “Arnold Palmer was all man, and I say that in all due respect to women,” Trump said. “This is a guy that was all man.”

        “When he took the showers with other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable,’” Trump said with a laugh. “I had to say. We have women that are highly sophisticated here, but they used to look at Arnold as a man.”

        Most reasonable people, by that I mean liberals, think it’s a little creepy the way MAGA Republicans are constantly thinking about other men’s tallywhackers.

        It seems even Donald Trump has other men’s genitalia at top of mind, and is willing to discuss his admiration publicly.

        Weird, really weird.

        • Miner49er, whats weird, really weird, is you being so obsessed with Donald Trump.

          Miner49er, you need to seek professional help from a mental health professional for your violent radical left wing mental illness TDS.

        • You anti-Freedom folks are always talking about other people’s genitalia. Always. You know, the “He’s compensating…..” All the time.

          Weird, really weird.

  1. Well if the assassination attempts are not working go after the voters.
    I find it odd that since we all know its KH/TW in 2024 this kind of agonotistic behavior continues.
    I suppose if your going to hate hate to the bitter end.

      • If you haven’t seen the Bret Baier interview with the nazi Gun Control cackling hyena you need to and pass it along. In the meantime this short is hilarious…copy and paste link to reply, connect the h, highlight and click play.

        h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=wPVxq78FPU4&feature=shared

        • “the Bret Baier interview“

          Right, that went really well.

          “Fox’s Bret Baier acknowledges ‘mistake’ in Harris interview over airing of Trump clip
          Fox News anchor Bret Baier says he “made a mistake” during his interview with Kamala Harris in not airing video of a controversial Donald Trump comment — but it wasn’t fully clear what the mistake was
          By DAVID BAUDER AP Media Writer
          October 18, 2024, 5:24”

          “Even Fox News’s Bret Baier Admits Harris Outsmarted Him in Interview
          Bret Baier is being brutally roasted over his bonkers, aggressive interview with Kamala Harris.
          Edith Olmsted
          October 17, 2024/9:43 a.m. ET”

          “Fox’s Bret Baier acknowledges ‘mistake’ in Harris interview over airing of Trump clip
          Updated 5:24 PM EDT, October 18, 2024“

          “Bret Baier makes surprising admission about what went wrong in Kamala Harris interview
          By Nikki Schwab, Chief Campaign Correspondent For Dailymail.Com In Washington, D.C.
          22:10 18 Oct 2024, updated 00:31 19 Oct 2024“

          “Bret Baier Says He Made A ‘Mistake’ In Kamala Harris Interview, Played Wrong Trump Clip
          “I did make a mistake and I want to say the mistake,” the Fox News host said Thursday.
          By Nick Visser
          Oct 18, 2024, 04:23 AM EDT“

          • Your girl almost had a melt down and showed how thin her skin is. You can rationalize that performance any way you like. She is lucky they didn’t do a longer show.

          • The interview was going so well that multiple people from her staff were waving their arms signalling to end the interview early after they had already showed up late. All you can do is point to a clip that was meant to be played. Why are you giving multiple references for the same thing? Do you get more credit for a longer post?

          • “Why are you giving multiple references… “

            Why are you giving no references for what you claim?

            And the proof is in the pudding, we’ll see how the election turns out.

            I’m sure most of you will do just as Donald Trump asked, you will go on January 6 and cast your vote and then we’ll see what the outcome will be.

            Personally, I am interested in the outcome on November 26, when the convicted felon is sentenced for business fraud in New York State.

          • Hence the charges in the first place.

            Or, as a federal judge recently stated, “It would amount to election interference if I dint interfere in the election.”

          • Speak for yourself, I didn’t watch it. I’ve already watched enough of her unedited speeches on CSPAN to know who and what she is so I found something better to do with my time.

          • I think Miner49er needs an appliance repairman, he’s struck in the radical violent left wing spin cycle.

          • What does that matter? The interview was a disaster for Harris. She is going to lose. The Democrats are in a panic.

          • The interview was a desperation move, just like Biden’s early debate with Trump was a desperation move. In both instances, the polling was beginning to trend away from them.

          • Democrats panicking? I’m not sure that’s the case from my observations, but perhaps on your planet.

            I can tell you, many people are celebrating now they finally figured out who was killing the cats. Everyone thought it was some sort of immigrants, but it turns out it was CEO of the NRA, apparently he really enjoys torturing mammals:

            “New NRA Chief Once Tortured a Cat to Death
            Doug Hamlin pleaded no contest to brutally murdering a pet cat with his fraternity brothers as a student at the University of Michigan
            OCTOBER 14, 2024

            REPUBLICANS SPENT THE better part of September falsely smearing migrants as sadistic pet torturers in their bid to stoke fear about immigration. Yet for a party seemingly concerned with the welfare of animals, they raise few objections when cruelty takes place within their own ranks.

            According to a Monday report from The Guardian, the National Rifle Association’s recently crowned CEO, Doug Hamlin, once pleaded no contest to having brutally tortured a cat to death alongside several of his fraternity brothers at the University of Michigan.”

            Apparently, this ‘good guy with a gun’ caught a pet cat, cut it’s paws off then strung it up and burned it to death.

            I’m telling you, y’all are some weird mofos.

          • Miner .. NOBODY gives a fuck about your observations – time to ditch the Rose Colored Glasses and trade them in on some Reality Ray-Bans.

          • First, not defending his role in this but in reality New NRA Chief Once Tortured a Cat to Death

            Joe and Kamala spent the last 3 1/2 years ensuring our border was open and insecure so murderers and gangs could just walk across without challenge or enter without any checks and murder people or commit other crimes and sell drugs and human traffic.

            For example….

            Suspect in Texas massacre had been deported 4 times after entering US illegally, ICE source says > h ttps://www.cnn.com/2023/05/01/us/cleveland-texas-neighbor-shooting-monday/index.html

            Houston 12-year-old’s killing becomes focus of immigration debate as 2 undocumented migrants are charged with capital murder > h ttps://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/us/jocelyn-nungaray-killing-houston/index.html

            Suspect in murder of Georgia nursing student entered U.S. illegally, ICE says > h ttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/jose-ibarra-suspect-murder-georgia-nursing-student-illegal-entry-venezuela/

            Colorado law firm report claims Venezuelan gang has “stranglehold” on apartments, takeover began in 2023 > h ttps://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-law-firm-report-claims-venezuelan-gang-stranglehold-apartments-takeover-began-2023/

          • correctio foirt a post now in moderation:

            It says “First, not defending his role in this but in reality New NRA Chief Once Tortured a Cat to Death”

            that’s not what it was suppose to say. Here is what it was suppose to say…

            First, not defending his role in this but in reality Doug Hamlin didn’t actually do it. He pleaded guilty because he failed to stop it from happening thus became complicit. The headline was the usual left wing deception slant with “New NRA Chief Once Tortured a Cat to Death”

          • The cat torturing happened while the guy was going to college (left wing environment) and he was in fraternity. Supposedly he was not actually involved in actual torturing . It would appear that the guy hasn’t been involved in those kind of activities since. It appears that he has been totally rehabilitated in both his political outlook and the way he treats animals.

    • That is ridiculous talk JWM… 49er may have a different opinion on things than you do but the stupid name calling has got to stop!
      It’s childish and makes you look like a moron that is no better than your typical left leaning democrat of today… Do you really want to lower yourself to that level??

      By the way… Pick up a book and learn what Fascism really is!

      • Fascism is a bloody thug running a murderous regime. Just like social-ism and commune-ism.

        You’re being forced to dig your own grave. Does it matter what party the thug murdering you claims to belong to?

        As for name calling? We are at war. I’m sorry that offends you.

        • “We are at war“

          It wasn’t the liberals that attacked the United States Capitol during a joint session of Congress certifying the presidential electoral ballots.

          It’s not the liberals calling for the termination of the constitution, or jailing of those who disagree with Supreme Court opinions.

          • There are no more liberals. I’m more of a liberal than you are, miner. Fascism is what you embraced.

            harris/biden/zuckerberg colluding to censor Americans. You were just defending your ‘liberals’ wanting to use the military to murder dissenting Americans.

          • So when the Capitol Police open the doors to welcome the people in, that’s an attack?😂
            What was an actual attack was when the Democrats fired on Fort Sumter, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Buy hey, anything to keep the black man down, right?

          • Miniscule Testes:

            I wouldn’t want to be you if your side tries to steal the election again.

          • “At least 17 police officers remain out of work with injuries from the Capitol attack
            By Michael Kaplan, Cassidy McDonald
            Updated on: June 4, 2021 / 7:04 PM EDT / CBS News
            Nearly five months after the January 6 Capitol riot, at least 17 police officers remain out of work due to injuries sustained during the attack.

            At least 10 Capitol Police officers were out with injuries as of Thursday, according to a source on Capitol Hill and at the police union, while as of Friday, seven members of the D.C. Metropolitan Police force remained in a “less than full duty status” due to the events of the riot, a police spokesperson said.

            In total, more than 150 officers were injured in the attack: 86 Capitol Police officers reported injuries, the sources said, along with 65 members of the Metropolitan Police Department, Chief Robert Contee testified in January. Contee also said that even more D.C. police officers sustained injuries they “did not even bother to report,” including scratches, bruises and eyes burned from chemical spray”.

            So much for that ‘back the blue!’ hypocrisy bullshit from the MAGA conservatives.

          • Miner, after workig for a large Midwestern City for over 30 years, I can tell you how MOST 20 year cops retire with disability… they jam a finger transferring a perp into lockup getting out of the elevator.
            Also, the next On-US Soil altercation will more accurately be a second revolutionary war, and not a third civil war.
            Just saying

          • Heck, Jan 6th wasn’t an attack – it was a protest with riot over tones by a (relatively) small group we now know thanks to house hearings were whipped into a frenzy and led by FBI agitators (fbi agitators who were working on behalf of elements in the FBI working on behalf of Harris and the democrat party)

            OH, Miner49er must be talking about the intentional, planned, and executed Biden and Harris and radical violent left wing attack on the entire country by:

            1. An intentionally open and insecure border allowing millions of illegals to cross into our country including the thousands of criminals, fully armed and equipped drug cartel members, fully armed and equipped terrorist groups. Ya know, endangering the whole country millions of American citizens.

            2. Along with the intentionally open and insecure border, the Biden – Harris attack on the economy by use of lies and deceptions put forth under ‘biden nomics’. Millions of American citizens attacked by this.

            Or maybe Miner49er is talking about the attack on America through our educational system with the radical sick twisted violent left wing indoctrinating our country’s children.

            Or maybe Miner49er is talking about the attack on ~23,000 children 12 years of age or younger that are seriously injured or killed annually since mid 2020 due to radical sick twisted violent left wing, aided by support from the Biden-Harris admin, trying to convert them to an opposite gender.

            This sick twisted TDS mental illness deranged left wing’ers like Biden, Harris, Walz, Miner49er, the left wing couple in this article and millions of other left wingers are all about violence and inflicting their sick twisted agenda on the country, attacking it both small and large scale.

          • “~23,000 children 12 years of age or younger that are seriously injured or killed“

            It’s weird that you’re thinking about other people’s children’s healthcare, that’s kind of the business of the parents if you know what I mean.

            But anyway, it’s just another empty claim from you, with no citation or source document to back up your empty speech.

            But it’s a free country, so you can continue to think about other people’s children’s genitalia, it always seems to be top of mind with you.

          • “It’s weird that you’re thinking about other people’s children’s healthcare, that’s kind of the business of the parents if you know what I mean.”

            The problems arise when people start thinking that altering children’s genitalia for sexual purposes is health care – IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

            Further, your use of the term “business” is apt. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

          • @Miner49er

            “It’s weird that you’re thinking about other people’s children’s healthcare”

            Its weird that I mention ~23,000 children 12 years of age or younger that are seriously injured or killed annually since mid 2020 due to radical sick twisted violent left wing, aided by support from the Biden-Harris admin, trying to convert them to an opposite gender.

            But Miner49er its not objectionable to you, that’s the weird part. Just another cherry picking out of context exercise for you.

            You are one really sick demented person to have cherry picked out of context like that to make the very wrong and 100% false claim that I am taking about “other people’s children’s genitalia”

            Its really sick, twisted, and demented of you to care nothing about the lives of these children and use their suffering as a cherry pick exercise so you can tell yet another lie.

          • “It’s not the liberals calling for the termination of the constitution,”

            Yes, it is, well, more accurately its radical left wing liberals. By attacking constitutional rights to be re-made in their image and controlled by them. For example, Harris and Biden and Walz – each attack the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 14th.

            And a BLM involved attack by left wing liberals was taking place upon the city and some of those were assisted by Kamala Harris who took an active role in raising money through donations to bail out known convicted felons and others involved in the mass destruction and citizen endangerment attacks they inflicted on that city area. Kamala supported that attack.

            “…one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.

            — Tampon Tim Walz 2024”

            Ya know, Tampon Tim Walz, the Abusive Tim Walz that covered up money stolen from autistic children and starving children.

            h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYuaOGaxUnU

            Trump was calling for certain constitutional provisions relating to elections to be suspended while to 2020 election disputes could be ironed out by the courts. This is actually normal and happens in disputed elections – the most notable was the Florida chad incident where the constitutional provisions for elections were suspended while the court weighed in. It happens just about every presidential election for the last 60 years, with both democrats and republicans at some point considering getting courts involved in election disputes or for recounts or for ‘investigations’ or ‘verification’ that delay counts – you just don’t hear about it. Trump was just more vocal about it.

          • No but the liberals attacked just about every city in the us the year before. Burning and plundering with their mostly peaceful protests. I thought the left considered this acceptable behavior, but turns out their world famous tolerance only applies to them. Full double standard if the right does what the left does.

          • @Polcat The Left approves of burning and looting (and closing) small businesses. They approve of harassing people trying to eat dinner. They approve of harassing people just trying to drive down the road. They approve of harassing Justices to the point that it encourages a nut to travel across the country to commit murder. But kicking your feet up on Pelosi’s desk is a bridge too far.

  2. These people always claim their trespassing, vandalism, assault and other criminal activity is merely “telling them how I feel.”

    No wonder they believe words are violence. They apparently make no distinction.

    • The “cyber-trucks” are (allegedly), but the garden variety will burst into flames at the drop of a hat. Much like a Pinto except for the requirement of a rear end collision.

    • I’m holding out hope the homeowner and his pals ventilated the batteries …. can you imagine the replacement cost to the Tesla owner, it’ll be ten of thousands dollars more than any criminal fine.

  3. “… she feels like she has every right to tell them how she feels about it…Lund advised this was not the first time she went to that house to play the ‘[Expletive] Donald Trump’ song. Lund states she hates Donald Trump and hates every person who represents or votes for him,”

    More of the violent left wing deranged with TDS mental illness, like Miner49er.

    This is not actually uncommon among the left wing deranged with TDS. That hostility violence from these left wing deranged with TDS is everywhere around the country waiting to unleash violence thanks to the marxis -st social – ist democrat party and Comrades Joe and Kamala and Walz ’cause you know…

    “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.

    — Tampon Tim Walz 2024”

    “I feelz I have every right… to tell you and show you how I feelz about your constitutional rights and who you support for president and take them away from you and can tell you how and what you will or will not do and indoctrinate your children, ’cause I say so …

    — The battle cry and mental illness of the marxis -st social – ist democrat party and Comrades Joe and Kamala and Walz and every other left wing deranged which includes Miner49er”

  4. As someone who had a brother brutally murdered by a robber who intentionally ran him over with a Dodge van, I applaud the police, the prosecutor and the judge for understanding that a motor vehicle can be employed as a deadly weapon just like an AR-15. Here in Yamhill County Oregon, the prosecutors and judges are to abysmally stupid to understand that a 12 gauge shotgun is a deadly weapon. A sleazy defense attorney has even successfully argued that my marijuana bootlegging tenant isn’t a threat to my family because he only loads his shotgun with “harmless buckshot” when he shoots at us.

    • “the prosecutors and judges are to abysmally stupid“

      You’d better be careful about badmouthing judges, Donald Trump has publicly stated he believes those who disagree with the judges opinion should be jailed:

      “Trump suggests criticizing judges ‘should be illegal,’ despite his own record

      “These people should be put in jail, the way they talk about our judges and our justices,” the former president said, despite the First Amendment — and his record.
      Sep. 25, 2024, 9:47 AM EDT
      By Steve Benen”

      Nope, Trump is not a fascist, no sir… yeah that’s the ticket!

      • And who has voiced their hatred of scotus and the electoral collage?

        harris/biden colluding with zuckerberg to censor Americans?

        Yes. Fascism is real and it is the democrats.

  5. I don’t put political stickers on my cars & I don’t put signs in my yard problem solved. I really don’t want to shoot some moron over politics.

  6. She’s not very smart, that’s for sure. She’s also lucky she didn’t get her skull ventilated.
    Perhaps some time in the Clark County Jail will expand her outlook.

  7. “She’s not very smart, that’s for sure. She’s also lucky she didn’t get her skull ventilated.”

    Or incinerated, judging by the somewhat exaggerated comments from the Tesla-haters – which hatred I actually don’t understand. If you have the money, it looks like a interesting option, and I don’t take it as a personal insult when one goes by, silently and without exhaust gasses…

    • The hated for Tesla is a reaction from the enviro-nuts and politicians pushing electric cars with malicious intent.

      As you said, if you want an electric car and have the money for it, so be it. It isn’t my money. I don’t care.

      I will never buy one and believe they are a step back, technologically, as they are inferior gas cars for range, towing, and refueling. They are also useless when the power goes out for extended periods. The batteries can also spontaneously combust. They are an answer in search for a problem.

      • The problem is real. Electric cars are not the solution, but the problem is real.

        CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Ocean temps are rising. You and those who come after you, will be powerfully affected.

        • I have a simple question. I’d like a simple answer, but the pro-spend us into oblivion crowd (hello inflation) to save us from global warming won’t give me a simple answer. How many fewer ticks will we have as a result of the Puppet’s trillion dollar “climate” allocations? I want a number. How about this: exactly how much cooler will the temperature be as a result of this spending? I want a number that I’ll be able to verify before I die. How could you ask for a trillion dollars without those numbers? Answer: fearmongering propaganda.

          The truth is, they don’t care about those numbers. The only numbers they’re concerned with have dollar signs attached to them. To be fair to you, I’m not denying a warming trend. I just believe in these things called science, logic, and honesty.

          • So if I just tell you “how many fewer ticks we’ll have”, you will promise not to die of heat stress during an unfortunate 1 week power outage in August of 2036?

            Such a deal!

            As “simple questions” go, that is hilarious.

            Here’s what you need to think about – was this summer the new normal? Looking at last summer and the summer before, I am thinking “yes”.

            Dog days go all the way from early July to October 1st anymore. From late May to October, ZERO HOURS below 73 degrees F. 73 used to be average low, now its the mintemp. Don’t mean shit to you, you got AC for now. But what about your great-grands?

            As to the Puppet’s policies, my view is too little, too late. Or maybe too stupid, too late.

            I got zero respect for anyone looking to use the threat posed by anthropogenic greenhouse emissions to politically manifest their neo-marxist fantasies.

            The oceans are warming. Barring a miraculous fix, if you keep your eyes open, you will see shit in your lifetime that will absolutely blow your mind.

            Speaking of enviro-nuts: many of my neighbors seem to believe that it is A-OK if the biosphere is cooked like a frog in a pot, because when everything is forever dead, Jesus will come. They are, in fact, all for it…

            That seem-eth a little whacko to me.

          • You obviously don’t understand how the climate propaganda works. They scare people with things that you could never prove. The point is to make people feel like you at least have to “do something.” Sorry, but if you’re going to scare me with stories of extra ticks due to global warming, then you’re going to have to explain real slow like exactly how many ticks will be eliminated from blowing my hard-earned tax dollars on making a few, very select donors even more wealthy.

            Then you waste more time ranting about the one thing I said I specifically did NOT deny. You need to work on your messaging if you really care about this issue.

          • The problem is you don’t understand *climate*. Given that you are the one that brought up ticks, I’d say you have a good grasp of using fallacy to dodge the point, tho.

            The warming trend is kind of the gist of it…

            CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Ocean temps are rising. You and those who come after you, will be powerfully affected, even if all emissions were to stop tomorrow.

            Bon appetit.

          • You still don’t get it, XZX. The reason I brought up ticks is that is one of the stories they use to scare people. How was that not clear in my previous posts? I’m not dodging anything!

            Then there you go again with your spiel which is essentially a straw man at this point since I said from the outset that I have never denied a warming trend. My point stands. You really need to work on your messaging, and you reading comprehension.

          • You don’t have a point.

            Ocean temps are rising. Propaganda has nothing to do with it. I made no statement regarding propaganda. You brought up propaganda. Now you insist the subject is propaganda. What, are you a 2 yo?

            I have been actively interested in post-Quaternary climate and by extension Earth climate generally since 1962. I make my own observations. I read peer- reviewed lit and pay zero attention to Biden, Gore or Limbaugh.

            Everybody ought to try it.

            We could have had basically this conversation 25 or 30 years ago. At least, my end would have been the same. When ocean temps rise that is the fat lady singing.

            But I will defer to your “expertise” and let you have the last word.

          • “You don’t have a point.”

            I have very plainly stated a point from the very beginning. Instead of agreeing, disagreeing, or even acknowledging it, you have covered your ears, closed your eyes, and continued to scream like an unhinged idiot.

            I get it. You aren’t interested in anything outside of your complaints. Carry on, idiot.

          • Wait global warming is relevant? I thought we were still in an ice age as the ice caps haven’t melted yet. Or am I getting geologic time scales and political ones mixed up again?

          • @Safe

            If all the terrestrial ice melts, oceans will rise another 77m.

            IIRC, that has not happened since the Paleocene. Most interstadials don’t involve total melting.

            Just so you know. LOL, your ASL is?

          • XZX average 240 and about 80 at the Hudson so for initial order not my problem. Also how much of that estimate assumes ice volume reduction as it concerts to water? Based on the last inland incursion of seawater for the previous no ice cap period it was only and additional 20ish meters so still a bit of a problem but also disregards a quick melt disrupting the various ocean currents and triggering a glacial expansion. Either way not much of anything humanity is doing is particularly relevant compared to a bad volcanic eruption or two so not going to worry about it let alone give a single bit of authority to any organization government or corporation because of it.

          • Yep, and we all heard the talking heads tell us that the last inland hurricane happened inthe 1860s that caused a like an
            mountof damage, there just weren’t nearly as many homes nor people affected.
            Interesting that we already had Global Weather Climate Change 160 years ago… I thought it was a new phenom.

          • Ocean levels have been rising since the last low stand 19.5 kyrs ago – they risen 100-120 meters and they will surely keep rising. Abysmal temps have remained nearly constant (near 0c) nthe entire time – until about 20 years ago, when measurable abyssal warming was detected.

            Anyone who tells you that all climate change is recent, or all driven by human emissions, is as full of shit as the people who tell you that fossil fuel burning has no effect.

            That said, the view that Cat 5 hurricanes are now annual, as opposed to decadal, and that 2024 represents the new normal, as opposed to being an outlier, is likely correct.

            The upcoming outlier years will blow your damn mind. In my informed opinion…

            Not much to done to avoid it at this point, barring some sort of engineering miracle.

      • “They are also useless when the power goes out for extended periods“

        Anyone who has installed solar power at their home can recharge them indefinitely.

        In a SHTF situation, after two weeks and no deliveries to your local gas station, your $50,000 extended cab four-wheel-drive pick’em up truck will become an interesting yard ornament.

        But keep thinking that way, it will keep you people from getting out and making a nuisance of yourself while reasonable folks put the situation to right.

        • Miner, most solar panel installations merely direct excess capacity back to the grid – to do as you blue sky believe in would require a basement full of storage batteries and inverters to utilize. Then, there’s the choices to be made – hmm, should I cook something for dinner, heat water, or charge up the tesla?

    • I don’t mind the cars- the technology is neat, and they go like stink- but some of the drivers should be using mass transit.

    • I agree, and we’ve been phasing out coal plants, their energy share is now less than 18% of the total:

      “The three major fossil fuels—petroleum, natural gas, and coal—combined accounted for about 77.6% of the U.S. primary energy production in 2017:

      Natural gas: 31.8%
      Petroleum (crude oil and natural gas plant liquids): 28%
      Coal: 17.8%
      Renewable energy: 12.7%
      Nuclear electric power: 9.6%”

      Solar power is still the best option, no moving parts, no feed stock needed or toxic waste products produced in operation, easily scalable from one house up to entire cities.

      • May want to double check the non toxic part especially for the Chinese panels re heavy metal leaching into the soil. Also does not generate anything close to sustained load so you still need at least natural gas to keep things moving. Nuke or nothing for scalable alternative power.

  8. On uTube there’s a guy running over a Trump sign that the owner hid a spike strip under and the tube steak gets a flat right there…fine for being an idiot Democrat? About $400 on the Suburban tire.

    • I’ll see your spike strip and raise you a very large 2 1/2 foot Boulder encased in a garbage bag 2 feet beyond sign.
      Kinda sucked picking up Toyota Camry pieces the next morning though.

    • I’ve placed my two Trump signs out at the road on both sides of the drainage culvert, they and the grass there are effective at hiding that ditch … any dummy thinking it’s a good idea to mow down my signs is in for an expensive surprise.

  9. Miner49 is fucked up.
    The article is about the same damned thing he is posting links to.
    What a revelation Miner, uhh like yeah, I was reading the article TTAG put up and bless your heart you’ve left me your links to it.
    Thanks Miner, now I don’t have to read TTAG’s.


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