It’s Getting Chilly Out There…Remember to Bring Them Inside



  1. I’ve never understood folks who leave their gun in their vehicle. I’m on 30 acres in the middle of nowhere and it stays with me.

    • Count me as one of the stupid ones. I will never do that again. The LEO that took the report read me the riot act. And I lost a very nice .357 revolver.

      • Pigs aren’t the boss, the people who pay for the clothes on their backs are.

        Stupid to get robbed, but he still isn’t in a position to lecture. Tell him to kick rocks and file a complaint against him.

      • …especially not if one drives a Kia or Hyundai, it would seem.

      • Does this officer also tell rape victims to dress more modestly?

        Your property was taken. You were the victim of a crime. The LEO should keep his mouth shut, file the report, and find the person that took your stuff.

    • Shotguns often stayed in the vehicle, in my younger days. Not so much pistols and rifles. We had several 4WD vehicles in which we fabricated gun mounts, and the shotguns just lived there.

    • You don’t have an AR that lives in each vehicle, along with 10 extra loaded mags? Two more in the house and a marinized Stainless Mini-14 in the boat?

      Do you bring the tool kit from each vehicle.with you when you go in or go from vehicle to vehicle? -or carry the spare tire into the house when you aren’t driving the car?

      Keep tools and spares where they will likely be needed….

      • Amen!
        Ruger Mini-14, stainless steel, with Butler Creek folding stock, with lots of loaded magazines, lives under the rear jump seat of my Toyota Tacoma. I have other guns that live in the house. No need to carry them back and forth, maybe catching attention.

        • I love the Butler Creek stocks on 10/22s. They never got the love and acclaim they deserved.

        • Yep, it’s a direct copy of the Ruger GB stock. Costs 300 bucks, but makes it look so, so *nice*…

      • The expensive nicer tools always come back in every night. Many of which are electronics that need charging anyway. I can’t imagine how the productivity would drop off if these things were left in the vehicles. Regardless of any chance for theft.

    • They make locking gun racks for long guns. Even the overhead truck gun rack can be used to lock them. Plenty of safe options for handguns.
      Not living in a crap hole is the first start to safety.

      • “Not living in a crap hole is the first start to safety.” -says the guy who admits he lives in Oklahoma….

        • The same can be said for the house
          The rack is outta sight and locked in the truck and the gun is locked to it and the truck is stored behind a locked gate.
          Half of this audience has guns lying around the house unsecured with no alarm so ….

          What I seeing in many of the comments is a lack of effort and excuses. There is no doubt gone are the days of the rear window rack and folks keeping their hands to theirselves cause of the Bernie Sanders redistribution mentality but there are plenty of ways to do it.

        • @Matt in Oklahoma
          Then there are those master planned communities with no gate around a driveway only big enough for two vehicles. This represents a growing number of homes and few use there garage for their vehicles.

          It’s about what level of access and control you have with your possessions.

        • I know some folks who didn’t want me to have a long gun near. I knew some as long as 20 years till I retired.

    • When it’s on me it stays warm.

      Three of my vehicles have been broken into over the years. This is not something that needs to be in them any longer than is absolutely necessary. Besides, it does me no good at all if I need it and can’t get to it that fast or that easily. The concept of the ‘truck gun’ makes no sense to me. No long gun I use for defensive purposes would be in my vehicle as a truck gun. It would be simply an easy to get to arm for defense. Who honestly thinks they are going to be able to run out to their vehicle to get their gun when in a place of bussiness that doesn’t allow guns? Even if you could, just leave the premises.

      Gun racks in the back window wether holding something or not is a “come and take it” sign that says ‘follow me home’.

      Replacing nice looking headrests for my seats with safes for holding firearms makes you look more like a criminal and is likely to void warranty and potentially create law suits against you. Many new cars have air bag restraint systems built into headrests.

      Just carry it.

      • “The concept of the ‘truck gun’ makes no sense to me. No long gun I use for defensive purposes would be in my vehicle as a truck gun.”

        It makes perfect sense for someone who owns a bit of land they periodically patrol to see what’s going on. Great for dispatching 4-legged critters primarily, two-legged if the rare need arises.

        It doesn’t replace your handgun, it’s an adjunct to it…

    • Sometimes we’re forced to do that by the guard with the metal detector at the medical facility where the kid needs medical attention.

      It’s either that or an hour drive back home to put the gun in the safe.

      • He probably only has only one fire extinguisher that he moves from one vehicle to the next when he is driving it and then brings it into the house with him when he parks in his driveway. Perhaps he only has one spare tire to move from vehicle to vehicle and one jack and one tire iron and brings all those too into his garage so they don’t get cold out there.

        Keep necessary tools where they will be needed and have multiples.

    • This is why I’ll never have a “trunk gun.” Cars are not safes. Any car can be broken into with lightning speed by someone who doesn’t care about your windows (and they don’t care about your windows).

    • W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t yd03 t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

      A l­o­o­k a­t i­t———————————–>>>

  2. LOL at the PSA that animals get cold when humans get cold. Someone needs to tell that to a polar bear, or a walrus, or just about any animal. Animals ain’t human, although humans are animals. By the time most dogs (not all) start feeling cold, us fragile humans are already shivering wrecks, well on our way to serious hypothermia. And, when the dog DOES get cold, he’s perfectly happy to dig a hole into the snow, curl into a ball to protect his exposed belly, and flop his tail across his nose. Humans, on the other hand, whine, stumble around, and fall into the snow, still exposed to the wind, which rapidly freezes exposed flesh.

    • My dog loves to lay out in the snow or sometimes lay on the roof of his dog house outside in the sun like Snoopy. The large fenced dog run is attached to the house and he could come into the heated garage through the doggie door any time he wants but prefers the outside even in midwest winters.

    • Dogs are called pack animals because they pack together to stay warm. Dogs(plural) learn to pack and stay warmer together. Leaving most breeds by themselves and tieing them away from a doghouse or some type of burrow, in my opinion is not right. (YMMV). Smaller breeds and those shorthairs do not do well in the cold.
      It is your dog, I do care about how it is being treated, but it is on you.

    • “By the time most dogs (not all) start feeling cold, us fragile humans are already shivering wrecks,…”

      I personally think it’s a kindness to offer your dogs in winter a place to get out of the wind…

      • The furry member of our Haz family enjoys the section of floor in front of the hearth when we use the fireplace. Nice and toasty, better than being outside on a cold Winter evening.

  3. Storing a gun or a car and a truck it’s stupid enough that I would not oppose taking away gun rights from that person if they regularly did that. these days all you’re doing is arming criminals. Recently where I live a couple of guys got caught with something like 15 guns but had taken from cars and parking lots.

    I do occasionally have to leave a gun in my car because of work policy however I have a steel locking box that is bolted into the truck and it will not stop somebody who wants it but it will stop the average burglar. and typically it’s the only time I use it is in a secured parking lot. unless I’m at work every time I get out of the vehicle the gun comes with me and is stored appropriately when I am not carrying it.

    • So it’s okay when you do it but not when other do it……got it.

      If someone breaks the law to access my property, it is not on me. Period.

      You sound like the leftist who blame car manufacturers for not making their vehicle more difficult to steal.

      Pretty pathetic.

      • This is more of a reaction to the employer. The problem that employers fail to come to grips with is that there is no way to deal with nut jobs that start shooting up the work place. Likely resulting in more dead people. Ultimately it’s a mutual agreement between the employer and employee that begins with company policy that thinks it’s doing something good. v4lu3s can keep their gun locked up like that but it will be of no use there outside of the road trip to or from the work place.

    • I never lock my car, I learned a long time ago, living in a ghetto, that a locked car only means you’ve got a busted window. The secret is only owning one car and it’s such a POS that only you can drive it, however you can drive it 219,998 eight miles. They would make it ,ehhh?? half a block.
      Now I dont know if trading, maybe at the most, 125# lbs of dressed out meat, is worth your POS car or not. That’s up to you. 125×6 is,,,,uhh , well I ain’t found nobody yet that would say ,” Yeah, I’ll trade you my car for that dead guy.” Times are getting tough that might change👍.

      • “The secret is only owning one car and it’s such a POS that only you can drive it,…”

        Did something similar to the first nice bike I owned. I was paranoid it would get stolen, so I made it look as ugly as sin with sandpaper, to deter thieves.

        It worked, nobody ever stole it, but I still used a good lock for it.

        I miss that bike, it got mangled when I got hit by that car… 🙁

  4. Happiness is a warm gunm, until the truck you left it in catches fire.
    Never again, and I knew better in the first place.
    There used to be a guy I knew who dealt in stolen gunms, most of those gunms came from vehicle’s.
    Thieves are good at breaking into cars, trunk latches are easy for them.
    Its safer to break into a vehicle then a house.
    Do what you want, my gunms stay with me.
    A long time ago I would leave my longgunms in the pickups gunm rack, we all did, those days are gone. Even a short trip into the convenience store can be a disaster.
    And nothing sucks worse then having your gunm stolen and then used to rob people (however that was a home robbery incident).
    Then there could be this scenario, your car gets stolen and you watch the thief drive off with your car and your gunms.

  5. Cold weather is not a problem for the firearm; if it is, well, buy a better firearm. As for leaving it in a vehicle unsecured; that is unfortunately a problem in our unstable, protect the rights of the criminal society😵‍💫 It shouldn’t be this way, but it is; so keep locked up if you leave it in the vehicle unattended, and Do NOT leave it loaded or a loaded magazine with it; unless they’re are locked up separately. These are my best practices.l

    • That actually brings up another things. Your vehicle might be a great place to keep extra loaded magazines for your carry gun.

    • “Cold weather is not a problem for the firearm;…”

      It almost never is. I think the point of the post was directed to those that love their guns and consider them their children, so they make the association…

  6. I don’t generally carry long guns if not actively engaged in some activity that requires them. That said, my P-U, deuce and a half and SUV have welded plate storage boxes. All keyed the same. The SUV and PU as well as the cars have console safes as well. Yes, if someone wants to bring tools and take the time to get into the safes, or lock boxes they could do so. Of course I have remote cut outs for the ignition systems that disable the vehicles so they can’t hot wire and steal the vehicles. Sure, someone could rob me and then take the keys, but it is rare that I’m not armed, as is my wife and adult children.
    Had a car broken into many years ago. Had a car stolen a few years after that. Why someone wanted to steal a ’78 Buick Le Sabre in ’84 I don’t know. Or why anyone thought there was something to steal in 15 year old rust bucket Chevy.
    According to the local Sherriff’s Depts. in the area, most of the firearms they recover in arrests/crime scenes are stolen. With a large portion stolen from vehicles. While you may live in a more remote area, even there, humans are humans. There will always be someone who wants what you have and doesn’t mind stealing it rather than working to earn it. Don’t leave firearms in vehicles. Yes, it’s a PITA to drag the weapons in and out etc. But it’s a bigger pain to find out the gun you left in the car was used to kill some kid or elderly person during a robbery.

  7. During the 2020 meltdown with the riots happening, I had an AR in the truck along with the pistol I carried.
    4 magazines for the pistol and 4 magazines for the rifle.
    March was held in the city I worked in for George Floyd and there were a few isolated incidents. Never had to use either the pistol or rifle but I’m glad I had them.
    Today is just what’s in the holster plus a few magazines.

  8. W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t t­h­e sa02 f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t————————————>>>

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