“An Indiana mother who sent her gay son to school with a stun gun after administrators apparently didn’t do enough to stop the bullying against him said she would do it again — even though the teen now faces expulsion,” cnn.com reports. “‘I do not promote violence — not at all — but what is a parent to do when she has done everything that she felt she was supposed to do … at the school?’ I did feel like there was nothing else left for me to do, but protect my child.” Ms. Chelisa Grimes [above] is not quite right. What she did was make it possible for her child to protect himself. And, I’m thinking, provide a wake-up call to gay Americans who haven’t made the connection between carrying a concealed weapon and taking responsibility for their own defense. Adults. Not kids. Children should be protected by adults. Anyway, details . . .

“I got kicked out of school for me bringing the weapon to school, but I honestly don’t think that that was fair,” Young said. “I didn’t use it on nobody … all I did was raise it up in the air and went back to my class.”

School police officers arrested him a short time later and took him away in handcuffs, The Indianapolis Star reported. School officials are investigating the incident, but none of the students who allegedly surrounded Young have been positively identified.

Young is known as a flamboyant dresser and Larry Yarrell, the Tech principal, said school staff had been trying to get him to “tone down” his accessories.

“If you wear female apparel, then kids are kids and they’re going to say whatever it is that they want to say,” Yarrell told The Star. “Because you want to be different and because you choose to wear female apparel, it may happen. In the idealistic society, it shouldn’t matter. People should be able to wear what they want to wear.”

Look for this one to run and run. As it should.


  1. Should have signed him up for boxing lessons at they YMCA and given him a couple rolls of nickels. Thats what I did to help my nephiews out when they were getting picked on. And it stopped right the heck away.

  2. my god, is this a real pic of the mom? if so why would one release a photo of themselves looking like this?? if anything she should be trying to garner as much sympathy for her’s and her son’s situation as possible IMO. Broadcasting pic’s one herself looking like she works a pole for a living is not too smart.

  3. I like how Principal Yarrell trots out the tired old “shouldn’t have worn that dress” excuse.

    Get control of your students, ****head.

    • True. A principal is supposed to be the boss of the students AND teachers. Yet many of them are completely whipped. Discipline starts at the top. In one school I attended, both the ‘bad kids’ and the teachers were scared $#!+less of the principal (who was actually a nice guy), and there were zero issues with bullying. The schoolyard toughs would have soiled themselves, had they been summoned by the principal, and the teachers would not have dared even use the Xerox for non-school purposes. When he retired, and a complete pussy replaced him, bullying (and teachers’ abuse of school resources, etc.) became a big problem.

  4. I think she and her son did the right thing.
    First, they asked the school to handle the situation. When that didn’t work, they saw to his safety themselves. And the school Principal’s excuses are extremely weak.

    This young man seems to be in the right. He has every right to dress how he pleases as long as it is not indecent or obscene. He has the right to go to class and not be harassed by bigots And he has every right to defend himself.

    To the poster that mentioned Boxing lessons, that’s all well and good, but not so good when you are confronted with a gang of football players. The Stun gun was a good move. The point is made, an nobody gets hurt.

    Seems some things in school have changed. When I got picked on in 7th grade, I punched that kid the F@#K out. He had a shiner for a week after. Sure I got detention for it… but i also got a wink and a nod from the detention teacher.

    Of course other things dont change. The weird kids, the fags, the nerds (Pick your highschool label)…get the short end of the stick. 5$ says that the kids doing the bullying were on one of the sports teams and another 5$ says they get away with it.

    • Of course they’ll get away with it. The kid’s going to be expelled, so the problem no longer exists.

    • Again, it’s time for parents, WHO PAY OBSCENE AMOUNTS IN SCHOOL TAXES (much of which go to non-educational expenses like covering teachers’ pension liabilities) to force school administrators to do something about these issues. Notwithstanding the athletic prowess of the bullies (actually, when I went to school, most of the bullies were NOT jocks, but merely ‘average’ kids who were complete misanthropes), problematic students should be removed.

    • Your comment although understood is unfair.
      My son has played football from 3rd grade and would never dream of picking on someone because they were different. Would you like to know why? I’ll tell you anyway: If I ever got wind of it (and I’m Dad, I know everything) I would plant my foot so far up his rear end he could tie my shoe.

      Sports have nothing to do with it. Active parents have EVERYTHING to do with it. You have to TEACH (gasp) your children to accept everyone at face value because their peers and the pressure of fitting in tells them otherwise. You have to COACH your children on how to be decent upstanding students and good human beings.

      Raising a child is constant work, being a Father is the single most joyous and the single most frustrating experience a man will ever have.

      The sports didn’t make this kid a jerk. It’s most likely that the child was expected to be both educated and raised by the school system. No dice, that’s our job as parents. You reap what you sow.

  5. A stun gun is in no way more than a temporary solution even if he wasn’t arrested and facing expulsion or whatever. He’ll get knocked down from behind and/or the bullies will bring their own stun guns or knives, etc.

    “Young is known as a flamboyant dresser” and that also usually means a flamboyant irritating personality. It may not be fair or legal yet behaving in such a manner is playing with fire in a high school setting. High schools might be better off with mandatory uniforms, and no make-up and jewelry for the boys.

    When I lived in San Francisco there were a number of gay males who went out of their way to act flamboyantly (and obnoxiously) to tease and taunt straight males (much like some females like to do). Some gay males went extreme in such behavior and far too many others did it just enough to make it irritating. It was SF the land of political correctness and inverted values. After a while I found it funny to hear or read about some flamboyant type getting punched out.

  6. Homeschooling could be an option, ore some type of charter schooling (I don’t know what the laws are in Indiana, but charter schools are growing in Alberta. And homeschooled kids seem to turn out okay (e.g., the lovely Selena Gomez). If more parents pull their kids out of public schools–and teachers’ unions face the prospect of layoffs–something might be done about bullying.

    I was fortunate to be an average-looking, straight lad, and a dull dresser, but still got grief from the usual thugs…who were NEVER disciplined. And many teachers themselves are bullies, occasionally whipping principals. Parents should get more involved in local school politics, and force administrators to remove problematic students from schools. Parents are paying school taxes through the nose, and their kids shouldn’t be subjected to this abuse.

  7. Maybe not such a great job of parenting here, but even so, it’s a worse job of school administration.

  8. Should have provided him with a comnpetent sifu.. And perhaps taught the principle of a man-to-man unarmed fight, you know, where two men or kids square off.. And the second the loser hits the ground it’s over? Oh…. Nevermind.. That would require understanding of the basic principles of honor and respect. Something that is lost upon this generation (which I am sadly a part of)

    That said, (this is way off topic) I was a ‘bullied child’, the one who would sit and read. Naturally, I was ‘gay’ 🙂 I managed to suck up the punishment for a couple years, and finally had enough. Having lured my ‘enemies’ across the street, I fought off three fellow students, all of them taller and heavier than me. Two were twins. The school allowed me to come right in the next day, just to have me arrested by the chicago police. Apparently I caused major internal injury to my assailants. I was put in handcuffs in the fourth grade. Afterwards my parents were brainwashed by varioius social workers to put me on zoloft, which I pretented to take. This led to a long line of sad events which I have trouble even now forgiving them for. It also let to me becoming quite introverted and socially ackward.

    When I look back at what happened, handling the situation with my fists… I may as well have used a damn stun gun.. The winner is apparently always the agressor. I hope that the people I dealt with learned a thing or two, and I fear for my sister 15 years younger, who is trapped in this sick and sad public school system. A system where (10+yrs ago) they would arrest and charge a skinny ass nerd kid for fighting off 3+ children bigger than him.

    I could only imagine if I actually was gay, the hate I would hhave received. Attempting to put myself in his situation.. I honestly have no idea what I would have done.. I am just gratefull I was taught to fight like a man, and that my ‘enemies’ apparently understood the same. Granted it didn’t stop their parents from suing my parents for 50k+ in medical bills. (Spleen)

    A loose loose situation, to be sure.. Although If I ever have a son, I will teach him to handle it the exact same way. The only way.

    • Yeah, I was bullied too, because I was small and smart and wore glasses. And then, one day, I kicked the school bully’s ass from one end of the schoolyard to the other and back again until it took three teachers to pull me off of him. And from that day on, I was cool.

      It’s a crazy world, isn’t it, when being smart makes you a target but being a thug makes you cool?

      • An excellent place to begin the diissucson.I grew up without guns in our house so don’t understand the fascination or lure of weapons. But I do understand the violence they can bring. When I was a teenager, an area youth returned from college for Thanksgiving and shot his parents and sister. He had delusions of being a gangster type. A friend’s son-in-law was shot and killed in urban violence leaving a widow and young children.I would like to believe the answers will bring the correct action, but if the issue can be framed in terms of money spent, I would take mental health care over more prisons.

    • Parent of one of my grammar school banes almost got the principal to have me arrested for provoking her dear troubled son to kick me in the back and down a flight of stairs. Authority sides with the vicious.

  9. Yeah, well, when i was a kid, one of the worst bullies was the Principal’s kid. You can all imagine how that went down. Anybody fought this punk and ” Daddy” would back his “loving” son with the full weight of the school administration.

    Slow down you are posting too quickly?

  10. ….and now we’ll hear from Mr. Grimes…….oh, I’m sorry, there seems to be no father figure involved in this. Might be the reason for the young “mans” behavior.

  11. When I was in 6th grade and getting picked on during recess, my younger sister took up for me. She told the “Bullies” – “Leave him alone, he crys easy” We didn’t have stun guns in 1960.

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