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By Any Means Necessary

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TTAG reader Pascal read an op-ed in today’s Boston Herald about the Boston Marathon bombing. He forwarded an excerpt to us followed by a simple question:

Don’t walk the streets of Boston? Stay in your hotel rooms? Stop the music at Symphony Hall? Forget all about hockey? Oh, the savages must have loved that! How it must have delighted their warped, verminous minds. Void of conscience, they lack any instinct for remorse or compassion. So yesterday was their day, no question about it. But there’s coming a tomorrow when we will have a reckoning with them, and here’s what will happen . . .

Some shrink will try to explain how their neurosis mitigates their culpability, while some whore with a law degree will scheme to free them on a technicality. The anguish of the victims? It’ll be forgotten. All that will matter will be the showering of rights upon the perpetrators. Welcome to Massachusetts.

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

It’s not complicated. Evil need not be understood. It simply needs to be eliminated, by any means necessary.

That’s the only way to honor those lives that were savaged yesterday, and the only way we will begin to rebuild the America we once knew.

Eliminate evil “by any means necessary.” Got it. Does that mean we can use our guns to defeat evil, too?

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