Rumors have circulated that the ATF may soon require anyone wishing to sell a firearm in a private sale to have an FFL license. Such a move would make it virtually impossible, and certainly unfeasible, for the private, legal transfer of firearms in this country.

But are these rumors true?

As gun owners, we certainly see our share of stupid policies put in place that sound like they should only be works of fiction.

Our friends over at the Armed Attorneys, Emily Taylor and Richard Hayes take on the rumors.


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Doug Howlett is the Editor in Chief of TTAG. He is a writer, editor and book author who has written for many of the top hunting and gun magazines and websites in the outdoor industry. He began his career as a newspaper reporter before moving on to serve as Assistant Editor for NRA’s American Hunter, Editor of the NWTF’s Turkey Call, Deputy Editor of Outdoor Life, Editor of Southern Sporting Journal, Editor in Chief of Gun Digest magazine, Editor of AR-15 magazine and Editor of Fur & Fang, a predator hunting magazine. He is the author of The Shooter’s Bible Guide to AR-15s and was a regular guest on Gallery of Guns TV for three years. He is also an Editor in Chief at U.S. LawShield where he oversees publications and newsletters that help the organization’s members and partners be some of the most legally knowledgeable and responsible gun owners in America.


  1. A “taking” without use of the courts. How many have their retirement $ invested in real property (firearms vs the stock market scam/cash under a mattress)?

  2. It is blatantly unconstitutional gor American citizens to be forced to allow the ATF into their homes at THEIR discretion across the biard as a matter of general life in this country.

    • “Am I wrong in thinking the ATF doesn’t get to make laws?”

      It damn sure should be, and in a few months the SCotUS ‘Loper Bright ‘ case will be announced. That case dealt with the arbitrary rule-making that demanded a small business fisherman pay $700 EACH DAY for a federal ‘fisheries inspector’ to insure they weren’t breaking any federal fishing laws. (That’s $3,500 each week, along with feeding and supplying a bed for them on a small fishing boat.)

      A question for LKB (and other actual lawyers), if they could be so kind – Suppose we get the ruling we want, that federal agencies like the BATF will be barred from creating law out of thin air (like pistol braces, as just one example), what will that do to all previous BATF ‘interpretations’, like the one that claimed that consumables like suppressor wipes were silencer parts all on their own, and could not legally be fabricated by the stamp owner, only by an SOT shop?

  3. A way to lessen the chance of a knock on your door and to transfer a firearm…Know the individual more than just well enough, know they can or have recently passed a NCIC; none of this he seems like a really nice guy and his kids were so polite crap. Any skepticism about the individual simply meet at and transfer through a FFL.

    • b
      Because he had advanced dementia and his son got illegal guardianship of him. The man is in his 90s, had a C&R FFL, and all of the NFA items were held by a trust thatis nearly 60 years old.

      • “Because he had advanced dementia and his son got illegal guardianship of him“

        I’m not sure where you are on this, do you think he should’ve retained possession of the firearms, with “advanced dementia”?

        • “Zhou BaiDeng“

          You know, you’ve used that pidgin name as if President Biden was somehow working with China.

          The facts show Dark Brandon is kicking the CCP’s ass.

          The past three years of President Biden’s economic policies have achieved the lowest unemployment in 40 years while the US stock market has hit multiple record numbers.

          At the same time, his shrewd trade policies have helped put the Chinese economy on the skids.

          “China’s manufacturing base, the mainstay of its economy for decades, is hemorrhaging. Its trillion-dollar homebuilding industry is collapsing under unsustainable debt levels. And its unprecedented infrastructure campaign has been a crash course in malinvestment.

          The Chinese Communist Party’s panicked response has been to order banks to buy stocks in an attempt to buoy falling stock prices and the Chinese yuan. For its own part, the CCP has finally given up on publishing phony economic statistics and now just refuses to publish them at all. One way to deal with historically high youth unemployment is to ignore the problem.“

          Of course, the Chinese communists can always count on Donald Trump to slide them a few million if they’re a little short:

          “China Paid Trump Millions In Rent. Then He Left The White House
          Dan Alexander
          Forbes Staff
          Senior editor at Forbes, covering Donald Trump’s business.
          During the four years that Donald Trump occupied the White House, the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China paid him an estimated $7 million to rent space in Trump Tower. Despite the extraordinary circumstances of the deal—involving the government of China, the president of the United States, and millions of dollars—the Trump family portrayed the agreement as a standard business transaction. Previously unreported documents call that characterization into question.“

          “It was a lucrative deal for Trump. A 2012 debt prospectus noted that ICBC was the second-largest tenant in Trump Tower, leasing 20,000 square feet for about $1.9 million a year, paying a higher price per square foot than other office tenants in the building. “I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,” Trump told three Forbes journalists in 2015, when he was leading polls for the Republican presidential nomination—and still keeping a close eye on his business. “I have the best tenants in the world in this building.”

        • “The facts show Dark Brandon is kicking the CCP’s ass.”

          Another lie. But that’s all you got.

          Why is Biden Appeasing China?

          “In contrast to the Trump administration’s launch of an ideological offensive against China as a predatory communist state without political legitimacy or the rule of law, Team Biden has repeatedly forsworn any intention to transform that country’s political system in any way.” — The Hill, 09/10/2023

          ‘I don’t want to contain China,’ Biden says in Beijing’s backyard

          “Xi, however, was not likely to be pleased with the U.S. boosting its partnership with Vietnam. Both countries are now locked in a “ comprehensive strategic partnership,” the highest such distinction for a relationship the Communist country can have with another nation. That doesn’t mean Hanoi is a Washington ally now — a no-longer-secret arms deal with Russia is case in point — but it does indicate that Vietnam fears Beijing’s aggression in the South China Sea while it’s grateful for its economic windfall from the U.S.-China trade war.” Politico, 06/06/2022

      • “Why is Biden Appeasing China?“

        I post statistics about China’s economy being in the shitter, and all you have his vague statements with no substantiation.

        So exactly what is Biden doing to appease China?

        We already know what Trump and China’s relationship is, I posted the facts about the millions of dollars China paid to Trump for ‘rent’ on empty rooms.

        “ICBC was the second-largest tenant in Trump Tower, leasing 20,000 square feet for about $1.9 million a year, paying a higher price per square foot than other office tenants in the building. “I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,” Trump told three Forbes journalists in 2015, when he was leading polls for the Republican presidential nomination—and still keeping a close eye on his business. “I have the best tenants in the world in this building.”

        Nothing but payoffs from China to Trump, just like the $2 billion payoff to Jared Kushner from Saudi Arabia, the architects of 9/11 in New York City.

        Anyone who supports Trump is clearly just a dupe of the conspiracy.

    • What’s wrong with that?
      A revolver for instance, especially equipped with a laser, is the ultimate point and click interface.

      It requires no training at all to have a revolver in your bedside table, and to pull it out, aim it at a home invader and pull the trigger.

    • The decision to acquire training is MINE, Not theirs. It makes no difference if they suggest otherwise. You act as if these people dictate the lives of gun owners. It’s not like either of them are Taylor Swift.

  4. Fun trivia fact: If, for the last 3 years to date, violence in democrat run cities is removed from the overall numbers for all categories, on a population basis, the murder AND suicide rates in the United States falls to 2 per 1,000,000 annually.

    Fun trivia fact: Collectively, ~78% to ~90% (varies with time of year in that range) of the criminal-gang violence in the country happens in democrat controlled cities.

    Fun trivia fact: Overall, 63% of murders and almost 80% of (overall, all) crimes in the country are committed by ‘members’ of a (collectively) non-white demographic that is only 6% of the U.S. population.

    Trivia fact: Collectively, in 2023, nationwide in democrat controlled cities, more than 28,000 children under the age of 10 were subjected to horrors of the pseudo-science ‘sex change hormone therapy’ at the hands of (non-medical) members of the ‘trans’ community and 90% of these children have, to date in 2024, died due to ‘complication’ as a result and only 15% of these ‘murderers’ were actually charged and then only with ‘child endangerment’ charges and all had their charges dropped by a democrat DA.

    Trivia fact for mass shooters: The majority of mass-shooters (which includes school shooters), over 90%, have no political affiliation or preference of either left or right wing. Yet, MSM and anti-gun interests and idiots (e.g. dacian) will tag them as ‘right wing extremists’ simply because a gun was involved.

    Trivia fact for mass killers (using the definition of four or more victims injured or killed): These are ones that use something other than a gun (usually a knife or some other sharpened object) for their killing attempts. Over the last 30 years the majority (~80%) of these have been liberals whose political preference was left-wing. 8% of these have been right-wing, the rest had no political affiliation or preference of either left or right wing. None of these were were tagged as ‘extremists’ by MSM and anti-gun groups never mention them.

    • “Trivia fact for mass shooters: The majority of mass-shooters (which includes school shooters), over 90%, have no political affiliation or preference of either left or right “

      Well, at least you have abandoned the propaganda talking point that all mass shooters are liberal Democrats, we’re making some progress here.

        • Your comment is awaiting moderation
          “you trying to sell an aircraft for someone else Miner49er?”

          No, he just posted identifying information about a poster — several times. And he’ll get away with it.

          It probably wasn’t smart of the guy to post under his identifying number — if it indeed is his. Still, the admins won’t punish Miner.

          They will, however, hold my post, no matter what I do to try to avoid the censorbot.

        • Good to see that it’s okay to publish identifying information on the forum.

          How about releasing the information on Jerry P. of Canton? I’d like to visit his Facebook page.

      • I never said at anytime that “that all mass shooters are liberal Democrats”.

        You lie once again Miner49er.

        and learn what context means and stop cherry picking out of context. This is what I posted:

        “Trivia fact for mass shooters: The majority of mass-shooters (which includes school shooters), over 90%, have no political affiliation or preference of either left or right wing. Yet, MSM and anti-gun interests and idiots (e.g. dacian) will tag them as ‘right wing extremists’ simply because a gun was involved.”

        see the context part of “Yet, MSM and anti-gun interests and idiots (e.g. dacian) will tag them as ‘right wing extremists’ simply because a gun was involved.” – the part you intentionally left off to put forth a lie.

      • MSM, research of FBI docs, police reporting, reports by various independent researchers and investigative journalists and government funded researchers, and even some from Brady, and a whole lot more, and a lot available by Google with proper search terms and ‘google foo’.

    • “Trivia fact: Collectively, in 2023, nationwide in democrat controlled cities, more than 28,000 children under the age of 10 were subjected to horrors of the pseudo-science ‘sex change hormone therapy’ at the hands of (non-medical) members of the ‘trans’ community and 90% of these children have, to date in 2024, died due to ‘complication”

      You’ve made the claim, the burden of proof is on you, please state your source.

  5. In reality you would “not” be required to become an f.f.l. dealer you would simply have to transfer your gun through a licensed dealer at your local gun store. This of course would be a backdoor to Universal Background Checks which is long overdue in this country. At present any nut case or criminal can buy all the second hand guns he needs which is pure insanity and no other industrialized nation permits such utter madness.

    In civilized nations the amount of street guns dried up dramatically and in less time than you might think because the majority of firearms are owned by law abiding citizens and they are not about to go to prison, be fined or lose the right to own any firearms for life by disobeying a Universal Background Check Law.

    Of course you cannot reason with the Far Right Paranoids, they are mentally ill people and always their own worst enemies because the more crime and sensational murders the more calls there will be for outright bans on many types of weapons. This fact is way over the heads of the mentally ill paranoids of the Far Right.

    The Far Right ignorant paranoid nutcases live in their own fantasy world. If any type or category of gun was banned even if there were no gun registration you could not, sell the gun without risk of being caught, you could not shoot it in a self defense situation, you could not shoot it at a public range, and if your weapon was used in a crime after you sold it you would be libel for monetary damages as well as getting a prison sentence so you see the Paranoid nut case that claim they would never give up their guns live in a world of delusion.

  6. Gordon Liddy was once asked what to do if a federal agent is knocking on your door. He said that you should aim for their head because they frequently wearing body armor.

    • G Gordon Liddy was a traitor to his country who betrayed his FBI oath.

      “Liddy was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and refusing to testify to the Senate committee investigating Watergate. He served nearly 52 months in federal prisons“

      Just another Republican dirty trickster, Roger Stone is his modern counterpart.

      • “G Gordon Liddy was a traitor to his country”

        Factually incorrect: he was never charged with, nor tried for, treason.

        • G Gordon Liddy swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, including all articles therein.

          “Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court”

          Gordon Liddy gave aid and comfort to Richard Nixon, a domestic enemy of the United States who was engaged in a conspiracy to prevent the free and fair election and transfer of power mandated by the constitution.

          Interesting sidenote, just like Trump, Gordon Liddy was disqualified from holding public office under article 14.

          Trump himself publicly stated January 6 was indeed, an insurrection:

          “Trump Says Jan. 6 Was an Insurrection
          The former president contradicted his lawyers by describing the day’s events as attempt to overthrow the government … “caused by Nancy Pelosi”
          BY RYAN BORT
          FEBRUARY 8, 2024 3:03PM EST

          “They kept saying about what I said right after the insurrection,” he said outside Mar-a-Lago after arguments concluded in Washington, D.C. “I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi.“

        • “Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States,”

          Liddy was not charged with nor convicted of treason. You lie.

          “Interesting sidenote, just like Trump, Gordon Liddy was disqualified from holding public office under article 14.”

          President Trump is not disqualified from holding public office. You lie.

        • “ Trump himself publicly stated January 6 was indeed, an insurrection:”

          Seems to me that “caused by Nancy Pelosi” is the operative phrase in what Trump said. TDS much?

        • “Liddy was not charged with nor convicted of treason. You lie“

          I never claimed lady was charged with or convicted of treason, I stated my opinion that the facts show he betrayed his oath and committed treason against this country.

          In any event, he went to the federal pen for four years, and he’s a piece of shit.

          Trump stated he believed it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi, so he believes it was an insurrection, he just is attempting to place the blame on Nancy Pelosi who had zero responsibility or control over security at the United States Capitol.

          In fact, he just recently stated publicly that it was Nikki Haley‘s responsibility to provide security:

          “Nikki Haley, you know they, do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it, because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people,” Trump said”

          So which is it, Nikki Haley or Nancy Pelosi?

          How sad that you are propping up this pathetic traitor, a rich kid from NYC who shits in a gold plated toilet, pathetic sycophants.

        • “I stated my opinion”

          And opinions are like assholes — or are expressed by an asshole such as yourself.

        • “asshole such as yourself“

          All you have is juvenile ad hominem attacks because you are intellectually bankrupt.

          Reading your comments confirms the effective targeting of Donald Trump’s propaganda.

        • “All you have is juvenile ad hominem attacks because you are intellectually bankrupt.”

          And all you have are the opinions of a garbage person, expressed by a garbage person, who revels in being a garbage person. I countered your opinions with facts, and you can’t handle it. Too bad, asshole.

        • You posted no facts, except for the evidence that you’re incapable of any response other than a juvenile insult.

          You may continue your worship of Constitutional oath breaker Gordon Liddy, but a jury of his peers sent him to prison for four years, that’s good enough for me to condemn him for betrayal of his oath.

        • “You posted no facts”

          It’s still a lie that Liddy was adjudicated guilty of treason, your smelly opinion notwithstanding.

          It’s still a lie that President Trump is ineligible to run for office.

          Any questions, asshole?

  7. 2nd attempt to post

    In reality you would “not” be required to become an f.f.l. dealer you would simply have to transfer your gun through a licensed dealer at your local gun store. This of course would be a backdoor to Universal Background Checks which is long overdue in this country. At present any nut case or criminal can buy all the second hand guns he needs which is pure insanity and no other industrialized nation permits such utter madness.

    In civilized nations the amount of street guns dried up dramatically and in less time than you might think because the majority of firearms are owned by law abiding citizens and they are not about to go to prison, be fined or lose the right to own any firearms for life by disobeying a Universal Background Check Law.

    Of course you cannot reason with the Far Right Paranoids, they are mentally ill people and always their own worst enemies because the more crime and sensational murders the more calls there will be for outright bans on many types of weapons. This fact is way over the heads of the mentally ill paranoids of the Far Right.

    The Far Right ignorant paranoid nutcases live in their own fantasy world. If any type or category of gun was banned even if there were no gun registration you could not, sell the gun without risk of being caught, you could not shoot it in a self defense situation, you could not shoot it at a public range, and if your weapon was used in a crime after you sold it you would be libel for monetary damages as well as getting a prison sentence so you see the Paranoid nut case that claim they would never give up their guns live in a world of delusion.

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