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The NRA Has Some Fun With David Hogg’s Useful Idiots at Saturday’s NRA HQ Protest

Image via Twitter.

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Pity poor David Hogg. He held a rally Saturday at the NRA world headquarters near Fairfax, Virginia. While (someone’s) money can pay to organize rallies against gun rights and provide armed security, money doesn’t buy intelligent demonstrators.

While the event played out, the National Rifle Association didn’t miss the chance to ridicule Hogg and his bleating sheep.  First, demonstrators failed to shut down the Waples Mill NRA headquarters during a weekday, when it might actually make a difference. Instead, Hogg and his Parkland high kiddie crew marched on a Saturday when virtually the entire building routinely sits empty.

Furthermore, the nation’s oldest civil rights org also didn’t miss a chance to make fun of David Hogg’s hypocrisy in bringing paid guns to an anti-gun rally to provide protection for him. Indeed, Hogg likes to hide behind armed good guys while demanding gun control and disarmament for you and me.

Hogg’s armed security detail stood out like sore thumbs for trained eyes. In fact, even gun grabbers could probably figure this one out.

Hogg had little to worry about with lots of police on hand to keep order. Not only that, but on the pro-gun side of things, multiple people open-carried long guns. We covered it earlier. Clearly, when good-guy civilians bring guns to rallies, civility prevails. After all, an armed society is a polite society.

The media certainly made sure to cover the AstroTurfed demonstration. At the same time, so did a couple of NRA social media staff members. The NRA’s team were on the job, turning lemons into lemonade by ridiculing the protest bought and paid for by Big Gun Control.

Yep, while the NRA family enjoyed the weekend, a group of misinformed, would-be gun-grabbing protestors made fools of themselves. Watch the video.

Amy says she doesn’t “think that civilians should carry around firearms and things that can kill people in an instant of a second” while she wears a shirt adorned with the flags of a number of nations where civilians can’t legally own firearms.

Linda promotes the ban of “fully semi-automatic guns, definitely.”  Next, they interview three women, the primary one holds a sign proclaiming, “Another teacher against…”  When asked what an AR-15 is, she delivered this gem: “From my understanding, anything that has automatically loading and re-firing is something that can kill more people, more quickly.”

Her friend chimed in, hoping to clarify things. “I think it separates the capacity how much damage you can do and how fast. So it’s your ammunition that separates and makes a semi-automatic automatic.” Yeah.

“Yes, a gun ban is absolutely what’s necessary… People who think that it’s okay to kill an intruder into their house….”  Because shooting a home intruder adds to America’s gun violence problem? What’s next? Would this woman also oppose a good guy using a gun to stop a school shooting? Or one in a public park?

As if the intrepid NRA employees hadn’t trolled the useful idiots enough, they ended their day by enjoying some ice cream paid for by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safey.

Those two smiles speak volumes for happy, well-adjusted people among a sea of ignorant, gun-hating protesters.

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