Dan Zimmerman – Managing Editor

Born and raised in St. Louis, Dan is now a happy Texan, living in the Live Music Capital of the World. He’s been shooting guns for the last 25 years and writing about them for the last eight or so. While he finds pistols and rifles lots o’ fun, it’s shotguns that have always really floated his boat. He’s happiest breaking clays, but has become a fan of duck and pheasant hunting, too.

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Jeremy S. – Testing & Reviews Editor

Jeremy brings an engineer’s mind and a background in product design and R&D to the gun reviews process. While he’s always looking for objective data, Jeremy has been an avid shooter since childhood and loves getting behind all types of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. His safes are full, his ammo shelves are sagging, and he’s coordinating much of TTAG’s gun and gear reviews while attempting to hold down a “real job” as well.

Though Jeremy’s cowboy boots were made by hand in Washington State, he’s now a proud Texas resident after moving to the Austin area in early 2017. Next thing you know he’ll be shooting out of a pickup.

Help fund Jeremy’s objective gear testing (muzzle brake, trigger, flashlight, and other “buyer’s guide” shootouts) via his Patreon page.

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Nick Leghorn (a.k.a. Foghorn) – Writer

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Nick Leghorn is a former Department of Homeland Security contractor for risk analysis projects currently living in Austin, Texas. He was born in New York City and grew up in the area, the product of a family that frowned on guns and gun owners. He shot his first gun in the Boy Scouts and was instantly hooked on shooting sports.

While attending Penn State, Nick started practicing Olympic smallbore rifle with the Penn State Rifle team. After only a few months of practice he was performing well enough to begin competing against other schools with the team. During his senior year he started branching out into different types of competitions, including USPSA handgun shooting (production division), NRA/CMP High Power Rifle (Service Rifle division), and eventually 3-gun (Tactical Optics division).

Nick’s main areas of interest in shooting are competition sports, long range accuracy, and scientific  testing. He really enjoys using his knowledge of statistics and analytical abilities to solve questions and do interesting experiments with firearms. To that end he also handloads his own ammunition and is constantly looking for tools and gear to better his score or just simply to test and figure out if it performs as advertised.

In his free time (what’s left after writing for TTAG, at least) he also volunteers as an EMT and is a an instrument rated private pilot. He recently published his first book, Getting Started with Firearms in the United Statesand also writes about whiskey, woodworking, and other topics at ThirtyOneWhiskey.com.

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John Boch – Writer

A few years after graduating from the University of Illinois, John found a tiny group of gun owners relegated to the dreary basement of a restaurant in Urbana. When word of their presence spread in the less than gun-friendly community, the restaurant was torn down. The meeting was moved to another venue in Urbana. That location was later razed as well.

The gaggle of gun enthusiasts got the hint and moved their meetings outside of Urbana, attracting more great people to become Guns Save Life, a regional gun rights group with thousands of members across 40 states, monthly meetings in six cities across Illinois, a monthly journal (GunNews) with a circulation of 20,000, and a highway sign program seen by 600,000 people a day. Education and activism are what GSL is all about and John is passionate about all three, today working as the Executive Director of Guns Save Life.

As a firearms instructor with GSL Defense Training for nearly 20 years, he’’s helped instruct thousands of adults. The GSL Defense Training cadre of over twenty instructors brings cutting edge training to civilians, as one of only a handful of companies nationwide offering force-on-force classes to civilians and a unique personal protection for teens course.  John’s also a Live Free USA Survival instructor, but much prefers sleeping in a bed over roughing it in a bivouac.

He’s a student of the gun, having taken dozens of classes from many top national instructors and schools in firearms, knife, Krav Maga hand-to-hand, and survival studies. Yes, he’s married to guns.  More recently, he also married Wendy (Lund) Boch, a delightful woman who could do better. John’s ferret Nippers is also world-famous thanks to The Truth About Guns and some anti-gunners attacking him personally.

John’s the published author of hundreds of articles on self-defense strategies, firearms use, defensive mindset and product reviews. John also serves as editor emeritus of GunNews Magazine. He’’s also (legally) carried a gun every day since the late 1990s – no small feat as a civilian in Illinois.

He’ has a reputation for being a terrible boat driver, tragically losing most of his guns and ammo in a series of unfortunate accidents, including some in the Gulf of Mexico, Lake Michigan, and, most recently, Lake Bloomington.

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Conner W. – Writer

Conner is a Pacific Northwest sportsman who grew up shooting everything from Smith & Wesson revolvers with his grandfather in Montana to bolt-action rimfire rifles with his father in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. As an obsessively-observant and formally-educated photographer, his detailed reviews on TTAG are sure to include enticing images.

After fourteen years of lacrosse and nine years of football, hunting became Conner’s post-collegiate passion. In particular, he focuses on wingshooting, typically logging at least fifty hunts per year with his left-handed Benelli Super Black Eagle II. He is currently a Tanglefree Waterfowl Pro Staff team member.

Conner volunteers in a variety of emergency management capacities, including lead roles on Emergency Operations Center, Search and Rescue, CERT, Radio Operators, and CEMNET teams. He is also a volunteer NRA-certified RSO. Ironically (and dutifully), about once a year he gets called to help rescue baby peregrine falcons.

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Travis Pike – Writer

Travis is from the Deep South part of Florida, which means North Florida. He spent five years in the USMC School for Troubled Boys as a machine gunner and took a couple of trips around the world. He grew up in a family of hunters and shooters and has never known a time in his life without firearms. He combined that love with a keyboard while he was a Marine and has been writing about guns, knives, and other fun stuff for almost a decade. He’s an NRA certified instructor and enjoys teaching when time allows.

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