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What Is Venture X?

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Remington’s new product peeps have been busy as of late, what with the Model 783 and all. This despite the fact that the company’s owner (Cerberus Capital Management) has been looking to offload the gunmaker and their Freedom Group compadres to someone, anyone, since California teachers got Bushmasteritis. Or maybe that’s the reason why Remmy’s unleashing a fusillade of tease and release marketing campaigns: to gin-up the company’s stock price. Or it could be that the Venture X was set in motion pre-Newtown; corporate plans are harder to stop than Lindsay Lohan headed to the Botox doc. Anyway, the Venture X reveal looks like one of those Zombie or HSLD things; you need a super secret password to gain access. Or you could watch the video and make the jump for the sly spiel from and guess. Or just wait ’til TTAG’s NRA Convention coverage in a few weeks . . .

The VentureX Eyes-Only development program by Remington is close to completion. After years of advanced research by our team and a specialized high tech industry partner, we will announce some details about what Venture X means for the future of shooting during this year’s NRA Annual Meeting in Houston Texas. Apply for clearance to learn about the project as details become available.

I wonder if they’ll put you through a NICS check, mandatory for all emails with gunmakers under New York’s SAFE Act. JK. I think.

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