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Ted Nugent and Wayne LaPierre Target the U.N. Hey, Why Not?

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“The despots, thugs, scoundrels, punks and various crooks at the United Nations have it all wrong again,” Ted Nugent writes for “Though the details have yet to be released, the U.N. wants to try to force strict small-arms control on the world under the pretense (lie) that such restrictions will make it tougher for terrorists and other assorted subhuman scum to get their hands on guns.” I know many members of the gun rights community heart The Motor City Madman. But Ted’s “plain spoken” anti-gun control harangues read like a bad comic book superhero monologue. [Note to Ted: no capes.] What’s more, Ted and his BFFs at the NRA are ready, willing and able to Chicken Little someone, anyone to stir up the base and loosen their pursestrings. Meanwhile, again, the facts . . .

1. The U.N. Small Arms Treaty is aimed at getting the rest of the world to adhere to current U.S. small arms exporting standards

There’s more than a little irony here. Ted contemplates the possibility of U.N. gun control and asks “How is that working in Mexico, boys and girls?” Hey Ted! It’s the U.S. government that’s selling the Mexican military and police the guns that “seep” to the drug thugs, who pay off Calderon’s peeps. So Mexican gun control is working out fine. On some level. I guess.

2. The U.S. Senate would have to ratify any U.N. Small Arms Treaty 

And then said Treaty would head to the President of the United States for his or her signature. Or not. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) What are the odds of a gun-grabbing treaty receiving Senate confirmation and the president’s John Hancock? As the Eurovision people say, nul points. 

Mr. Nugent gets this. But it’s a speed bump on the road to demonizing the United Nations and the Obama administration.

Even if the freedom-hating U.N. passes such an anti-common-sense agreement, our Senate would have to ratify it before the U.S. would be forced to adopt this U.N. idiocy that would guarantee more innocent people were slaughtered.

Freedom addicts need to be concerned, however, because our president, secretary of state, attorney general and numerous left-wing politicians support gun control, as they too believe people need to be controlled instead of liberated.

Riiight. ‘Cause our President, Secretary of State, Attorney General and numerous left-wing politicians re-instated the assault weapons ban, closed the “gun show loophole,” renewed the law preventing legal guns in federal parks and Amtrak trains and pushed for legislation that prohibited “assault clips.” Or did they . . . ?

3. Who the hell would enforce a gun-grabbing U.N. Treaty?

Answer: no one. U.N. “peace keepers” are corrupt, incompetent and ineffectual. If the U.N. didn’t hire, train and equip the many small third world nations whose citizens wear the blue helmets, those countries wouldn’t have a military as such. In fact, even then, they don’t.

Are we done here? Not until you write a check to the National Rifle Association. Here’s a cut from today’s NRA email blast [bold text Wayne’s]:

The “Small Arms Treaty” now being negotiated at the U.N. is a TROJAN HORSE disguised as an effort to combat international gun trafficking.

In reality, it’s a sinister ploy by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and foreign bureaucrats to thrust a dagger deep into the heart of our Bill of Rights!

A recent FORBES article confirms that if passed by the U.N. and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the treaty “would almost certainly force the U.S.” to:

  • ENACT DRACONIAN GUN LICENSING, making it next to impossible for you to purchase and own a firearm.
  • CONFISCATE and DESTROY all “unauthorized” firearms as determined by foreign bureaucrats.
  • BAN THE TRADE, SALE AND PRIVATE OWNERSHIP of all semi-automatic firearms.
  • ESTABLISH AN INTERNATIONAL GUN REGISTRY, opening the door to “full-scale gun confiscation” in the U.S.

Hear that? It’s the sound of Nugent and LaPierre pining for fiords. I mean, the good old days, when the gun grabbers were ascendent and gun rights groups had their back up against the wall, m’f’er.

Fast forward to today and you can click here for TTAG’s blog post on Larry Bell’s unfounded, alarmist speculation. Truth be told, it’s pretty much the same deconstruction as above.

Alternatively, you can send Mr. LaPierre $25 for his new e-tome America Disarmed: Inside the U.N. and Obama’s Scheme to Destroy the Second Amendment.

Alternatively, you can do nothing at all—whilst remaining on guard for real threats to your right to keep and bear arms. Which TTAG will flag here at no charge. Hey, who could blame you?

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