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Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre: The Mainstream Media Cover-Up Continues

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To quote the man whose name has become synonymous with cover-ups, let me make one thing perfectly clear: Adam Lanza acted alone when he shot and killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The Newtown massacre was not a “false flag” operation; no outside person or agency colluded in the killing. But I’m sure . . .

that there’s an ongoing official and unofficial cover-up of information revealing the failure of Lanza’s parents, the police, school officials, his doctors and other agencies to prevent the slaughter. For now, let’s talk about the media . . .

In the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook spree killing, the mainstream media threw its full support behind to politicians promoting gun control, such as the [thankfully ill-fated] push for “universal background checks.” The main players gave thousands of hours of free airtime and gigabytes of internet exposure to the bloody shirt wavers calling for civilian disarmament — and precious little space to defenders of firearms freedom.

But aiding and abetting the enemies of the Second Amendment is one thing. Downplaying and/or ignoring vital information about the Sandy Hook spree killing is another.

In the dark days and weeks after the incident, the press accepted indeed promoted the narrative that Adam Lanza was a bolt from the blue. That no one could have predicted the deeply troubled teen’s actions on that fateful December day. A “conclusion” that [supposedly] supported the [erroneous] idea that gun control is the only way that the Sandy Hook mass murder could have been prevented.

As information about the killer emerged — his long history of mental illness, his father’s neglect, his mother’s poor parenting, the Newtown public education system’s decision to allow him to completely withdraw from school (without treatment), his mental health care providers’ repeated failures, etc. — it was clear that this pro-gun control “hidden lone wolf” narrative was deeply flawed.

The press pressed on, putting gun control front and center of the “debate” over the killing.

Flash forward to today and CBS reports that the Newtown police knew of Adam Lanza’s plan to kill his mother and murder Sandy Hook Elementary school children. Setting aside the press’ failure to unearth this fact in the five years since the tragedy, how do you think the media’s playing that story today?

The hard core left-leaning news orgs are ignoring the CBS story, focusing instead on the 1500 page FOIA-forced Sandy Hook-related FBI document dump. And what part of the dump leads their coverage?

The fact that a witness said he’d known about Lanza’s fascination with mass murder for two years? That Lanza kept a spreadsheet “meticulously documenting the details of hundreds of spree killings and mass murders”? Nope.

FBI: Evidence shows Newtown shooter had sex interest in kids proclaims via the AP (whose report goes to hundreds of newspapers and websites around the country). Newtown Shooter Adam Lanza Was Pedophile Who Wanted to “Save” Kids, New FBI Documents Say. huffingtonpost.comNewtown Shooter May Have Had Interest In Pedophilia, FBI Reveals.

The idea that Lanza was a pedophile comes from the FBI’s behavioral analysis unit. Their report concluded Lanza “had an interest in children that could be categorized as pedophilia.” Conjecture, then. But supposition that Newsweek considered more important than the just-revealed warning signs ignored or dismissed by people who may have been able to prevent the Sandy Hook massacre.

The FBI said there was no evidence that suggests Lanza ever acted on his interests in children, but the revelation do [sic] help pinpoint why he would open fire in an elementary school.

The “Lanza as killer pedophile” theme takes precedence over other factors at the news desk of these publication for two reasons: salaciousness sells and pedophilia protects their pro-gun control agenda.

If you think I’m wrong that the mainstream media suffers from politically-driven willful ignorance on the Sandy Hook killing, ask yourself this: will any of these news orgs investigate CBS’ charges of police incompetence? Will any of them help force the FBI to un-redact the huge swaths of missing information? If not, why not?

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