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Question of the Day: Are Gun Enthusiasts Too Macho?

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[NB: video swapped out.] A member of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia recently emailed me a link [via] about the Hennepin County “Good Samaritan” shooting. Like many others who read this site, Kurt Peters wondered about the wisdom of chasing a perp. And what the reaction to the shooting says about American gun culture . . .

“I don’t get this quick draw mind set. I carry a gun so that it’s available if needed, not to get into a gunfight. I would never conceal carry a Glock because of the light trigger and no safety. When someone on a forum expressed a similar concern, I suggested carrying in the Israel method without a round in the chamber. There was much backlash. Let’s face it, carrying a loaded weapon on your person is pretty cool. ‘You packing heat?’

I live 20 blocks from ‘Lake Street,’ generally regarded as a nasty area but I wouldn’t fear for my life going down there unarmed, but I’m not a fifty year old woman. I’m much more likely to shoot an attacking pit bull while I’m bike riding. I don’t know why the gun culture perpetuates the gun fight.

If I have a fraction of a second to decide to employ deadly force I can tell you it’s not going to happen. I know well in advance when someone is fucking with me. As to the ambush, soldiers still get ambushed and their situational awareness is a bit higher than mine.”

Fair enough?

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