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Question of the Day: What Gun Control Repeal Should President Trump Tackle First?

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I reckon national reciprocity would be the single most important change a Trump administration could make to America’s firearms freedom landscape. If all 50 states were forced (coerced?) into recognizing others states’ carry permits, the pressure to restore the right to bear arms in “no-issue” states like New Jersey and California would be intense. Sure, they’d resist; kicking and screaming doesn’t begin to cover it. But Trump’s trump card — a conservative-leaning Supreme Court — would trump disarmament. And gun culture would spread like wildfire.

Then again, there’s the Hearing Protection Act. If suppressors were removed from National Firearms Act regulation, firearms would make a giant leap towards consumer acceptance — not to mention increased safety. More people would buy guns, more people would shoot their guns. More guns, safer gun rights.

And speaking of the NFA, some gun rights advocates have their eye on repealing the whole enchilada. What’s your take on how President Trump should proceed to extend and defend American gun rights?

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