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One Simple Trick for Choosing Your First Carry Gun: Guns for Beginners

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Finding the perfect carry gun requires the successful selection of size, action type (semi-automatic or revolver), trigger function, caliber, brand and (let’s face it) style. It also depends on how you’re going to carry. Open or concealed or open and concealed? Will you wear your gun in an inside-the-waistband or outside-the-waistband holster? Leather or Kydex? And so on. Here’s one simple rule to guide you to your perfect carry gun . . .

Buy the heaviest gun you can carry comfortably.

The heavier the gun, the easier it is to control. The more comfortable it is, the more likely you’ll carry it. You want a carry gun that’s heavy enough to shoot accurately, but not so heavy you won’t carry it.

Obviously, this is general guidance. You still have to make some, most, maybe even all of the choices listed above. And then some. But these decisions shouldn’t be your overriding concern. Rest assured that the rest of your choices won’t be as important.

For example, a revolver is easier to manipulate than a semi-automatic. But a semi-automatic offers greater capacity and the chance to reload under pressure (assuming you can reload a revolver in a gunfight is the definition of optimism). So…choose one. Just make sure it’s the heaviest gun you can comfortably carry.

As I’ve pointed out before, when buying your first carry gun, you need to consider both the gun and the holster. The perfect gun in an uncomfortable holster is not the perfect gun. A really tiny, light gun that’s ever-so-comfortable to carry ain’t it either — given inherent controllability issues. Unless it’s the heaviest gun you can comfortably carry.

See how that works?

A famous gun guru named Clint Smith once said “a gun’s supposed to be comforting, not comfortable.” Nonsense. If a gun isn’t comfortable to carry, you will regret it. Maybe not now, but soon, and for the rest of your life. You could well stop carrying, and then you’re unarmed. And out of pocket.

Don’t do it. Don’t buy an uncomfortable gun. And don’t buy one that’s lighter than the heaviest gun you can tote comfortably. That is all. Well, it’s a start . . .

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