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Incendiary Image of the Day: Pounding Sand Edition

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Shannon Watts’ Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America has worked its PR magic on compliant, easily bullied retail operators like Starbucks, Chili’s and Panera. The anti-gunners have learned that if you gin up a dozen or so “moms” with too much time on their hands, issue a couple of press releases and pout piteously for the local TV news cameras that inevitably roll up, you’ve got a decent shot at extracting something you can tout as a victory. In the case of the above bidnesses, those “wins” were firearms non-bans, artfully crafted corporate communiqués letting customers know that the companies in question would prefer that their customers leave their firearms at home. Or in the car. These are meaningless gestures in practical terms, but the Moms get to issue another press release claiming victory, do a little Snoopy dance and move on to their next target . . .

As we’ve noted, Kroger has told the Moms and their grandstanding founder to go peddle their papers somewhere else. And now another attempt to deliver what are no doubt bogus signatures to an Ohio Kroger store has been met with what body language experts might call a “closed off response” by the manager. As you’d expect, that act of defiance has led to the Moms stamping their little feet and throwing a hissy fit.

It’s just so frustrating when people won’t listen to reason (or misinformed, willfully ignorant demands) isn’t it? Good on Kroger for refusing to cave to the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex’s efforts to mau-mau them into compliance. We’re sure that the People of the Gun will show their appreciation for Kroger’s stand against Anti-Gun Bullies in appropriate ways.


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