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Even a Fraction of Those 5 Million New Gun Owners Could Make a Difference in November

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[CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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It might not be necessary for the president to receive large numbers of votes from those five million new gun owners, or even a significant number of them, to win reelection. He is expanding his support among evangelicals and independents. He is receiving help from the Democrats as they try to prop up their candidate who is clearly failing mentally. With COVID infections declining and the economy improving, the Democrat-supported riots, along with calls to defund the police, are providing a wake-up call to undecided voters about the stark difference open to them in November.

Democrats are about to reap the harvest of their evils — the unintended consequences of hoping the riots would damage the president and learning, too late, that those riots are working against them and their candidate.

With an estimated 150 million gun owners in the U.S. owning more than 400 million firearms, a little nudge from new gun owners would be welcome in November, especially if the Democrats are able to subvert part of the voting process.

– Bob Adelman in Could Five Million New Gun Owners Swing the Election?

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