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Enthusiasm Gap Doomed Gun Control, Too

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The president and his supporters in the media were quick to blame all the usual suspects for the flaming wreckage of their gun control dreams last week. Yawn. There’s plenty of blame to go around, but most of it on the civilian disarmers’ side of the issue. Still, another reason why the Gun Control Industrial Complex couldn’t even manage to muster all of the Senate Dems to their side may have been because of what they’ve been hearing from their constituents. And guess which side has shown a marked lack of fervor for new legislation . . .

Both of them. Despite that 90% number BHO and his Senatorial supporters love to toss around, nothing that politicians, the gun control orgs or their friends in the media said resulted in any real fervor for more gun control laws out in America where people actually live.

First we got news from gunssavelife’s John Boch. When it came time to support tougher gun laws and resist concealed carry in Illinois – yes, Illinois – all the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence could manage were what looks like 50 people or so to storm the steps of the Land of Lincoln capitol building. Awe inspiring, no?

That pathetic effort was dwarfed by the throngs who showed up to support concealed carry:

Then Chucky Schumer managed to cobble together a rousing crowd of almost 100 dedicated anti-gunners in Manhattan. If that doesn’t send a Matthewsian tingle down your leg, nothing will, no?

But the gun rights deniers had what they figured was going to be a sure-fire success on their hands over the weekend when Organizing for Action, the White House-directed group whose sole purpose is to push the president’s agenda, targeted eloquent pro-2A Senator Ted Cruz’s Dallas office. Somehow, though, local Tea Partiers got wind of it and organized their own group to bring a little balance to the festivities.

Just one problem. The Tea Partiers went a little overboard and outnumbered the opposing OFAers by about three to one. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence posted a strategically cropped shot of their dozen or so bedraggled supporters. Somehow, though, the rest of the attendees were inadvertently left out of the photo.

So maybe it’s not cowardice or gun industry cash that kept all those Senators from voting for Manchin-Toomey and DiFi’s AWB last week. It’s possible they were just listening to their constituents.

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