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Concealed Carry Reciprocity: The Washington Post Hates You And Always Will

Tom the Dancing Bug, good guy with a gun

courtesy and Ruben Boling

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‘Good guys with guns’ can be dangerous, too. Don’t gut concealed carry laws. the editorial at argues. As a good guy with a gun, I’m not feeling the love there. And guess who’s dissing Americans exercising — or wishing they could exercise — their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, as Congress prepares to do the right thing and pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act? . . .

Mark Kelly is a Navy combat veteran, retired NASA astronaut and co-founder with his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, of Giffords, formerly known as Americans for Responsible Solutions.

Giffords? One word? Like Cher? Hang on. Didn’t the gun grabbing group known as Americans for FInal Responsible Solutions rebrand itself as The Gifford Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence? Oh wait. They’ve got that one running too. Anyway . . .

By giving Mr. Kelley a platform, and somehow forgetting to give equal ink to a pro-gun rights writer, The Post shows its disgust Concealed Carry Reciprocity. And here’s what the former astronaut/proto fascist has to say on the subject:

What would it mean for law enforcement? Nothing good. The bill would impose a threat of personal litigation on all law enforcement officers by allowing anyone whose ability to carry a concealed gun is mistakenly questioned by law enforcement to personally sue the officer.

This bill would also effectively require them to be an expert on nationwide gun laws as they work to determine if it’s legal for someone from out of state to be carrying a gun in whatever state they might be visiting. Just as concerning, it will mean that more law enforcement officers will have to confront more people with guns.

And think back to the tragedy in Tucson: When law enforcement officers arrive at a crime scene where multiple people are holding guns, how do they even know who the good guy is?

We need politicians to show courage and listen to the American people, who want stronger laws to make them safer, not giveaways to gun lobbyists that threaten the safety of our communities. And that’s exactly what this irresponsible bill would do.

Black is white. Up is down. And Mark Kelley and The Washington Post hate you. And always will. I wonder why that is . . .

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