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What’s Wrong With This Picture: Grab Your Gun and FIRE!

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I’m not a police officer. I did a brief stint as a reserve officer but I never had a close-quarters combat situation. So I may not be the best person to say that this technique – grabbing your pistol with your off-hand to avoid a gun grab – is insane. But I reckon it’s nuts. The difference between shooting your hand and not shooting your hand is nowhere NEAR enough to give you a reasonable chance of not shooting your hand. Especially when . . .

adrenalin has turned your fingers into flippers. Then there’s the re-racking challenge. Given that a handgun caliber bullet is particularly ineffective at stopping a threat all by its lonesome, not being able to send the the first round out with its ballistic BFFs in hot pursuit is a bad idea. Or is this the answer to close-quarters combat weapons retention? [NB: This will NOT work with a revolver.]

[h/t DH]

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