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TTAG Daily Digest: Not All Quiet on the Western Front

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You’d think the run-up to Christmas would be a time to pause and reflect and get the hell off the backs of lawful American gun owners. No such luck. The Interwebz are ablaze with anti-gun articles (and Tweet wars) between those who seek to defend their Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms and those who believe that our 2A bulwark against tyranny is an evil anachronism. (Hint to gun control advocates: it isn’t). Once again, TTAG’s editors and Armed Intelligentsia have trolled the web on your behalf (so to speak) to sustain and enhance your firearms Fingerspitzengefühl. Make the jump for all the news that didn’t fit . . .

“The attacks on first responders came 10 days after one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history that left 20 students and six adults dead at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut and intensified the debate about gun control in the United States.” The media’s stoking the fires (so to speak), starting to lump shootings together. Not good. Reuters

By thy ‘toon thy shall be known. David Horsey creates an incendiary anti-gun Christmas card cartoon [above] and then tries to come off all reasonable about gun control in the article lingering beneath it. Jerk.

Texas Congresscritter Ron Paul’s not a fan of the NRA policeman-in-every-school plan. Generally. Allegedly. “Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives.”

Firearms-friendly lawyer Peter Tilem reckons NY Penal Law § 400.00(5) requires bureaucrats to publish the name and addresses of concealed carry permit holders. Now there’s a gun law worth changing.

John Sides charts the media meme that the NRA is out of touch with its members. 1019 extremely revealing comments later, I’m not so sure.

Another data dump says Assault-weapons ban no guarantee mass shootings would decrease. “Some good news” a readers writes, withholding an exclamation mark. It’s early days and fence straddlers don’t read

In the search for “solutions” to Sandy Hook, ABC gins-up some day-glo gun stats to scare . . . well, I’m not quite sure. This “America is awash with guns” stuff makes me proud to be American.

“A Jewish community strongly supportive of gun control plus Jewish lawmakers eager to enact new gun control laws may bring Jews into a lead role as the nation debates federal measures to rein in mass murders at its malls and schools.” This could well be the most upsetting sentence I’ve ever read.

Over at (a.k.a., the big Kahuna) DARC’s Richard Mason divides the public into six basic groups . . .

1. Pro 2A – don’t tread on me
2. Anti 2A – you are morally corrupt for liking guns
3. Owns a gun(s) but welcomes ‘reasonable’ restrictions for assorted reasons
4. Doesn’t own a gun, isn’t opposed to guns but thinks there should be various restrictions of firearms
5. It doesn’t affect me, who cares: is the mall open yet?
6. Non-Americans

. . . and then says “there are only two groups, regardless of where you think you stand on the issue. You are either for your Bill of Rights, you are against them.” Binary. But I think you knew that.

California Still Awash in Guns Despite Pioneering Gun Regulations. Now that’s what I call good news. Until CA’s PC SOB’s “strengthen” their AWB.

The New Yorker’s Alec Wilkinson [above] is the last person on planet earth who should be arguing for gun control—unless he restricts the prohibition to himself. Which he did. Thank God.

Once during the winter I had driven up to Provincetown on an errand and coming back along Route 6 a car of what I took to be high-school students, or maybe fishermen, drew alongside me. This was the late seventies, when some of the people who lived in Provincetown had hard feelings for the gay people among them. The boys, taking me for being gay, I suppose, began cursing at me and pointing to me to pull over, so we could fight. I pursed my lips as if offering them a kiss, and when they began screaming and shaking their fists, I pointed my gun at them, and they fell away like bridesmaids parting at the end of the aisle. I was so excited that I sang “Me and My Uncle,” by the Grateful Dead, which is about cowboys, all the rest of the way home.

Trouble ahead. Trouble behind. And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

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