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Tipton: Why Gun Sales Skyrocket After A Shooting

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It is very much inevitable that before we know anything more than there was another shooting in a gun-free zone, the anti-gun crowd begins screeching at the top of their lungs for more laws. Ban “assault weapons”! Universal background checks! Magazine capacity limits! More gun-free zones! Never let a crisis go to waste. Then they get upset because they know that gun sales will skyrocket. I am going to attempt to use an example to explain this, and maybe — just maybe — a few hoplophobes will understand. I know, it’s a cute thought. But this is the truth about guns, so I’m about to give the antis a does of that truth . . .

Anti gunners: it is 100% the fault of anyone (you, politicians, activists, etc,) who demand more laws after a prominent shooting that gun sales go through the roof. Think of it this way…let’s say the company that makes your favorite pink polo, shampoo, lotion, or perfume announces that they will be discontinuing your favorite product. They will no longer provide you with something you love. What would you do?

Most likely you’d attempt to go buy more of the product so you can have as much as possible before the product is permanently off the shelves. It’s simple economics. Gun buyers react the same way.

Here’s another truth that may be difficult for an anti gunner to get as well. We (the ones who buy several guns after a gun control “scare”) aren’t the ones you need to worry about. We stock up on guns and ammo and magazines and other gear because we are following the law. It’s far easier to follow the law now than it will be once shove more restrictions down our throats. We are buying guns now under the laws because we can LEGALLY obtain them easier that way.

It isn’t rocket science and at the risk of overstating the obvious, the Lafayette theater shooter was most likely a felon (arson-almost always classified as a felony, although, I couldn’t find the exact charge against him, involuntary commitment, an order of protection). That means he most likely wasn’t supposed to have a gun, yet he magically got around all your laws and obtained one.

In 2006 Houser applied for a concealed carry permit, which was denied, because of an arrest record from Columbus, Ga., for arson, and indication of mental issues. – CBS News

No magical combination of fairy dust and unicorn flatulence in the form of legislation would have prevented this criminal from getting a gun; he would have simply broken more laws. Maybe if we just ban murder harder. Yeah…that’ll work.

No amount of laws will stop bad people from doing bad things. And all the laws and threats do is make it harder for the rest of us to obtain guns, resulting in guns flying off the shelves. See how that works?

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