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Salon: Shoot “Gutless NRA Cowards”

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I bet D. Watkins [above] thinks he’s clever. And Salon thinks it’s righteous. But there’s nothing clever or righteous about Mr. Watkins’ post Want a gun? Take a bullet: Take this, gutless NRA cowards — you can have a gun, once you understand the pain of being shot. It’s a thinly veiled call to someone, anyone to shoot NRA members. Watkins starts by recounting comedian Chris Rock’s routine about making bullets so expensive criminals can’t afford them, and then quickly gets darker and darker until it’s full-on evil. Like this . . .

Rock was definitely on point, $5000 bullets would be great but I’d take it a step further––I believe that being shot should be requirement for gun ownership in America. It’s very simple. You need to have gun, like taking selfies with pistols, can’t live with out it? Then take a bullet and you will be granted the right to purchase the firearm of your choice . . .

Gun praisers are just like the people who were in favor of slavery back in the day–– the elite, lazy and ignorant who weren’t being beaten, raped or in the field doing the work, so they were perfectly okay with involuntary servitude, which is a problem and why I think gun owners need to feel more––they need a taste of the other side.

So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling­­––then the right to bear arms will be all yours.

This is a new low in anti-gun agitprop. Salon’s decision to publish the article is unconscionable, especially under that headline. As a gun blogger who’s seen the civilian disarmament rhetoric descend into pure bile and calls for violence (e.g., the Brady campaign labeling the NRA a terrorist organization and the CSGV urging its followers to SWAT Americans openly carrying firearms), I can only quote Dorothy: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Unless we’re talking about Bleeding Kansas.

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