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Quote of the Day: M.A.D. Edition

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“Perhaps it should be pointed out at this time that the 2A isn’t about sport or hunting, unless you’re talking about hunting tyrants. So-called ‘modern semi-automatic sporting utility rifles’ (or whatever) have a ‘sporting’ aspect wholly incidental to their to their original design criteria. We all know and can agree that they were designed as weapons of war and they have been proven quite effective at meeting their design objectives. That is exactly why We the People want them and why it is the right of We the People to possess arms of military utility; checks and balances, a sort of Mutually Assured Destruction should those in power get too far out of line. The Founders knew that and we pussyfoot around that aspect of the 2A at our peril. Notwithstanding the shrieks of horror and madness that will surely ensue from our more liberal, squeamish and fainthearted countrymen, this needs to be a part of our so-called ‘national conversation” on guns.’ – TTAG reader Greg

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