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Question of the Day: Do Gun Control Advocates Hate America?

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I found the following comment underneath the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s Christmas message, posted by one Phil Orr [above]. I was shocked to see that Mr. Orr does not believe that God blesses America. While I’m an atheist, America is the best country in the world when it comes to individual liberty. If there is a God and He is good, he’d certainly bless America. Already has. As a former expat, I know there are plenty of Americans who detest their country (many of whom believe in God). But I wonder: is there an intersect between gun control advocates and those who hate their country? Make the jump for Mr. Orr’s diatribe. NOTE: Ad hominem attacks against Mr. Orr – especially his choice of headgear – will be deleted.

 God bless America?

God does not bless us when we prioritize “playing” with lethal weapons over the lives of our friends and neighbors.

God does not bless us when we dismiss the brutal deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens as the cost of a free society.

God does not bless us when we become outraged and vicious because we may have to endure some bureaucracy to obtain a lethal weapon.

God does not bless us when the virtually unfettered right to a lethal weapon is the most important right we see in the U.S. Constitution.

God does not bless us when we laugh at those who have lost their loved ones to brutal gun violence.

God does not bless us when we give our money to an organization that suggests “good guys” should always carry guns.

God does not bless us when bereaved parents of children lost to gun violence are harassed and told that their horrible deaths were a “hoax.”

God does not bless us for suggesting that research of gun violence – but not anything else – is clearly a waste of time and money.

God does not bless us for debating what an “assault rifle” is rather than doing everything we can to minimize their availability to irresponsible and dangerous citizens.

God does not bless us for angrily arguing that 30-round magazines are necessary in civilian gun use.

God does not bless us for arguing that suicides should not count when we consider the impact of gun violence.

God does not bless us when we argue there should be no registration of deadly weapons in one easy-to-access database.

God does not bless us when we attempt to intimidate gun violence protesters by standing close to their protests carrying handguns and rifles.

God does not bless us for ignoring that guns kill faster and more efficiently than knives, sticks, blunt objects or bare hands.

God does not bless us for reducing someone else’s concern about gun violence to a simplistic partisan political position.

God does not bless us when our legislators say this is only about mental illness, that guns have nothing to do with it.

God does not bless us when we refuse to talk reasonably about gun violence.

God does not bless us when we bully those who try to talk reasonably about gun violence.

God does not bless us when we propose outrageous and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and “false flag” preposterousness to defend unfettered access to lethal weapons.

God does not bless us when we argue that “criminals don’t obey laws” so there’s no need to create any laws to try to reduce gun violence.

God does not bless us when we use false or faulty research to justify not addressing the daily instances of brutal gun violence in our country.

God does not bless us when we argue that Muslims are all terrorists and they are coming to kill us so we shouldn’t do anything to stop easy access to lethal weapons.

God does not bless us when we say “If you want my gun, you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.”

God does not bless us for “needing” an assault rifle of any kind.

God does not bless us for “needing” to carry a gun with us everywhere we go.

God does not bless us for open carry demonstrations in Target or McDonald’s.

God does not bless us for demonstrating more passion and stubbornness in fighting for easy access to guns than for anything else in our lives.

God does not bless us when we pretend gun violence protesters aren’t fighting all gun violence, that they ignore “black on black crime.”

God does not bless us for racist deflections from the actual argument about gun violence.

God does not bless us for only offering “prayers and thoughts” to the families of the victims after every horrific mass shooting.

God does not bless us for pretending that this nation has had gun control laws throughout its history, and that the current laws are some of the most lax in history.

God does not bless us for inscribing verses from The Bible on guns.

God does not bless us for letting perpetual fear run our lives so much that we can’t imagine life without owning guns.

God does not bless America. Why would He?

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