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Question of the Day: Do You Know Any Fudds?

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Last week, Gerald Patrick Marr shot and killed a 31-year-old mother and her daughter and then shot and killed himself. Within hours, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s Facebook page waved the bloody shirt. The only [semi] interesting thing about their post: they didn’t bother to specifically state what new law would have prevented the tragedy (hint: none). There are gun owners who sympathize with MDA’s intentionally oblique crusade for “sensible” restrictions on gun ownership. Foremost amongst them, “Fudds” – hunters who can’t understand why people want to own modern sporting rifles. And, by extension, “high-capacity” handguns. [See: letter to the editor after the jump.]  Do you know anyone like that? . . .

The July 30 murderous act in Fayetteville has changed my mind.

I am a 40-year NRA member and have stood behind that organization’s mind-set over gun control until this aforementioned murderous act. The NRA’s mind-set seems to be that gun owners are and will always be totally passive. That they will never become angry, in love, out of love, jealous, able to defend their actions in accordance with the law or experience any of the human emotions that come upon a person and make him or her decide to kill.

I firmly believe in the 2nd Amendment and our right to bear arms, for only with its protection will we remain free. A government that would decide to oppress its people must fear an armed citizenry. We may be approaching that point.

Pick up any hunting publication, and they speak of long-shot kills of 300 yards or more. Where is the real need for the quick second or third shot? I have been hunting deer for more than 60 years and have never fired more than two shots at one.

We need to take a closer look at the weapons we allow in people’s hands. We outlawed machine guns; now we need to take a closer look at semi-automatic long guns.

Fred Raber
Spring Lake

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