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New York State Firearms Exodus Begins

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Vice President Joe Biden’s Civilian Disarmament Committee has postponed their press conference on post-Newtown gun control proposals until tomorrow. Meanwhile, SHOT show officially opens; covered by a national media hell bent on embarrassing our engine of democracy. And New York gun owners are waking up to the worst “comprehensive” gun control laws in the history of these United States. Click here to contemplate the bill’s provisions. Hear that? That’s the sound of tens of thousands of firearms hitting the road, headed for lock-ups and relatives in nearby Ohio and Pennsylvania, anywhere outside of The Empire State . . .

Depriving hundreds of thousands of Americans of their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Leaving formerly law-abiding citizens less able to defend themselves against criminal violence. And “inspiring” other New England state legislatures to follow New York’s lead.

As the guys hit the SHOT Show floor to update on you on all the new products dropping, I’ve got the political beat. I’ll be bringing you Biden’s assault proposals and New York fallout and every other non-new gear thing going.

If you’ve got a news tip email it to I can’t reply to your email but rest assured it will be read. And if a comment gets trapped in the spam filter I’ll do my best to release it; but we had over 100 pages of spam yesterday and no time to vet them all (as we usually do).

These are interesting times. Stay with TTAG for the fastest, most comprehensive and best coverage the web’s fastest, most comprehensive and most handsome gun bloggers can muster.

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