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The Kardashians Talk Gun Control. Again.

The Kardashians (and a Jenner) talk guns (courtesy
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In the video below, scripted members of the Kardashian clan discuss guns and gun control. It starts out with Khloe giving Kendall Jenner solid advice about firearms selection . . .

She tells her half-sister to go to the gun range and try out a few guns before choosing one, looking for a pistol with the proper fit.

Note: if these young ladies weren’t multi-millionaire “it girls,” the chances of them getting a carry permit in LA County (where most of the filming is done) would be somewhere between slim and none. And slim’s left town. But they are, so…roll tape!

Just not on LA’s 16-hour “safety course.” I don’t think a single member of the clan could sit still for half that time (even without chemical assistance). Anyway, Kim Kardashian (yes, there are a lot of them) is anti-gun. In fact, she’s a spokesmodel for Everytown for Gun Safety. So when KK “happens” in on the girls talking about guns — surprise! — she intervenes.

Khloe justifies Kendall’s desire for a gun by pointing out that her model sister “literally has a different stalker outside her house every few days.” (Nice of them to rotate.) And “she’s a single girl who lives alone.” (I bet Kendall isn’t even alone in the bathroom.)

“That’s what you have security for,” Kim counters.

Despite the fact her sisters and the camera crew don’t burst laughing — or if they did it was deftly edited out — this has to be the funniest thing ever said on the series.

On October 13, 2016, a trio of firearms-wielding criminals waltzed into Kim’s hotel room and held the whatever-she-is at gunpoint while they ransacked her apartment. In France. (Another European “gun control” paradise.) Ms. Kardashian’s bodyguard was elsewhere at the time.

Khloe asks Kim if she’d have known what to do if she’d been armed during that robbery. “I would not have known what to do, ” Kim says. “It was three against one. Six. Or seven. I’m not Laura Croft.” Although there is a certain physical resemblance . . .

Then, and not for the first time, we get the scripted Everytown for Gun Safety talking points, in a studio setup, with brooding music composed for the occasion.

“I personally am not a fan of owning guns and having guns in the home,” Kim declares, “especially with everything we’ve learned.” (What do you mean we, fabulously wealthy celebrity woman?)

Keeping Up With The Kardashians slips immediately into full anti-gun agitprop mode, complete with black-and-white testimony from survivors of “gun violence.”

Kim closes this excerpt by arguing that she doesn’t have guns in the house . . . for the children!

Except of course, she does have guns in the house. They’re just wielded by armed security. And plenty of ’em. But I bet that thought already occurred to you. I just hope that it occurs to millions of their adoring fans.

I bet it does.

KUWTK reminds of nothing so much as Dallas: a fabulously rich family that [supposedly] has the same problems as the show’s middle-class viewers. Only viewers know that the Ewings/Kardashians are not like them. Their problems are not the audience’s problems.

The Kardashian’s ballistic soul searching has no impact on TV viewers’ instinct to protect their families from criminal predation — for millions, by force of arms. It’s entertaining — perhaps — but irrelevant. True?

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