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How Do You Counter the Culture’s Anti-Gun Messages? Question of the day

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The education business has gone all out to further the message of the anti-gun movement in recent weeks. Public schools nationwide let kids out of school, ostensibly to “demand” more gun control laws. Some students who chose not to protest or dared to express an opposing view were reportedly suspended. And now, one teacher in Georgia has a special assignment for her young skulls full of mush.

Boys and girls at Hampton Middle School in Georgia were instructed by their teacher to write letters to lawmakers calling for stricter gun control laws.

“You are trying to persuade lawmakers to have stricter gun laws to help prevent another school shooting from taking place,” the assignment declared. “For this assignment, you are writing a letter to the lawmakers of the United States. The purpose of this letter is to pressure lawmakers to have stricter gun laws in the United States.

All in all it’s just another brick in the wall. As one parent reported,

“I asked him what he had for homework that night, and he said he had to write a paper on gun control,” William Lee told Blue Lives Matter. “I looked at it, and I told my son, ‘No, you’re not doing that assignment.’ Then I emailed his teacher the next day and told him that my son would not be writing that.”

When pressed, the Henry County Schools backed off.

“This activity took the wrong approach in limiting the ability of students to share any thoughts outside of what was directed of them when the subject elicits many different viewpoints from people, including students,” the (school district) spokesman told me.

The anti-2A message is strong and pervasive these days, pushed by educrats, entertainers and the media. How are you countering the prevailing guns-are-bad influences your young ‘uns are subjected to?



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