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DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Who Do You Blame for Firearms-Related Violence?

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: How concerned are you that you or someone in your family might be a victim of "gun violence"?">Previous Post
DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Why Aren't "Gun Safety" Advocates Talking About Gangs and Drugs?">Next Post

“When a convicted felon pointed a loaded .30-.30 caliber, hammer-back in my face, I did not blame the rifle,” retire police officer Bob Raymer [above] writes at New York’s “I also did not blame the loaded .22 caliber rifle laying at his feet. I did not blame the NYS Department of Corrections for releasing this felon before he served even his minimum sentence. I did not blame the local Walmart for illegally selling this weapon, paid for with a bad check. I did not blame the feds for allowing this illegal gun sale to go forth . . .

Who did I blame and hold responsible? The convicted felon trying to kill me. It really is quite simple.

Now I also blame the news media, blaming the evil gun. I blame the Finger Lakes Times for promoting and endorsing this false narrative about guns, with its anti-gun cartoons and permitting the [ columnist] Fitzgeralds of the world to produce such crap.

All of you in the community who hate guns, gun owners and the police, please call the probation or parole office and have them send convicted felons to assist you.

Who do you blame for violence against innocent life? A list please.

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: How concerned are you that you or someone in your family might be a victim of "gun violence"?">Previous Post
DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Why Aren't "Gun Safety" Advocates Talking About Gangs and Drugs?">Next Post
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