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Be At the Second Amendment Rally at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on November 2

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UPDATE: Start time now 12:30p due to expanded speaker list and larger expected turnout. 

Where will you be on November 2? Given recent events and efforts to outlaw and confiscate lawfully owned firearms from law-abiding Americans, you need to be in Washington, DC for the Second Amendment Rally on the Capitol lawn. It will be the of one of the biggest pro-gun grassroots gatherings in recent memory.

As Rob Pincus, one of the rally’s organizers told us . . .

This event is being put on by a coalition of Second Amendment supporters. Not everyone will agree on all the details, but that’s OK. We’re looking for support around the basic idea that it’s a good thing for thousands of American gun owners gather in Washington, DC to peacefully support and discuss issues affecting our gun rights.

What can you do?

There’s an excellent lineup of speakers including . . .

Eric Blandford (IV8888)
Craig Deluz (FPC)
Dianna Muller (DC Project)
Jonathan Patton (TGC)
Mike Sodini (WTTA)
Chris Cheng (Topshot)
Joshua Prince (Lawyer)
Erich Pratt (GOA)
Kevin Dixie (NOC)
Kenn Blanchard (Black Man with a Gun)
Gabby Franco (competitive shooter)
Cheryl Todd (Gun Freedom Radio)
Matt Larosiere (Firearms Policy Coalition)
Maj Toure (Black Guns Matter)
Rob Pincus (2nd Amendment Organization)
Jeff Knox (Firearms Coalition)
Anthony Colandro (Gun For Hire)
…among others.
Why should you be there? Because you are the gun lobby. Again, this is a true grassroots-funded effort to demonstrate that over 100 million gun owners comprise the gun lobby in America…not one gun rights organization and not gun makers.


The Second Amendment Rally is open to those who value their constitutional right to keep and bear arms, those who value the right to defend themselves, and those who value the lives of the men and women who have died to keep those rights intact.

See all the details here




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