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Anti-Gunners Set Up NYC Gun Store to Shame Would-Be Gun Buyers

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Have you heard of States United to Prevent Gun Violence? Yeah, neither had we. But the civilian disarmament org had a brainstorm; set up a gun store in New York City. Then, when customers inquire about a specific firearm, tell them about a particularly heinous crime that had previously been committed with that model. Yes, the unsuspecting clients probably should have been alerted that something was up . . .

by the mere presence of a gun store in Manhattan. Be that as it may, SUPGV captured a brilliant bit of guerrilla theater to use as agitprop to further their anti-civil rights cause. As that was the goal, mission accomplished.

Of course, never do they tell their unsuspecting patrons about all the other times — orders of magnitude more — that those same guns have been used to prevent rapes, assaults, robberies, murders…in short, to save lives. Doing so would have done some real violence…to their narrative. And God knows we can’t have that.

[h/t DrVino]

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