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What About the New Mexico Driver’s License Loophole?

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The gun control crowd almost fixated on banning large capacity handgun magazines. You know: the big-ass “clip” that spree killer Jared Lee Loughner used in the Tuscon massacre. When that didn’t fly, they retrenched into “fixing the gun show loophole.” In other words, they focused their energies on championing legislation that would prevent private individuals from selling private property to other private individuals without the federal government’s notification, taxation and, eventually, intercession. Good luck with that. Not. Meanwhile, how about a little help guys? Seems that we have a BIG problem with illegal immigrants that could lead to a lot of “illegal guns” on the streets . . .

An Associated Press investigation has found that addresses of dozens of the same businesses and homes across New Mexico were used over and over again by people to get driver’s licenses in a pattern that suggests potential fraud by immigrants trying to game the system.

In one instance, 48 foreign nationals claimed to live at a smoke shop in Albuquerque to get a license. In another case, more than a dozen claimed to live at an automotive repair shop over a one-year period. The scenario has been repeated at other addresses since New Mexico changed its law in 2003 to allow illegal immigrants to get the same driver’s license as a U.S. citizen – one of just two states allowing that.

Republican Gov. Susana Martinez is pressing the Legislature to scrap the law because of public safety concerns about widespread fraud. She contends New Mexico has become a magnet for out-of-state immigrants seeking a license, which can be used to board airplanes, conduct financial transactions or get another license in some other state. The governor’s proposal will be considered by a legislative committee on Thursday.

Notice what’s missing from that list of activities illegal immigrants may pursue once they have a state driver’s license, or two? I’m thinking . . . purchase a firearm. Or several firearms.

Remembering that Uncle Sam’s mandatory pre-purchase National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) doesn’t check for U.S. citizenship. In fact, clock the word “optional” in bold letters in the box on ATF Form 4473 marked Social Security Number.

Having an address in New Mexico is a critical part of getting a license. Applicants without a Social Security number must prove their identity with multiple documents such as a passport or notarized English translation of a foreign birth certificate. They also must show New Mexico residency with other documents, including property lease agreements, utility bills and bank statements. Of the more than 90,000 licenses issued so far to foreign nationals, it’s impossible to know how many are illegal immigrants because the state doesn’t ask a person’s immigration status.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all in favor of changing the legal immigration system to allow illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. And thus, gun rights. Seeing as the right to self-defense is a human right and all.

But if gun grabbers believe that criminals buying firearms at gun shows is a larger problem than “undocumented Americans” purchasing weapons from gun stores using an illegally obtained ID, I’m thinking they’ve missed the boat. Again.

I mean, gun control advocates prattle on about the possibility of terrorists purchasing firearms in the U.S. Did they forget that Mohammed Atta secured a Florida driver’s license that allowed him to fly on passenger planes without attracting the attention of the authorities?

Oh and Washington state has the same issues with illegal immigrants and drivers licenses. And not to go all Colombo on you, one more thing . . .

To combat crime in general and illegal firearms in specific, gun control advocates might want to take a stand against the California bill ordering cops to ignore U.S. immigration law as well. Just sayin’.

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