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Useless Horror and the Slow-Learner Syndrome

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It’s happened again, another lone nut-job has murdered innocent citizens. No I’m not going to add to the infamy of this piece of human debris that is for some inexplicable reason still stealing oxygen from our planet. This week I add one more to the innumerable reasons why I am glad I don’t subscribe to cable television: 24/7 non-stop Useless Horror. The never-ending news cycle depicting every aspect of the terrorist act committed in Aurora, Colorado serves no purpose but to horrify the citizenry and make them feel helpless. I suppose I should amend that statement; the terrorist act does serve a purpose for left-leaning politicians who feel that the peasants would be better off if disarmed. Or, is it the ruling class who is better off if the peasants are disarmed? . . .

Useless Horror

Is it cold or crass to refer to the incessant media coverage as Useless Horror? I think not.  What use, other than to boost woefully low television ratings, does the story serve? Will the talking heads on network TV bring in experts to offer up positive solutions? Unless the answer is civilian disarmament or to increase the ever-expanding police state, the answer is sadly ‘no’.

Even a Fox News commentator hammered on the fact that the killer “…had no hunting license, no concealed carry permit…and no ties to the police or military.  Yet he was in possession of a semi-automatic rifle, a tactical shotgun and two handguns…and thousands of rounds of ammunition.”  The unspoken inference was, why should someone with no direct ties to the police or military be allowed to possess such weapons and ammo?

Slow-Learner Syndrome

Amidst the clamor from the left that this incident proves the need for citizens to be disarmed, few have mentioned that the citizens in that theater were already disarmed. By local ordnance it was “unlawful to carry a concealed dangerous weapon” in Aurora. Over and over again we bear witness to the abject failure of gun free zones. And yet, like the clinically insane, they keep doing the same thing, all the while expecting different results.

The answer from the elitist ruling class and the useful idiots in their camp is always to address criminal horror by punishing the innocent. Hundreds of thousands of lawful American gun owners are now to be punished for the acts of the lawless and cowardly.

Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we’re treated to so-called expert advice that we must “be reasonable” and accept even greater limits on our liberty for the empty promise of an intangible security. Whether it’s an individual city, a state, or a whole country, every time the law-abiding give up their arms they become an endless supply of victims to vermin who operate quite happily outside the law. There’s no shining example of a disarmed populace that enjoys a crime-free life – quite the opposite.

The Ultimate End Game

Facts, however, have no bearing on feelings. Feeling good and saying things that sound “reasonable” are where the social elitists put all of their emphasis. This situation is no different than the endless failures of socialism and communism worldwide. Despite the demonstrated failure of these policies, they are polished up and disguised as new ideas to be tried again and again.

The cruel joke on the people is the fact that deep down in their black and rotten souls, the social elitists know full well that their policies are failures. They’re well aware that disarming people does not in any way make them any safer or society any more crime-free. For them, it’s the end game that’s most important – disarmament and subjugation. An armed populace may be guided, led astray and even occasionally corralled, but they can never truly be ruled and dominated.


How do you convince a populace to willingly be disarmed? There are several steps; they include ignorance, distraction, and guilt. The campaign of ignorance began decades ago with a woefully inept education system – a system that places artificial self-esteem ahead of actual achievement. The more ignorant of common law and the rights of the individual they are, the easier it becomes to dissuade people from exercising those rights. With no understanding of history, the ignorant see the world only from the narrow view of today.


Distraction takes many forms. Pop-culture filth and vapid rubbish are put forth as entertainment. Rather than inspire thought and understanding, the pop culture media has devolved into baser grunts and moans. The language is butchered and lowered to a sub-elementary level. Deviants, thugs, and reprobates are held up as cultural icons. The impressionable generations are encouraged to be shallow and self-centered.

If the citizen can’t be distracted by pop culture filth, their attention is diverted to other vapid subjects. Topics of cultural dissension such as racism, homosexuality, global-warming, et al. are given non-stop promotion and publicity so as to keep the masses arguing amongst themselves – and therefore distracted. Far too many citizens willfully fall into this trap.


Finally, when the stubborn citizens – the ones who have managed despite the odds to educate themselves and who have turned off the cultural rot – are encountered, they’re bombarded with guilt. We have borne witness to an orchestrated guilt campaign now referred to as “Fast and Furious”.

With absolutely no regard for the lethal consequences of their actions, those charged with protecting the lives of the innocent instead fed arms to those who they knew would use them for evil purposes. When discovered, those in charge of the fiasco claimed ignorance, good intentions and hid behind the all-purpose excuse, “mistakes were made.”  Why would they do this? It is simple: to force guilt upon those who stubbornly refuse to surrender their liberty.

The Useless Horror supplied non-stop after every criminal act that includes a firearm serves the purpose of the elites. That purpose is to shame those who have escaped the ignorance and distraction traps. Guilt’s a powerful ally to the ruling class elite who view the independent-minded citizen as a roadblock to their conquest.

A Refuge and Fortress

The blissfully ignorant and naïve are lost. They refuse to believe or accept that there are those who desire to keep them uneducated, distracted, and hobbled by guilt and shame. Charles Baudelaire (not Kevin Spacey) once wrote that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

If, however, you have the clarity to realize the triple threat, you can and indeed should gird yourself against these attacks. Educate yourself and your family in not only the law and the constitution that enumerates your God-given rights, but in history, too. Consider the fate of all societies that willfully allowed themselves to be disarmed for the hollow promise of security.

When the seductive mistress of distraction surfaces to steal your attention away from the threats to your liberty, you must steel your mind against it. View each and every topic that’s thrust upon you by the sycophant media with a jaundiced eye. Beware the trap of distraction that robs you of objectivity and entices you to turn on your fellow citizen.

Suffer not from guilt and shame. Refuse to allow the actions of the evil to lull you into submission. Genuine safety and security doesn’t come from capitulation or surrender. It’s a sad comment on the current state of affairs that those who follow this advice are so woefully in the minority.

Take hope – by all accounts it was as few as one third of the populace that led this nation through more than six years of painful revolution. The end result of their suffering was the greatest nation the world has ever known, a beacon of liberty and a shining example for all freedom-loving people on Earth. The light has dimmed and it’s fading, but it hasn’t yet been extinguished. As long as you draw breath you have the power to keep that fire burning. Or, as so many of your neighbors do, you can simply watch “Dancing with the Stars” and let the light die out forever.

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