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TTAG Reader: I Bought More Than 80% of My Guns Without a Background Check!

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TTAG reader Mort wrote the following about his experiences with firearms-related background checks:

“Well, I have purchased a few firearms over the years, including fairly recently– and yet, the last time I underwent a background check was at a gun show in Florida, circa 1994 or 1995. However, I purchased these guns from licensed FFLs, at bona fide LGS gun stores… technically, maybe 80+% of my firearms have been purchased ‘without a background check.’

“Now, I know that we aren’t THAT ornery’n’outlaw in Arizona, nor are we that smart and original… but we have figured out that, generally speaking, it’s a waste of everyone’s time and resources to conduct background checks on citizens who are already vetted, licensed, and so permitted. Surely other states have long figured this out, too, I reckon. So, while I had to fill out a 4473 for a few firearms, the background check was ‘bypassed’ because…

“We already done been back-’rounded, y’all! And, it was a bit more stringent a scrubbing than the NICS checks that them ordinary non-special heehaws have to endure (e.g., we had to read about our state laws and surrender our fingerprints and so forth sinister infringements…).

“Point being, one has to wonder how many regular and lifetime sportsmen/shooters out there supposedly ‘don’t go through a background check’ when purchasing another gun. Technically, I suppose we could wait to resort to a seedy life of crime until AFTER we get our shiny CCW permits (and hope not to get caught in between renewals, I guess)… but all in all, how many of y’all don’t even do background checks anymore?

“Something tells me that the antiguns would surely figure it BOTH ways– cue the mythical ‘superowner’ of the 3% of gun-hoarders who has 546.8 guns all to himself, but yet why not count all that guy’s firearms as “having been purchased without a background check” (…even though all those 27 million background checks are supposedly for these aging white superfudds who already have more guns than wrinkles and bedsores put together). Yaaa, okay…..

“Now, I told my sister this– a California physician at the VA hospital– that I don’t have to undergo a background check at a gun show or in a gun store, OR even in Home Depot parking lot while buying evil assault weapons. Nor do most regular, serious shooters, since they are likely permitted. God almighty, she was completely (and genuinely) horrified. No waiting period, either? She said, ‘Well, then everyone should have to get a mandatory psych evaluation by law before being able to buy a gun.’

“I said, “Let me guess… Anybody who has a propensity towards violence or violent behavior, and anyone who feels that they really need to own a gun or several guns is therefore unhealthy and not suitable to own a gun. But, if one tends to be interested or fascinated by guns, and so one believes that they may want to own one or more guns for whatever reason, then by definition, they must have a strong propensity towards violence and violent behavior… and they should therefore not be allowed to own a gun at all. Is that sound reasoning?”

“Her response: ‘Absolutely right.’ Oh, for sure… she voted for Prop 63… said I was ‘in denial’ about gun control. It’s truly something to behold, this Alternate Universe of Crazy California…I seem to remember, as kids we spoke of this ‘Opposite Land’ from time-to-time. Huh.

“Be safe.”


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