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TTAG Daily Digest: Fewer Injuries, An Alleged Losing Streak and Blood On Hands


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The NRA’s biggest contribution to gun control is holding its annual convention

This sounds like the debunked “study” that showed more spousal abuse during the Super Bowl . . .

There are many arguments that gun-rights activists like to bring up when debating against people demanding stricter regulations of gun access in America, from the classic “gun don’t kill people, people kill people,” to Trump’s latest claim that hospitals in London have turned into blood-soaked hells as a consequence of knifing where guns have been restricted, or that a way to prevent gun injuries and deaths is to have better training.

But research submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine by Anupam Jena, a Harvard researcher, seems to show one way in which the NRA actually helps. The annual NRA convention, when many thousands of skilled gun-owning people aren’t shooting them at home, is a time when gun injuries go down.

courtesy AP and

The NRA’s on a losing streak: The gun lobby is finally on its heels; let’s keep the momentum going

They keep predicting that darkness is falling on the NRA, and it always seems to land on them . . .

They’re losing the American public. For the first time in almost two decades, the NRA is viewed unfavorably by a majority of Americans. And on March 24, more than 2 million people in cities as big as New York and as small as Show Low, Arizona (population: 12,000) marched in support of gun safety — and in opposition to the NRA’s “guns everywhere” agenda.

The gun lobby is also losing at the ballot box. In an off-year election season, the NRA’s preferred candidate came up short in a governor’s race in Virginia, a U.S. Senate race in Alabama and a House race in a deeply conservative part of Pennsylvania — all places once considered NRA strongholds.


John Wick: Chapter 3 gets a suitably violent new working title

Oh, the humanity . . .

Hey, who wants a little Latin mixed into their enjoyably stupid, over-the-top action thriller? (Put your hand down, Boondock Saints.) ScreenRant reports todayon a minor-but-telling behind-the-scenes change at the upcoming John Wick: Chapter 3, which has now had its working title shifted from the largely meaningless Alpha Cop to the far more menacing Parabellum. As fans of violence-adjacent Classicism are well aware, “Parabellum” is not only a gun thing (several gun things, actually), but also Latin for “prepare for war,” which feels like a pretty exciting hint at where this franchise is headed.

‘Our blood. Your hands’: Students demand gun reform at rally near NRA meeting

Our coverage was better, if I do say so myself . . .

Lalita Kunamneni’s belief in gun reform inspired her to march in downtown Fort Worth two months ago. That same calling sent her to downtown Dallas Saturday when she rallied again among dozens of young people from North Texas and moms against gun violence.

“If we don’t come out, then nothing will change,” said the 16-year-old junior from Flower Mound Marcus High School in the Lewisville school district. She carried a sign that echoed the message that many had to the NRA: “We demand universal background checks.”

Weeks after organizing March For Our Lives in Dallas, student activists led the Rally4Reform at Dallas City Hall Plaza Saturday morning. The event was held in downtown Dallas — near the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center where the National Rifle Association was holding its annual convention.

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