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TOMS Pledges $5 Million to End Gun Violence, Calls for Universal Background Checks

TOMS gun control $5 million

courtesy TOMS

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courtesy TOMS

TOMS, which in addition to selling shoes, sunglasses, and clothing “provides shoes, sight, water, safe birth and bullying prevention services to people in need” has decided to make a statement regarding their stance on civilian firearms ownership by sending out the following to their email list:

12 years ago I founded TOMS with a simple goal: to help build a better tomorrow.

Since then, you and other members of this community have come together to help provide shoes, sight, and safe water to millions of people in need. And for that, I’m grateful.

But now, there’s another need:

Almost every day we wake up to news of another shooting. [emphasis his]

In our schools. In our neighborhoods. In our places of worship.

And it keeps happening.

To truly commit to a better tomorrow, we have to act now.

And we have to act together.

So, TOMS is giving $5 million to organizations across the country committed to ending gun violence through work in urban communities, mental health, research and policy, and suicide prevention.

And we’re calling on our lawmakers to pass universal background checks, because it’s something more than 90% of Americans agree on.

If you’re among that 90% I would greatly appreciate you sending a postcard to your representative via the button below.

Your support builds a better tomorrow.

With gratitude,

Blake Mycoskie

Chief Shoe Giver

On the surface this might sound like something you can get behind, right? Call me a skeptic, but after this email was forwarded to me — I’m not a TOMS customer and so wasn’t on the list — I did some digging.

Guess where that $5 million is going? Everytown for Gun Safety, Faith in Action, March for Our Lives, and Moms Demand Action.

Here’s some op-ed for you, NUT-GRAF style: this is the usual anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment virtue signaling behavior of the left. While all those on the left are not all anti-gun…they do make up vast the majority. Wholly unsurprising but still frustrating to watch in action.

I bet there are some TOMS shoppers here. If you think your purchases or lack thereof don’t make a difference, you’re wrong. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Stand up for your rights. How far does this crap have to go before the gun community at large grows a spine and fights back?

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