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The Wild West! In Gun Control-Mad New Jersey!

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Anti-gunners are always bleating on about how “allowing” legal concealed carry would lead to “the Wild West.” Ignoring the fact that the American frontier was far less violent than urban enclaves, the thinking (such as it is) is: when average folk are legally armed all Hell will break loose. Road rage, bar fights, even simple interactions will turn into showdowns and shootouts. And so Democratically-controlled states like New Jersey make it damn near impossible for law-abiding Americans within state borders to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Especially the bear bit. Thus eliminating that whole frayed tempers gunfight thing, right? Wrong . . .

Around 5:30 a.m. Sunday, three people were shot and wounded on the PATH train [not shown] in New Jersey near the Newport Station, NBC New York reports. Witnesses told My Fox NY that the scene was “wild and chaotic.” Ya think? They also told Fox that the ballistic brouhaha started when two passengers bumped into each other.

Speaking to WABC-TV News, witnesses claimed the bumpee’s brother confronted the bumper. At some point, the bumper pulled out a gun and shot the woman in the ankle and her bumpee’s brother in the leg. The bumpee’s brother pulled out a gun and returned fire, injuring the shooter.

How much you want to bet that neither man had a license to carry a concealed firearm? Or that maybe, just maybe, there were some gang affiliations involved. In any case, I’m sure anti-gunners will use this incident to say “See? I told you average people shouldn’t carry guns!” In fact, it has nothing to do with gun control, as neither gun seems to have been controlled at all. Just sayin’ . . .

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