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SF’s Law Enforcement-Inspired Safe Storage Law Has Law Enforcement Carve-Out

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“San Francisco added a new gun control law to the books Tuesday by mandating storage requirements for firearms left in unattended vehicles,” reports. “Gun owners will have to ensure, if they leave their firearms behind in their parked cars, the weapons are in trunks inaccessible from inside the vehicle or in lock boxes affixed to the vehicle.” If’n they don’t, “Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor, spend up to six months in jail and pay a $10,000 fine.” Check out the genesis of this “blame the victim” gun control law . . .

Supervisor David Campos introduced the law in the aftermath of the July shooting death of Kathryn Steinle at Pier 14 with a gun stolen from a federal agent’s vehicle. In October, three drifters allegedly stole a firearm from a tourist’s parked car and used it to fatally shoot a woman in Golden Gate Park and a man in Marin County.

“Here in the Bay Area, we have seen examples where guns have ended up in the wrong hands [and] lead to tragic outcomes,” Campos said.

What Campos doesn’t mention is that the cop’s gun loss wasn’t exactly a black swan event, as reported back in November:

An NBC Bay Area investigation into the loss and theft of police firearms uncovered more than 500 weapons have gone missing from eight different law enforcement agencies, including the California Highway Patrol, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and six local departments since 2010.

And here’s the best bit of all [back to]:

The law exempts local law enforcement if they have policies of their own. The law would not apply to on–duty law enforcement from outside jurisdictions.

As John McEnroe would say, you cannot be serious! They are, although the words hypocritical, ludicrous, mendacious and unconstitutional also apply.

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