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Question of the Day: How Secure is Secure Enough for a Gun Store?

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Reader OneIfByLand1776 writes:

Given the spate of recent gun store burglaries and the NSSF’s emphasis on helping retailers defend against thieves, how secure is reasonably secure for a retail gun store? Should firearms sellers be required to keep all firearms in a safe at night? Is it just common sense to do so, unless the building itself is hardened against break-ins? What about trigger locks?

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Arguably, that might be difficult/impossible for larger gun stores, but running a cable through the trigger guards of firearms might make it that much more difficult for a thief (or thieves) to walk off with firearms easily. Any delay in securing the loot, might just discourage them or let police arrive in time. I don’t know what the answer is, but it seems that long guns hanging on pegboard hooks and pistols in a glass display case is just just too easy.

If you owned a gun store, how would you secure it at night?

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