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Question of the Day: Active Shooter – Run or Shoot?

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“We don’t want to get into the debate over whether more or fewer armed individuals contribute to or detract from a bad situation,” avers in their how-to-stay-safe-during-a-mass-shooting guide. “However, we did ask our experts what they would tell someone who’s armed to do in a violent situation. Their advice was unanimous: If you’re armed, do the same as they suggest for everyone else [run, hide, fight]. Engaging an assailant should be a last resort unless you’re trained to deal with these types of situations (and even then, their first responsibility may be to get the public out of harm’s way before dealing with the threat at hand.)” That said, they also said . . .

“I know that some people have their own weapons but you can’t ignore the benefits of training, tactical knowledge, strategy and experience. Escape should be the primary goal for anyone who does not possess the traits listed above.”

Really? How much tactical training does it take to shoot someone shooting innocent people? Maybe a lot, maybe not so much, maybe none at all. Are you really going to stand there and think “Nope. I don’t have the experience level required for this situation. Sorry.” This advice ignores a couple of important considerations:

1. Is there anyone with you? If one or more of my daughters are with me, they are Job One. Full stop.

2. Can you live with yourself if you don’t engage the bad guy or guys? I’m not sure I could.

3. How long before the police arrive? If the cops are almost or already on scene, I’m out.

4. Can you make the shot? Depends on a large number of variables: distance to target, availability of cover and concealment, number and placement of nearby innocents, which gun you’re carrying, which gun they’re carrying, etc.

I would submit to you that all of that can and will be calculated in a the blink of an eye. The only question I want to ask here is this: if you’re all by your lonesome, the cops aren’t around, a spree killer is killing innocent people and you think you might have the shot – but you aren’t completely sure – would you still take it? Would you wait and see? Or would you run? [h/t JF]

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