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Question of the Day: Active Shooter…Run, Hide or Fight?

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Needless to say, ICP’s online active shooter training course makes no mention of armed self-defense. Why would it? Most businesses want nothing to do with armed employees. One word: lawsuits. Which they won’t face if an active shooter kills a bunch of disarmed employees.

That’s the cold-blooded truth. But the idea of facing an active shooter while armed raises an interesting question: run, hide or shoot?

I was at my daughter’s choir concert the other night wondering what I’d do if someone burst in, guns a’ blazing.

My most important mission: making sure my genetic progeny was safe. Could I get to her in a crowd of hundreds? Unlikely. But worth trying. And a good reason to know where she was in the crowd at all times.

More to the point, could I really abandon other children and unarmed adults to mass murder, even if it meant leaving my daughter fatherless?

Of course, I was disarmed at the concert. I’d have had to run back to my car and tool-up. And then go back in. In the intervening time, the SWAT team would be racing to the scene. If they saw me holding a gun I’d be dead.

A sucky situation made particularly sucky by Bush the Elder’s Gun Free School Zones Act.

Anyway, would you take on an active shooter or shooters if you didn’t have to? Would you return to the scene of the crime — school or business — to protect innocent life?

God help me, but if it wasn’t the public square, if I knew the people targeted, I would. You?

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